Scenario of the festive event dedicated to the "Teachers and Coaches Day"


Scenario of the holiday event dedicated to the Day of Teachers and Coaches on October 1.

The hall is festively decorated. The music is playing. The start of the program has been announced. A festive program based on the dance of schoolgirls was opened. A number of students appear on the stage.

(Beginners enter the stage to the music)


Respect in my heart, a bit of a saga,

Dear Master is kind without you

My life illuminates the book

Your word is always our motto.


You are the lamp that illuminates the darkness

The word of a teacher who calls for goodness

It will take its rightful place in society

Your son and daughter


Assalamu alaykum, dear teachers, whose hearts are warm, whose hearts are full of love, whose sweet words are honorable, but who have a difficult profession. They are as dear as our parents, with the rays of goodness shining on their faces.


Assalamu alaykum, sweet-eyed teachers, whose eyes are full of love, whose words are full of honey, who have forgotten the worries of their children, who have made us anxious, who are selfless professionals who think about our future.


Today we have prepared a holiday program just for you and for you. You are burning for us at every moment. That is why you know our holiday program on behalf of your children.

The prosperity of the Master,

One day he will be a master


In fact, the more we praise teachers, the less. After gaining independence, it has become a tradition in our country to celebrate the holidays of these honorable professionals. That’s why we have today’s holiday program "My dear teacher in labor" we called.

Your work is in my hands, my dear,

Be healthy, my dear teacher