A set of exam answers for 9th graders in Biology


A set of exam answers for 9th graders in Biology
For the 2020-2021 academic year
1-ticket biology
1) Research methods of biology include observation, comparison, historical, experimental methods.
Observation is one of the first methods used to measure the amount of living organisms.
Qualitative indicators can be defined. The method of observation is still important today
not lost.
Method of comparison. The data obtained by this method are used in cell theory, biogeics and genetics.
homologous series of variables have been discovered.
Historical method. Darwin's name.
The evolution of the organic world with the help of this method will be studied.
was created.
Experimental. In the Middle Ages, Abu Ali began to study physics and chemistry.
due to the wide application.
2) Ribonucleic acid-RNA. RNA in the nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, plastidavaribosomes
Nucleic acids are different. DNA-deoxyribonucleic acid and RNA nucleic acid
acid.The biological importance of nucleic acids is enormous.They are cell proteins
In its synthesis, it ensures the transmission of genetic information from generation to generation.
3) AA-round
This is a 9: 3: 3: 1 ratio
2-ticket biology
1) The structural levels of life in modern biology are fanimalecules, cells, organisms,
population-species, biogeocenosisvabiososphere levels.
The conversion of solar energy into energy, which is specific to the specific material in the molecular stage,
that is, the exchange of material and energy, the transmission of genetic information.
The transmission of genetic information at the cellular level is one of the most important aspects of metabolism
integrity is ensured.
Organism. The unit of the organism level of life is the individual.
Population-tour. One species has been living in the area for a long time, the other
A population is a collection of individuals that produce free-ranging offspring that are isolated from the population.
Biogeocenosis. Its main function is the accumulation and distribution of energy.
Biosphere. The unity of the elements of the biosphere is considered to be biogeocenosis.
periodic circulation of energy is observed.
2) ATF-Adenosine triphosphate. A single molecule produces ATF40 energy.
Nitrogenase (adenine), carbohydrate (ribose) and phosphoric acid
Mitochondria and chloroplasts have a large amount of ATF.
3) Microscopic examination of smallpox bacteria.
Objective. Microscopic examination of Pichanbacteria.
Necessary equipment. Necessary equipment for microscopy, microwave, methyl blue
paint aquarium walliokikolmaksuvdanolingansuvotlar.
1.Kolbagasuvbnbirgabirnecapichanbo'laklardansolingvakolba'nog'inini pakhtabn
close it
2. Boil the mixture in the flask for 15 minutes.
3. Filter the boiled mixture and keep it at a temperature of 20-25 for a few days.
4. With the help of a glass jar from the outer layer of the resulting mixture.
Place it on the unit window.
5. Add a drop of dilute sylohyokimethylene zinc (blue dye) to the coating.
6. Bacteria that move in the air are spores or spores.
also appears.
3-ticket biology
1) Viruses. In 1892, D.I. Ivanovskiytamakiosa found in tobacco plants.
debatable disease
These discoveries are without the cell of life.
forms, that is, the field of virology (viruses)
viruses pose a serious threat to human life. They are the cause of the emergence of science.
a few
infectious diseases (influenza, rabies, jaundice, encephalitis, measles, etc.)
viruses only
They live in cells. They are intracellular parasites. DNA in organisms in the cell structure.
and RNA are cabboxylic acids, and only one of them is present in viruses.
viruses to DNA or RNA preservatives
Bacteriophage, adenoviruskabivirusesDNAgaega, encephalitis, measles, rubella, rabies,
causing influenza-like illness
The viruses that produce it contain RNA.
2) Various chemical substances in living organisms
is constantly changing as a result of different reactions.
This process is called metabolism metabolism. Metabolism is related to each other.
opposite, but interconnected
There are two processes. These are assimilation (anabolism,
plastic exchange) vadissimilation (catabolism, energy
metabolism). Energy metabolism (catabolism)
The process of decomposition is called dissimilation, catabolism
decomposition, i.e. proteins
amino acids, starchglucose, fatty acids
decomposes to glycerin. Energy is released during dissimilation
In the biological community, they provide energy to the cell. Any movement, plastic
The exchange process takes place at the expense of energy.
The sum of the decomposition reactions is the energy in the cell
exchange or dissociation.
3) Microscopic view of blue-green water
Purpose. Study of blue-green water under a microscope.
Necessary equipment. Necessary equipment for microscopy,
aquarium walls or algae.
Process 1. Aquarium wall or other handwriting is thin with algae
with the help of the curtain.
2. Prepare the microscope first, then the microscope
3. The thin membrane is made up of small cells
pay attention
4. The threads are blue-green and vibrate
observe in small lenses.
5. In a large lens, each cell is made up of cells without nuclei and chloroplasts.
Note that it is structured.
4-ticket biology
Prokaryotes are non-nucleated, that is, real
Bacteria and blue-green algae to prokaryotes
Bacteria. Bacteria are formed on the ground
are the simplest organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
even if it is not formalized
It is characterized by normal reproduction (division pathway), sexual reproduction does not occur.
murein. They are 1. Spherical-cocci; 2. Rod-bacilli; 3. Twisted
vibrios, spirals. Bacteria in unfavorable conditions
Bacteria can cause dangerous diseases. Lungs, whooping cough, plague, plague, anthrax.
and bacteria that cause other dangerous diseases.
2) Substances in living organisms in the process of energy exchange (dissimilation)
decomposition.It is the opposite of buassimilation.High molecular compounds
decomposition occurs with the release of energy. Therefore, the process of energy exchange
dissimilation is also carried out. The exchange of energy in the cells of living organisms.
The process can be divided into three stages.
The first stage is the preparatory stage, the second stage is glycolysis, i.e. without oxygen
(anaerobic) decomposition, tertiary-oxygen decomposition (aerobic) decomposition
is calculated.
turns out.
From 1 mole of glucose to 2 moles of acid, we have 25 moles of glucose
1mol ——— 2mol
25mol —— x = 50molsutkislotahosilbolarekan
1) Blue-green algae. The oldest representatives of the plant world in this section.
is a self-contained structure
It differs from other algae. There are different pigments in the cell, but between
There are more blue-green and green-chlorophyll pigments in one of the blue-green algae divisions.
cellular representatives
xrococcus (Chroccoccus), ipsimon
oscillatory to the representatives of the case
(Ossillatoria), representatives of the colonial state (Nostoc)
blue-green algae in Central Asian soils
They take part in the processes of being free of nitrogen in the atmosphere
Some of the stocks from Japan and China are enriched with nitrogen.
species are used as food.
2) Photosynthesis. Under the influence of sunlight, carbon dioxide in the green leaves of plants
The formation of complex organic compounds begins in photosynthesis. Photosynthesis in plants
of organic compounds in the process
The conversion of chemical energy is considered indirectly di.Cosmic of plants
The organic compounds that are formed in this process are living organisms
serves as a source of food and energy.
The photosynthetic phase consists of 1-light2-dark stages.
3) Peanuts were grown in heterogeneous hens.
in our case
AaBb x Aabb
these are rotated according to the figure below
then Fen: 3: 3: 1: 1 ratio
6-ticket biology
1) Fungal plastids are non-heterotrophic organisms
are ancient organisms. Fungi are parasites and
100000 species of fungi
Absence of chlorophyll from algae, bacteria
The vegetative state of fungi.
It is made up of a number of fungi. Useful types of fungi
for example: yeast, mushrooms and other fungi. Dough from yeast
Used in cooking. Mushrooms are consumed.
2) Collection of biosynthetic reactions
in metabolism is related to the essence of the name of this species: cell
substances coming from outside
DNA synthesis in the cell. DNA molecule
Since it is a double spiral made of two chains, its synthesis is from the creation of a double spiral.
The chains are complementary to each other, ie
one complements the other.synthesis of DNA molecules
to the separation of the primary double chain into two separate chains
and the creation of a chain of mosquitoes in the structure of each
A separate enzyme that separates DNA chains from each other
is present in the buffer DNA molecule and is weak between the nucleotides.
hydrogen bonds.Other
during the movement of fermentesaharbiralohidazanjir
The sketch chain captures the nucleotides when they are complementary to the nucleotides.
Hence, the newly synthesized DNA is a double-stranded molecule
and one of them is new, and the other is new
birkinzirdagiadeninAqarshisidaikkinchizanjirdatiminT, guaninG
In contrast, cytosine, on the other hand, is located in the DNA molecule
is called DNA replication.
RNA synthesis is mainly written in the nucleus in the form of nucleoids in the DNA molecule
information is transcribed into RNA as it is copied. DNA chain matrix
RNA synthesis is based on the sequence of nucleotides in DNA as the sequence of nucleotides in RNA
repeated, only in DNA
Instead of T (thymine), U (uracil) replaces deoxyribose.
DNA molecules are very large, there is a lot of information written in them, RNAs belong to the DNA molecule.
Hundreds, thousands of RNAs, t-RNAs, r-RNAs in a single DNA molecule.
can be synthesized. For the synthesis of a single protein molecule in the information in each RNA
is enough.
3) Sepkilli-AAAa
without freckles
A freckled heterozygous male was married to a freckled woman
Aa haa
the children in the picture below
Fen: 1: 1
1tasepkilli1tasepkilsiz50% 50%
7-ticket biology
1) Parasitic fungi. Parasitic species among fungi
They cause a variety of diseases in plants, animals and humans.
parasitic fungi
causes great damage to forestry. Rust fungus, Verticill (vilt) fungi
2) Genetic code. The biological function of proteins is mainly the protein of amino acids
the sequence in the molecule, that is, the sequence of them
Therefore, such molecules are derived from biosynthesioldin
should be carried out according to the established plan.BundayrejaDNA
It is written with the help of 4 different nucleotides in the molecule
A copy of a protein molecule is called a template.20 DNA of xylamino acid
The expression using the 4 different nucleotides in the molecule is called the nyshigenetic code
The amino acid is formed using the triplet code, which is formed from the combination of 3thanucles.
a single amino acid is used with more than 2 codes. Total number of codes64 (43 =
4x4x4) tagateng.So
3 indicates the beginning and end of protein synthesisUAA,
UAG, UGA, they are terminated in terminal triplets.
code is used.Of course, the number of combinations generated64 (43)
the number of amino acids encoded is small, but unknown
found that more than 20 of the 18 amino acids2,3,4 and 6
can be encoded by a codon.
The genetic code is universal for all living organisms. So, u
from microorganisms to humans.Oxylsynthesis.Oxylbiosynthesisitranskripsiyavatranslya
The transcription takes place in the nucleus. In this case, the DNA
A single strand of the molecule is synthesized in the placenta-RNA.
information on protein formation in triplets.
The process of translation takes place in the isosomes. RNA on the primary structure of the protein
The sequence of information written in the form of a sequence of danucleotides is a sequence of amino acids
The manifestation in the form of is called broadcast.Riboso mada going to broadcast
The size of the part is two kitatriplets
when the ribosome-RNA is being traversed
the functional center of the ribosome is always a triplet.
The ribosome-RNA passes from triplet to triplet, but
instead of going straight, it stops and "steps". One trip let broadcast
when finished, uqoshnitripletgasakrab
stops passing.
Agarribosamadai-RNA tripletigate-RNA's tripletic complement is amino acid
chain peptide bond
Protein synthesis when the ribosome materminator is triplet
stops. Information RNA is also separated from ribosomes. Transcription and translation
In the process, a small portion of the DNA is broken down into medium-sized fibers.
Many nucleotides are required for the formation of the molecule and are considered ubittagen.
due to management components
the length of the gene is greater than the number of nucleotides needed to encode only the acids
will be.
Due to the very precise control of the processes taking place in the cell, only the molecules in the cell
any error in the process is the result of this synthesis.
As a result, mental illness occurs,
amino acid in the polypeptide chain of the protein being synthesized
another molecular molecule that is invalid if it is replaced
appears, unable to perform the function of ukeraclioxylvase.
3) Geterazigotali3chiva4chiqonguruhliayolbnerkakturmushidantugilinfarzandlani
We can mark to find
3chi- / B / 0
4chi- / A / B
The children born from them are shown in the picture below
Science: 4chi3ch1chiqonguruhlif children are born
8-ticket biology
1) Lichens. Lichens are specific to living organisms
symbiosis of fungi and single-celled algae
are organisms that have survived
26000 species of lichens are unknown
body, colorless. With the help of lichen spores
as well as autotrophoorganisms that reproduce vegetatively. Lichens are external
is divided according to its appearance
: 1. Sticky (bacilli); 2. Leafy (parmelia); 3. Shrub (cladonia).
Extracts from lichens are perfumes
It is used for self-indulgence in cosmetics and products. In the desert.
commonly used in teapots.
Lichens are found in deserts, on rocks and in rocks
It helps to break down. It is thinner than broken rocks
Vitamins C, B6, B12 are found in lichens.
2) Mitosis (Greek "mitos" - from the word ipdegan) cyclideb
It is said that the cell continues in its stages of preparation for division.
from mitosis to second mitosis
In preparation for cell division, the interphase is called the interphase.
After the interphase, mitosis begins. The mitotic stage — prophase, metaphase, anaphase,
The biological significance of mitosis is the formation of mitosis
Each new cell has the same set of chromosomes as the cell itself.
the resulting cell becomes a ploid set.
Mitozyme is an important embryonic development, growth, death of the following vital processes
cells and damaged tissue,
recovery of organs and normalization of functional status
Asexual reproduction of organisms and mitosis
based on.
9-ticket biology
1) The study of the cellular structure of living organisms through the discovery of direct cytoscopy
In 1665, an Englishman named Robert Gukdaraht made of cotton cloth.
When preparing thin slices and observing them under a microscope
The bark of the tree does not consist of any mass, but rather
found that it consists of small gaps, ie plates.
R. Guk debates "cellula" (cell, cell, cell).
atamasiham shuma'nogaega.Keinbirbirkatorolimlarhar
with the help of microscopy of plant and animal tissues
checked that they were all made up of cells
For example, a plant in M.MalpigivaN.Gryu1671
cell structure, A.Levenguk in 1680
blood vessels — erythrocytes, single-celled animals, and bacteria.
In the long run, the main part of the cell is its exterior
Only at the beginning of the XNUMXth century did scientists think that the cell was a thinner substance?
to the conclusion that it is filled
In 1831, the English botanist R. Brown was the nucleus of cells
cell in ChekholimiYa.Purkine1839
Thus, in the early nineteenth century, the liquid contained in the protoplasm
plant and animal organisms are made up of cells
coming.1838—1839 Examples: botanist M.Shleyden
vasoologist T.Shvanno
created a cell theory based on information about
Later, the cell theory was developed by many scientists. For example, a doctor
R. Virkhov states that there is no life without a cell, that the cell is a nucleus, and that the cell
proved to multiply from the cell.K.In mammals
The discovery of the egg cell by many single-celled organisms
The fertilized egg proved to develop from a cell-zygote.
2) The meiosis begins in the same phase as the meiosis. The division of the meiosis begins as shown below.
consisting of successive stages, as a result of which chromosomes are known
can be used as follows. Meiosis
Interphase profaseIInterkinesprofazaII
metaphaseI metaphaseII
anaphaseI anaphaseII
telophase I telophase II
The biological significance of meiosis is the generation of meiosis
during which the consistency of the number of chromosomes remained unchanged. Homologous in meiosis
many variations and riantations of chromosomes occur. In the process of meiosis
chromosome conjugation and crossover (crossover)
as a result, a new set of information is generated.
3) There are many water-soluble compounds in the cell
If we do not dissolve the cell, the water in the cell, the cell
It begins to move outwards. In this case, the cell density disappears.
If the cell is immersed in fresh water, it is the first
returns to the state, that is, the phenomenon of plasmolysis
10-ticket biology
1) There are many modern methods of research in the field of modern cytology, which are very diverse.
allows me to study the fine structures of cells and the processes that take place in them.
The following are widely used in the study of cell structure
The method of light microscopy. The main parts of light microscopy are objective and ocular
consists of microscopy
An important part is the lens, which magnifies the observed object.
consisting of a system of lenses, they
participates in the enlargement of the image of the studied object. Initial microscopes
magnified the image of the object by 10–40 times. Normal light microscopes
10 – 2000 Feet
Electron microscopy. One of the most widely used instruments today.
is an electron microscope. They magnify the image up to 200000 times.
not in the light beams of the object under study, but
With the help of an electron microscope it is not possible to determine the anatomical structures of the cell.
auxiliary bosomas,
endoplasmic reticulum, microtubules have been discovered
as a result of the improvement of the electron microscope
images, that is, spatial images of structures
Determination of various chemical substances in the cell
Cytochemical methods are widely used for this
Different dyes are used for them
contains only proteins, nucleic acids, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, metal salts
It is possible to determine not only the amount but also the location in the cell.
chemical composition and biochemical processes
helps to learn.
By crushing the body tissues of living organisms (same)
until the mass is formed), with the help of centrifugation to separate the organelles of the cell
(nucleus, chloroplast, mitochondria, ribosome)
Hence the use of different methods in cell study
With their help, a lot of interesting information about the cell can be obtained.
2) Asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction Plants in nature
Widespread among animals
from one or more groups of autosomal cells in the body
new organisms develop.Most single-celled organisms
Reproduces asexually. Divides into single-celled organisms
multiplication can be divided into the following types.
1. Division; 2. Schizogony; 3. Survival and reproduction; Spores reproduction;
That there are methods of asexual reproduction in multicellular organisms
can be divided into: 1. Vegetative reproduction; 2. Survival reproduction; 3. Division
reproduction.; 4. Reproduction by spores.; Biological significance of asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction.
the presence of only one cell or organism during the year
A copy of the new generation that was created for
(their genitals are the same). From the nature of asexual reproduction
using a large number of some complex plants and animals at the present time.
creation (cloning) is underway. Asexual reproduction
Provides rapid reproduction and reproduction of organisms.
3) According to Doltanism, the child is not born.
11-ticket biology
1) Differences between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells: prokaryotic nuclei
present in eukaryotes; some prokaryotes do not have chlorophyllboreukaryotes; prokaryotic cells
shell myinein vepektineukaryotlarnikiesaxitin;
their similarities: both have no plastids; both are of organic matter
involved in decomposition.
2) The structure of germ cells and germ cells
They differ from each other in size and shape
cells - sperm, sperm, female gametes - egg
Spermatozoa are smaller than the egg cell, but more mobile.
Mammal spermatozoa (Fig. 35) are elongated
consists of three parts: head, neck, tail
The nucleus is located in the anterior part of the head of the cytoplasm
There is no condensed part, with the help of spermatozoa
The egg enters the cell. In the neck there are cell centers and mitochondria
directly into the tail.to the tail structure
The motility of the spermatozoon is similar to that of the uterus.
The egg is mostly round, amoebic
The main difference from other cells is that it is very large.
The size of the egg cell is the presence of jaundice in the cytoplasm.
in reptiles (reptiles and birds)
The egg is broken down into cells (Fig. 36). The egg is necessary for the development of the cell organism
all necessary information
preserves itself.
Germ cell development (gametogenesis) consists of 4 stages. Stage 1. Reproduction period, 2-
stage. Growth period, stage 3. Maturity stage, stage 4. Formation period.
3) Our 810 divides by 180
What happens if 1 mole of glucose is completely broken down into 38 moles?
1mol ———— 38mol
5mol ———— x = 190mol
1mol ———— 40kkj
190 ———— x = 7600kkj
12-ticket biology
1) Plasma membrane is not a single cell
are special enzymatic channels through which the cell
ions with the help of enzymes in the interior
The product is formed as a result of cellular activity
substances are excreted outside the cell. In some cases, ions and small molecules
through the cell membrane
pass, bupassivdiffusioniyaemas, balkifaoltransport,
ATF is spent on energy.
By plasma membrane through certain substances
For example, the amount of K + ions in a cell, its
Na + ions, on the other hand, are abundant outside the cell. Na + ions are low inside the cell
is released outside the cell.K + ions inversely.Of course, ATPenergy
can be used and can be used as a transporter.Cell
an important property of the membrane, i.e.
The plasma membrane not only transports certain molecules or ions into the cell,
but they are large molecules
It also has the property of transferring large particles formed from the sum.
in turn: phagocytosis and vapinocytosis.
2) Fertilization in animals. Many aquatic animals, including frankincense, fish and in water
in land dwellers
Fertilization is directly related to water. Reproduction of animals
During ovulation, many ovaries release spermatozoa.
egg cell
fertilizes.It is called external fertilization.In terrestrial animals
internal fertilization is observed.
During fertilization, the first spermatozoon approaches the egg cell, which is in its head
The cell expands and becomes a small hole
enters the spermatozoon nucleus through the egg
gametaningaploidy nuclei are combined to form a common diploid nucleus
then the division begins to develop.
In most cases, a single egg cell fertilizes only one sperm tozoid.Some
in animals, the egg cell
It is possible to enter several spermatozoa. However, only one sperm is involved in fertilization.
others will be destroyed.
Fertilization in plants. Fertilization in indoor seed plants (gullio plant)
In indoor plants, male gametes are pollinated.
The dust is made up of two cells
These cells are called large and vegetative cells, and small cells are called generative cells. Vegetative
The cell grows into a thin, thin tube. Generative cell and vegetative tube
splits into two and forms two tasperm.Changnaychalaritez
grows and spreads from seed to seed
The knot grows in different speeds.
But only one of them is separated from the others
the seed inside grows into a bud.
The sperm attaches to an egg cell to form a zygote
The second sperm is joined by a central (diploid) cell.
The result is a nuclear citriploid, which is a set of three ploid chromosomes.
the cell is formed.Then the endosperm develops.
Datriploidendosperm in indoor plants, developing
It is a reserve food material for apricots. Therefore, in gullio plants
the essence of double fertilization is that birspermiytu is added to the hum cell
aperture, the second is the central cell
together with the endosperm.
The phenomenon of hybridization in Gullio plants was discovered in 1898 by academician SG Navashink,
endosperm's triploid nature was discovered by his son MS Navashin in 1915. Discovery
Understand and study the whole development process of a large group of flowering plants
was of great importance to him.
3) Our 630 will be 180 to 4 molglucose
If 1 mole of glucose is completely broken down, 1280 kg of energy and heat will be wasted.
1mol ———— 1280kkj
4mol ——— x = 5120kkj
that's how we do it
13-ticket biology
1) Cytoplasm. Plasma
from the membrane
The cytoplasm is half of the cells
Organoids in the cytoplasm, inclusions, as well as cellular
when formed
The tubes and tubes are located. The cytoplasm is rich in proteins.
exchange of basic substances
The processes take place in the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm integrates all the organelles into one whole.
provides general and specific, membranous cytoplasmic organelles.
can be divided into membraneless organoids.General organelles
Occurs in all cells of the body. They include gamitochondria, cell center, Golgi
complexes, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, plastids.
Specific organelles are found in some cells
for example, ciliates in infusoria, euglena and spermatozoa, epithelium
gytonofibrils in cells, neurofibrils in nerve cells.
As mentioned above, there are a number of organelles in the cytoplasm that perform different functions.
Cells. Various substances in the cytoplasm
These are non-permanent structures of the cytoplasm.
in contrast to organoids
in the process of cell life
They are divided into trophic (food), secretory, pigment, residual impurities.
2) The individual development of organisms is called ontogeny. Ontogeny
Introduced by E. Hekkeltomi.
Embryonic development consists of 3 stages: Crushing, Gastrulation, Primary Organogenesis.
Grinding - at this stage the zygote is broken. Gastrulation - leading to the formation of gastrula
Organogenesis is the process by which organisms are formed.
acid is formed.
1mol ——— 2
35mol ——— x = 70mol
14-ticket biology
1) The endoplasmic reticulum consists of a complex membrane system, all eukaryotes
covering the cytoplasm of cells
The endoplasmic reticulum is limited to the membrane and the vacuoles and tubules.
The channels are branched and all the parts of the cell are connected to each other.
plasma membrane with other organelles and membranes
The endoplasmic reticulum, especially the endoplasmic reticulum, is formed.
Endoplasmic reticulum is well developed in cells that are in the process of metabolism.
The size of the net occupies an average of 30–50% of the total cell volume.
Endoplasmic reticulum
According to the structure, it is smooth.
Involved in the exchange of fats and carbohydrates in the membranes of the silicendoplasmic reticulum
enzymes. Therefore, its main function is the synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates.
Sillicendoplasmic, especially fat (fat)
synthesis), liver cells (glycogen synthesis)
The accumulating cell (plant seed) is multiplied in the larynx.Muscle
The cells are involved in the contraction of the musculoskeletal system of the endoplasmic reticulum.
Donosorendoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes
Therefore, the membrane is visible
An important function of the donor endoplasmic reticulum is protein synthesis and transport.
processes are also carried out in blindness with ribosomes. Ribosomalarendoplasmic network
The upper part of the mem bran is located in pieces
Debate can also be debilitating. Donadorendoplasmic
well developed in the cells.
2) Embryonic development occurs with the release of the embryo from the egg.
postembryonic development
Postembryonic development (direct) or indirect (incorrect, metamorphosed)
will be.
Direct development (reptiles, birds, mammals) from the ovum or
It is similar to the organisms that are born from the mother organism, but are smaller.
In postembryonic development, the embryo attains only a simple sexual maturity.
Indirect (metamorphosis) development of the ovary (larva)
The structure of the worm is sharp
differentiates.Worms, grows and over a period of time
survivors are replaced by organs of the growing organism.
In the case of brikkan, we increase it by 400, because it contains 3 amino acids.
The number of nucleotides in the RNA is 1200.
To find this, we need 2, because if we make DNA from a pure chain, we will get 2 RNA.
we add daginuclatides to DNA nuclatides1200 + 600 = 1800.
15-ticket biology
1) Location of ribosomal reerkin or endoplasmic reticulum
ribosomes, almost
all cells: found in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Ribosomes are 15,0–35,0 nm in diameter (1
nm = 10-9 meters)
consists of large and small particles
found in ribosomes with equal amounts of protein and nucleic acid
acids.RibosomeRNA DNA molecule in the nucleus
The ribosome is synthesized from the nucleus in the nucleus and into the cytoplasm.
protein in the ribosome cell
is an organelle that performs its synthesis and is one of the membraneless organoids.
The main function of ribosomes is protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is a complex process that involves
not just one ribosome, but several dozen ribosomes
found in many animal cells in the form of complex cells located around the nucleus
In the cells of plants and animals, the sickle is divided into two parts
consists of bodies.Electron microscope
membranes (5–10)
flattened cavities, large vacuoles, and small pupae
identified.Inmembranes are warm
The glomerulus performs many important functions. Produced in endoplasmic reticulum membranes
proteins, polysaccharides, and fats are transported to the complex.
is subject to change and is prepared for divorce.
for the vital activity of the cell
updates and grows.
2) The following is an explanation: if a pair of signs differs from each other,
When cross-linked, F1duragaylarota-anaorganisms
all in one phenotype and genotype
pea (yellow-green) and
grain-shaped (smooth-curved) varieties are interspersed with F1 joints.
hybrids. Mendel's second law of character separation
F1 joints in the case of anangiorozygota in the above experience
In the case of cross-linking, the phenomenon of separation of the second link (F2) is observed: from their parents
the signs of both are plants
occurs in certain ratios.
3/4 of the obtained hybrids to the dominant mark, 1/4 part
recessive sign.
Obtained as a result of crossbreeding of heterozygous organisms
certain parts of the generations are dominant, otherwise
This is Mendel's second law of separation of signs.
Thus, Mendel's second law of divorce
can be interpreted as follows: in a heterozygous state
the second as a result of crossing two F1 joints
The phenotype of the joint (F2) is divided according to
25 percent of homogeneous organisms in the case of dominant (AA), 50 percent of the dominant mark
heterozygote (Aa),
25% are homozygous for the recessive trait (aa) .Monoduragay crossbreeding.
It is said that the mother-organism, which differs by a pair of permanent signs, is called larvae.
The analysis of the laws of heredity began with the cultivation of Mendelmon.
For example, growing red rose hips with white oats,
For example, growing vegetables with beans is a great way to grow vegetables.
will be.Inexperiencedanisariqvayashil
When pea plants are mixed, they are the first generation to be obtained as a result of this mixing
all of the hybrids will be yellow.
The opposite sign (grain greenness) seems to disappear.
This is how the first generation of Mendel was born.
yellowish (green)
color) does not allow the surface to appear, and all F1 circles are yellow (uniform)
remains. Dominance of the sign, the sign of the sign
Mendel's first law is the law of dominance.
in the law of homogeneity
Examples include yellowish forms of the grain, redness of the flower,
green, wrinkled, flowering
The color is dominated by the opposite
non-dominant attributes are labeled. Dominant symbols
capital letters, (A) recessive symbols are denoted by lowercase letters (a).
This is the case if there are two genes in the genotype of the organism
The organism is called a homozygous organism. A homozygous organism
dominant (AAyokiBB) or yorecessive (aayokibb).
If the genes differ from each other, i.e. one is dominant and the other is recessive (AayokiBb),
such genotypic organisms
called a heterozygous organism.
3) 1 mole of glucose produces 2 moles of hydrochloric acid
we need to find a healthy amount of glucose if we have 22molsutkislot
2mol ——— 1mol
22mol ——— x = 11molglukozaborekanlekinbizdangrammdasorabdishuning uchununi180ga
We multiply because the weight of 1 mole of glucose is 180 g.
16-ticket biology
1) Mitochondria (Greek "mitos" - ipva "chondro" - donor
of single-celled organisms
present in all eukaryotic cells.Mitochondrial animals
and the fact that they are so important in the cell world.
Mitochondria in different forms: round, flat, cylindrical and even-shaped
They are 0,2 microns
from 15–20 microns in size.
Up to 20 microns. Of mitochondria in various tissues
their number depends on the functional activity of the cell
The mitochondria in the thoracic muscles of flying birds are innumerable
In birds, there are two layers in the mitochondria: the outer and inner membranes.
there is.
The outer membrane is smooth, the inner is twisted and crystalline
There are many enzymes in the membrane of crystals.
Participates in the exchange of energy. Mitochondria are Roman autonomous organelles
in their intermembrane space
DNA, RNA and varicosomes. Increases by mitochondrial division. Mitochondria
DNA of pre-fission divisions
The main function of mitochondria is energy
formation, i.e., ATF synthesis.
2) I have a pair for checking
with the mark: grain color (yellowish-green) and smooth
twisted) mixed with the wrong plants.
yellowish (A) vasodilator (B)
dominant, green (a) and recessive (b)
A plant produces gametes of the same type. It is derived from the addition of such gametes.
the offspring are all the same, that is
In the first joint, only one of the two pairs of alleles is lost.
As a result of the first division, AgenBgen is associated with a single metamorphosis,
as well as agenBgenyokibgenbilanbittagametaga
I may fall.
Every organism produces many germ cells,
statistically eachF1
from –Ab, Ab, aB, abgametes are formed. Gametes of an organism in the process of fertilization
each of the other organisms
This can be done with the help of a Pennet card
can be determined.Pennetcard
gametes of a single organism horizontally, to the left of the cells vertically
The second organism is formed by the addition of gametes into the cells.
which was
genotype of zygotes.F2
It is very easy to calculate the phenotype of the organisms involved.
The phenotype is divided into four groups: 9
yellowish; 3smooth; 3surved; 1smooth
The twists and turns will result
if the divorce is calculated, the yellow is green
color, the number of smooth shapes is 3: 1
Thus, even pairs in the cultivation of diduragay
as in self-monochromatic gay confusion, independent of other pairs
Phenotypic ratio in the F2 joint in the cultivation of Didura
Accidental encounter of gametes during fertilization
probably the same for all.Different genes in the resulting zygotes
combinations occur.Turlic combinations of genes in Diduragay hybridization
the result is an independent distribution of the symbols, if the pair of alleles is different
occurs only if they are located on homologous chromosomes.
Mendel's third law - the independence of the characters
Mendel's third law can be interpreted as follows: more than two pairs of alternatives
When cross-linked with other organisms, genes and viruses
are inherited independently of each other.
Using Mendel's laws, there are three or four more complicated cases of divorce
also with more pairs of characters
can also understand divorce cases at different levels
If the anaerota-anaorganism differs in one pair, the separation in the other is 3: 1,
Diduragaychatishtirishdaesa9: 3: 3: 1
relative to the separation.
Calculation of the total number of gametes in polyduras
The number of heterozygous pairs in the formula – 2n, n – genotype
(Aa) two hygametes in the hybrid; AaBbduragaydaesatorthiltipdagigameta
In the trident, eight different types of gametes are formed.
3) To find the number of hydrogen bonds in the DNA, the number of events in the DNA chain
We multiply Slarson by 3
we multiply 15AvaTlarborekanuni2gak = 30
We multiply GvaSlarsoni8taekanuni3gak = 24
now there are 30 + 24 = 54 hydrogen bonds. All nucleotides to find the length of your DNA.
If we multiply the number of 0.34 by the number of tanuklatites, we get 23 nm.
17-ticket biology
1) Plastids - organelles of plant cells. They are primary of inorganic substances
participation in the formation of carbohydrates
There are three types of plastids: 1. Leukoplasts are colorless.
in colorless parts, for example, stems, roots, nodes.
Leukoplasts are involved in the formation of starch from monosaccharides and disaccharides (some
protein in leukoplasts
2. Chloroplasts - leaves of buorganoids, annuals
branches and immature fruits. Photosynthesis in chloroplasts
ATFham in chloroplasts
3. Chromoplasts - different colored gegaplastids
and carotenoids that color the fruit.Flower petals are a variety of fruits
yellow, red, orange
depends on chromoplasts. Between plastidamembranes
There are DNA, RNA and varibosomes in the space.
Chloroplasts become chromoplasts, leukoplasts become chloroplasts.
2) Complementary genes of genes are alleles
some independent influence on the development of certain traits
together, in many ways interact with each other.
For example, chickens have different types of raw materials.
as a result of the interaction of the two pairs
Due to the separate combination of genes, the variants are in four variants:
ordinary (aabb), pea-shaped (aaBByokiaaBb), gulsimontoj
(AAbb, Aabb) manifested in the form of a walnut crown (AABB, AaBB, AABb or AaBb)
As a result of the interaction of non-allelic genes in the genotype
Genes are involved in the development of complementary, ie complementary, genes.
It is fragrant and white with different types of effects
The peas are also clearly visible in the interbreeding
The first joints are red.
The second is when the first is intertwined
separation in articular plants: in a ratio of 9: 7, i.e., a phenotypic class
The genotype of the parent plants is AAbbvaaaBB
harbiribittadandominant (AyokiB) gengaega.Budominant
genes cannot produce red flowers individually, which is why parents
Phenotypic separation in plant plementation F2
18-ticket biology
1) Lysosomes (Greek - "lyseo" - melt, "soma" - body
The diameter is 0,4 microns, one
layered with a membrane.
In the lysosome, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are broken down into 40
from nearby hydrolytic enzymes
or lysosomalacorticulocytes from a friendoplasmic network.
active digestion
is involved in the loss of cell parts that are lost as a result of cell activity.
For example, a dog's tail
The vacuoles are organoid specific to plant cells and are surrounded by a mem bran. They are
endoplasmic reticulum is formed at the expense of porous membranes.
The osmotic pressure created by the vacuum ensures the passage of water into the cell
This is due to the mechanical effects of these plants.
provides durability.
2) The effect of gene interaction on the epistasis. Dominant in the phenotype
predominance of a non-allelic second dominant gene
in the epistasis.In the essence of the law
Let's look at the inheritance of the patrang.
their phenotype is the same
The diversity of genotypes on the bubble was determined
For this purpose, white alfalfa was mixed with Fark.F1
The pathophysiology of all breeds.
to be divided into two phenotypic groups according to the color of the second generation
13/16 of them are white, 3/16 are yellow
chickens and roosters were identified.
Thus, in the second generation of hybrids, which are bred to bipolar
yangligelgi (patningrangli
In chickens, IICC, IiCC, IiCc, iicc, IIcc, licc
genotypes ensure the presence of pat.iCC, iiCcgenotypes
In chickens, there are two pairs of paws
depends on non-allelic genes. The first pair of them is Cc.
Bugenningdominantalleli (CC) and (Cc) state patning color
to the state of Bugen (cc)
controls the activity of the gene.BugeningibitorgendebataladivaII, Iiholatlarda patgarang
the activity of the transmitter (C) gene
As a result, even if it is in the genotype, it is colored
The phenotype cannot be divided into two parts
Thus, reciprocal epistasis of non-allelic genes
in hybrid offspring, parents, in the process of inherited influence
new symptoms appear in the body.
Under the influence of genes dominantepistaztaF2avlodida13: 3,
3) In DNA, we can get 2500 tanuklatitborakanuni2 because DNA consists of two chains 1250
we multiply the output by 0.34 = 425nm.
19-ticket biology
1) Cell center (centriole), small in the form of two cylinders
are composed of bodies and are perpendicular to each other
centrioles are formed from structures.
Each of the three walls is self-contained. Centriolacytoplasm itself
is an increasing organoid.
Their proliferation, self-aggregation of protein particles
is carried out in the process.Cell center of cells
They are important for division
The cell in most plants and algae
They are controlled by special enzymes.
Cytoskeleton. From the properties of eukaryotic cells
one, from their cytoplasmic dynamic tubes and proteins
is the presence of supporting skeletal structures. Elements of the cytoskeleton
The cortex and the outer plasma are branched, and the cytoplasm is complex.
The basic elements of the cytoplasm of the cell
determines the shape, the movement of cellular systems and the whole
provides a change in the location of the cell.
Circuits based on the motor organelles of the cell
from simple animals to hivchins and multicellular
the spermatozoa of the animals move with the help of the hives.
2) The polymer effect of genes. The development of a single trait of several non-allelic genes.
similar effects are called polymer effects. Polymer effects of genes
occurs in quantitative signs of organisms.For example, animals
weight, growth, height of plants, laying hens, amount of milk
fat content, amount of vitamins in plants, etc. Development of quantitative signs
depends on the number of polymergens that affect it.
Polymerization was first studied by Nilson Eleurgandi.Ubugdoyningqizil (A1
) vaoq (a1
) varieties
confusing, F1
the color of the teeth was pink.F1
cross-linked, F2
divided into five groups according to the color of the plants.
Their quantities are as follows: one red, four red
colored, hexagonal, quadrangular, monocotyledonous.
Polymerization is divided into cumulative and non-cumulative types. Non-cumulative polymer
inheritance of more quality labels
is independent of the number of dominant genes.
Inheritance of quantitative symbols is carried out by means of cumulative polymerization
The cumulative polymer is dominant in the development of the mark at different levels.
depends on the number of genes. Cumulative polymer and phenotype ratio F2
The importance of studying the laws of polymerization is very high.
cultural growth
The beneficial properties of animals for humans are inherited under the influence of polymers and
develops.For example, pets
weight, milk fat content, sugar content in beetroot, in cereals
spike length, corn
length of the socket and so on.
Multiple effects of genes. Influence of a single trait on the development of several traits.
Pleiotropy is abundant in nature
In many plants and animals
For example, the genetically engineered Drosophila fruit fly
reduces pigmentation in the eyes, which means that there is no pigment in the eyes, some organs
to the color
causes a decrease in exposure and viability.
Ensure that the flowers in the gullio plants are red
The stems of the carcasses are also nine-colored. In chickens
curly patlisots.
This patty does not stick to the chicken, it often breaks.
Disorders of digestion and cardiovascular function are spread in the external environment.
These are
has a negative effect on the reproductive properties and viability of chickens.
The pleiotropic effect of some organisms is great in the development of various organisms in the body
changes occur, and as a result, they disappear.
For example: a pair of mice turned yellow and black.
alleles (Aa) gaboglik.This
in the case of genrecessive homozygous (aa) mice
The mice are always yellow
heterozygous (AA). Dominant homozygous (AA) forms among yellow mice
does not occur in nature.
3) S = G650 + 650 = 1300GvaS
1300 —— x = 65%
100% -65% = 35%
100% —— 2000
35% —— x = 700AvaT
20-ticket biology
1) The nucleus is an important component of fungal, plant and animal cells.
The shape, size and size of the nucleus depend on the size and function of the cell.
In some cells, the liver, muscle,
Bone marrow cells are multinucleated. The nucleus performs the following functions: 1. Hereditary
information storage, reproduction and
transmission from generation to generation.2.Cellular substances
control the process of exchange. The structure and function of the nucleus at different stages of cell life.
In the interphase state, the nucleus is composed of the following components:
from the nucleus chromosome
2) Seven pairs of fragrant plants in Mendeleev's experiments
Hereditary traits are passed down from generation to generation.
Inheritance of different pairs of traits in different organisms has been studied by Mendel's law.
As a result, the laws are of a general nature
However, some recent signs of fragrance are dusty.
shape, in flower colors
It has been proven that it does not divide independently. The offspring remain the same as the mother.
Based on Mendel's third law
Such signs have accumulated in large numbers.
in combination
Of course, the number of genes in any organism is enormous
many.Chromosomes have a certain number of numbers.Each
There are many genes on the chromosome
They form a group of genes. They form a group of genes.
For example, in humans, 46 tachromosomes are chromosomes.
group23, drozofilada8tachromosome – single group4ta,
At the point there is a group of 14 chromosomes.
Genes are passed from one chromosome to another
An example of the laws of T. Morgan's students
They are well-studied. They are based on their research
in the orchard.
Drosophila is available for genetic research
comfortable.Drosophilalaboratory conditions gradually increases, fertile
they: reproduce at 25–26 ° C for 10–15 days, hereditary
Symptoms are multifocal, chromosomaliosis (diploids)
8) will be.
Experiments have shown that genes located on the same chromosome are called single-genes.
It is not divided independently, but mainly passed down from generation to generation.
If we go out, we will find that
When Drosophila is grown, all the flies in the first generation of hybrids are gray.
The animal is heterozygous for two pairs of parallels
(gray, dark brown, squirrel, squirrel). Analytical
Hetrozygous for hybridization (grayish-white-normal
winged) females are recessively marked black
We fly with short-winged male flies. According to Mendel's second law,
four phenotypes: 25% normal-winged, 25% short-winged, 25% normal
winged blackbird and 25% blackbird blackbird.
In Morgan's experiments, the results were quite different.
For example, in cross-breeding, there are only four
rather, two genotypic groups were identified.
the second is insulting
The ratio was 1: 1. BuA-Bvaa-bgenlaribirikkanholdairsiylanishidandaldolatedi.Bunday
Inheritance is considered to be completely inherited. Based on the evidence, Morgan
discovered the law of heredity.
Morgan's students are located on the same chromosome
genes have sometimes been shown to be mutually exclusive.
due to crossingover of homogeneous chromosomes in the process of meiosis
They are interchangeable with Roman parts
because they are homologous chromosomes
chromosomes as a result of exchange with similar sites
structurally restructured, in which the accumulated genes are cross-linked and new
in a varied variant.
As a result, there are four types of organisms for cross-breeding:
double crossingover does not occur, double crossingover occurs. Backcross
of F1s obtained as a result of mixing
83% are parent-like and grayish-normal
winged 41,5%, dark-winged 41,5%.
Only 17% of children are different from their parents.
The lizard is 8,5% and the black lizard is 8,5%. This is a 17% crossover.
Such an inheritance begins with an incomplete inheritance.
As you can see from Anashumisol, the gray-normal wing and the black-winged lizard
revealing signs
genes are passed from one generation to the next, that is, from one generation to the next
in other words, it is in a state of reciprocity
depends on the location of a particular chromosome
for mejozdabugens do not disperse, but together
from one generation to the next
The merger event is known as the Morgan Law.
The number of chromosomes in a given group of mutually related chromosomes
The reason for the recombination of genes is that
When homologous chromosomes are conjugated during meiosis, a certain percentage of them
in other words, they are intertwined with each other
genes located on one of the homologous chromosomes to different homologous chromosomes
They can be combined. The percentage of different species varies.
Genes on the chromosome are very close to each other.
when they are located
it simply separates, and the percentage of aggregation increases
in which chromosomes can be exchanged for different parts
the closer the genes are, the more likely they are to be shared.
Based on these laws, in genetically engineered organisms
genetic mapping of chromosomes.
The location of the genes that belong to a particular compound group is called an image genetic map.
which chromosomal genes are arranged, their number, sign, distance between
For example, in the 4 chromosomes of Drosophila
The location of 500 genes has been determined.
Homologous chromosomes in Drosophila
confusion and the exchange of parts is only in the natives
That's why male flies don't have bubbles
they have a complete combination of genes located on a single chromosome
for this reason, the analyte is a female to bite
3) AvaT 11 * 2 = 22
GvaS 7 * 3 = 21
18 * 0.34 = 6.12nm
21-ticket biology
1) Symbiosis hypothesis. More than one symbiosis is the coexistence of species.
-cooperation with each other
Cells and intracellular also have symbiotic relationships. Chlorelladeb
The so-called green algae, some infusoria carry out the process of photosynthesis in the cytoplasm
the host provides the cell with nutrients.
According to the symbiosis hypothesis, eukaryotic cells are one-to-one
symbiotic, belonging to various types, formed from multicellular cells.
stressed mitochondria
vaxloroplasts have emerged as independent cells and prokaryotic cells.
The mitochondria are said to have originated from aerobic prokaryotes.
there is no estimate of the cell's DNA.
Once the nucleus is formed, its membranes are endoplasmic reticulum, Goljimajmuasiva
It is said that the salivary glands are also formed.
There is evidence that these are DNA in gamitochondria and chloroplasts
and the presence of RNA, their division into prokaryotic cells
similarity of division and others.
Invagination hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, some organelles of the eukaryotic cell
formed as a result of intussusception (invasion of the cytoplasm).
Invagination hypothesis of eukaryotic cells
rather, it explains how it came from the cell
hypothesis chloroplast, mitochondrial and nucleus double membranes
Polynomial hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, eukaryotes
division of cells into specific parts of the genome of prokaryotic cells, joints
appeared as a result of the gradual adaptation to perform a certain function.
close to reality, nuclear cytoplasmic plastic processes
proved by similarity.
2) Transition from one generation to another. Morganva
by identifying the sex chromosomes of its pupils
They also identified homosexuality
It is noted that the genes are located not only in autosomes, but also in sex chromosomes
Such genes are inherited by gender. For example,
In Drosophila, the eye is divided into red (A) and white (a)
sex is located on the X chromosome
In humans, genes on sex chromosomes are also known to be sex-linked
For example, in humans, hemophilia (blood clotting) and color blindness (red-green)
indistinguishable) on the X chromosome
These diseases are inherited depending on the sex.
In the scheme of inheritance
hemophiliagenin carrier
(XHXh) is represented by a woman, a healthy man (XHY) by marriage.
Half of the children born in such a marriage
can be infected with hemophilia. Genes located on the Y chromosome are only boys.
At present, many abnormal and pathological symptoms depend on gender.
3) 20% ——— 1200
100% —— x = 6000
22-ticket biology
1) The cell contains about 70 of the chemical elements found in inanimate nature.
They are often found in biogenic elements. The emphasis is on the universality of nature.
It is one of the proofs. However, the chemical elements in nature are different from each other.
to the composition of a living organism
into several groups depending on the amount of chemical elements involved
These are: macronutrients (S, O, H, N, P, C, K, Na, Ca, Mg,
Cl, Fe) are vamikroelements (Zn, Cu, J, F, Co, Mo, Sr, Mn, B).
98% of the cell mass is composed of four elements: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen.
elements are the basic constituents of all organic compounds.
biological polymers (Greek: "poly" - many, "inheritance" -
Phosphorus and sulfur are also present in the composition of oxylvanic nucleic acids.
P, S, K, Na,
Ca, Mg, Cl, Fekabilar 1,9% nitashkiletadi.
2) Phenotypic (modification) variability. The system is known to everyone.
They are constantly evolving. They include external factors - temperature, humidity,
shows the effect of nutrient content and quality.Shubilanbirgau
in relation to other organisms in the body
Changes in physiological, morphological and phenotypic characteristics of the organism.
rishimumkin. Occurs as a result of the influence of external factors on the body
Starting with the Himalayan rabbits on their shoulders,
when exposed to cold, blackberries grow (Fig. 54).
It's time to dump her and move on.
Himalayan rabbits at 30 ° C
If it is cooked, it will be all white. It is grown under normal conditions.
In the offspring of whites, the distribution of pigments is normal.
If the parents are given alcohol, they will be born as rabbits.
The change of signs under the influence of the external environment is not passed from generation to generation.
We will stop any changes in the external environment. Nilufargul and
The leaves on the water lily are of different shapes: the leaves on the water of the lily
slender, aquatic leaves
funnel-shaped, watermelon-based leaves
becomes integral.
Ultraviolet in all people (unless agarularalbinos)
The accumulation of damelanin pigment under the influence of light is dark
Thus, under the influence of a certain environment, each type of organism is unique
such as changes
The change will be the same for all the representatives. However, the external environment.
under the influence of conditions
Under the influence of the external environment of the signs, in a certain range,
genotype of the organism
In this case, the reaction to the limits of the degree of change is called the norm.
The width of the reaction rate is determined by the type of gene and the activity of the organism
depends on the importance
Heart size is one of the most important symptoms. It also has a large amount of fat in the body.
will vary
(depending on the amount of fat in the milk, genotype).
Insect-pollinated plants rarely change, however
The size of the leaves varies. Plants, animals, which are useful to humans,
to know the reaction rate of modifying variability for microorganisms
It is very important in selection practice. Especially in agriculture.
In addition to the creation of pedigrees, the use of existing pedigrees above
allows people to study the laws of modification variability in medicine.
in the development of maintenance within the regulatory reaction rate
Thus, the phenotypic (modification) variability is characterized by the following hyasoscopic features
characterized by:
1) not inherited;
2) changes in the character of the group;
3) dependence on changes in the external environment;
4) the limits of variability are determined by genotype, that is, the changes are in the same direction
despite their
The degree of manifestation varies from organism to organism.
3) 850 / 0.34 = 2500
9th grade exam answers2021:
23-ticket biology
1) Water is abundant in nature, which is found in living organisms
If there is a lot of water in the cell,
The amount of water in different cells varies. For example,
in tishemali cells by 10%
close, in plant cells it is more than 90% water.
About 95% of the rapidly growing cells of humans and animals
water content. The average amount of water in multicellular organisms is 80%.
The importance of cell water is very high. Physics of the cell
properties - volume, tension depends on water. Water only for living organisms
It is an essential part of the cell, perhaps even a living environment.
It is determined by its chemical and physical properties
The small size of the molecule and the polarization of the wolves also form hydrogen bonds with each other.
is carried out through.
2) Going by changing the genotype of the organism and being preserved for several generations
is called variability
changes, including: the appearance of short-legged sheep,
lack of pathogens in chickens, separation of cat fingers, absence of pigments
(albinism), shortness and multiplicity of fingers in humans
As a result of sudden and sudden changes from generation to generation
a bag of perfume
stems, foliage and plants
many other signs appeared. Often there was a small, noticeable change
Genetic changes in genetic material are called mutations.
3) AvaT11 * 2 = 22
GvaS 7 * 3 = 21
21 + 22 = 43tavadorodbogmavjud.
24-ticket biology
1) Carbohydrates are the most common organic compounds in nature.
in general
O) m is used in the formula. Hydrogen and oxygen in the name of the term "carbohydrate"
due to its resemblance to a mutually exclusive water molecule.
Carbohydrates are important in the life of living organisms
compounds, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and fats
Most of the carbohydrates in plants are stored as nutrients.
For example, cotton, hemp, bark, cellulose
polysaccharides. Starch is found in the fruits and tubers of plants.
reserve in the seeds of plants
as a substance.
The amount of carbohydrates in animal cells is 1–2
percent, sometimes 5 percent in liver and muscle cells.
Carbohydrates are abundant in plant cells
in some cases, 95% of the dry matter of plants consists of carbohydrates (cotton fiber)
will be.
Carbohydrates are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, as well as
in the majority of carbohydrates
hydrogen atoms are twice as big as oxygen atoms
Carbohydrates are simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are monosaccharides,
complex carbohydrates are dipped in sapolis saccharides.
2) Methods of studying human heredity. Studying human heredity
It is known that experimental genetics can be applied to humans.
It will not happen
develops and matures much later
It is still difficult to study heredity
The following are the main principles in the study of human genetics: genealogy, twins, cytogenetics,
widely used biochemical, population, ontogenetic methods
Genealogical method, Gemini method, Cytogenetic method, Molecular genetics method, Biochemical
9th grade exam answers2021:
25-ticket biology
1) Water-insoluble organic compounds lipids or fats
Common lipids are neutral fats. Neutral fats of animals — fats, plants
at the temperature of the oil
is a liquid. It is divided into lipids2, glycolipids into simple and complex lipids, and
2) Genetic diseases - manifested in dominant variants
Dominant diseases are clearly visible in the phenotype. Some are normal in humans
Hereditary diseases caused by mutations in genes are well studied.
Human autosomes (asexual chromosomes) are located
due to gene mutation
including hereditary diseases
It is possible to include: syndactyly - paw connection,
polydactyly - the formation of extra fingers, microcephaly - the formation of the skull
of the supernatural
and those who are too small to suffer from bullying
mentally retarded. Dominant diseases are recorded in the dominant state.
early, relatively
This allows me to start on time.
Recessive genetic diseases in heterozygotaholdaphenotype
without manifestation, inactive in latent form, the disease does not develop.Recessive gene
The genotype is secretly preserved in the state of heterozygosity, and in subsequent generations it is homozygous.
Genes can cause phenylketonuria, albinism,
hemophilia, color blindness, etc.
Phenylketonuria in one in 10000 newborns
If the baby is not diagnosed and phenylalanine is not detected,
deteriorates, develops microcephaly, mental
signs of weakness appear.
Albinism is a disease in which the recessive genes are homozygous
occurs as a result of the transition.10000 among bulls
tadanyoki200000tadanbittasida uchrashimumkin.Bukasallik
absence of skin pigments, hair bleaching
defects, as well as exposure to sunlight
Diseases of hemophilia and color blindness are inherited from the sex X-chromosome.
is an acquired disease.
Chromosomal diseases in humans. Effective application of cytogenetic methods in medical genetics.
as a result, changes in the number and structure of chromosomes in humans
Some pairs in the human karyotype are homologous
caused by a change (increase or decrease) in the number of chromosomes
We are familiar with some chromosomal disorders in humans.
This is due to the change in the number of autosomes
Diseases are inherited in a non-sex-related way
as a hereditary disease "Downsyndrome" that occurs in humans
of Downsyndrome21-paired homologous chromosome
The patient is diploid.
The chromosomes in position (2n) are not 46 as usual, but 47.
Down syndrome occurs three times in both men and women
the patient's head is small,
their faces are small, their eyes are small, and they are close to each other.
My mouth is open, I am mentally retarded.
The negative impact of external factors on the birth of children due to pregnancy.
and the age of the organism
The mother's age at birth was 35-40
If this is the case, children with this disease are more likely to give birth to 18-25 year olds.
increases by 10 shares.
In humans, the number of sex chromosomes changes
diseases have also been identified. These include Klein Felter's Syndrome and
Shershevsky-Turner syndrome is possible. Kleinfelters syndrome is only
occurs in men.Kleinfeltersindromikasalligiga
to the genotype "XXY" on the sex chromosomes of individuals
Due to this, the number of diploid chromosomes in them
usually46taemas, but47tabola.Kleinfeltersyndrome
physical, mental and sexual abnormalities in the affected person
They are tall and strong
The legs are extremely long
The body tends to accumulate fat, similar to that of women.
development is disrupted. Adolescence
From the beginning, a number of abnormalities occur.
in one of the children
In women, sex is associated with mutations in chromosomes
In infected women, the number of homologous sex chromosomes does not decrease.
As a result, their sex chromosomes are replaced by chromosome "XX" in the genotype.
They have an "X" position. They have diploid chromosomes that are not normally 46, but 45.
Such women
They are undeveloped, secondary to secondary.
sexual characteristics are also weak
"Shershevsky-Ternersyndrome" is on average
occurs in one in 5000 newborn girls.
3) 950 / 0.34 = 2794
26-ticket biology
1) The structure of proteins. They are the most complex proteins in organic matter. They are polymers.
consisting of a long chain, which is more ordinary than a chain
monomers are repeated several times
the polymer structure over time is as follows
AAAA-… Atasvirlashmumkin.
In addition to proteins in nature, there are many other polymers,
for example, cellulose, starch, rubber.
consisting of monomers.
Protein monomers are amino acids. A protein molecule is made up of only amino acids.
both boomonomers are the same, amino acids are peptides and polypeptides.
chains are formed. Occurring in living organisms
proteins are very diverse, with each amino acid having a sequence of amino acids.
consists of protein molecules
or round shapes.
Amino acids are low-molecular organic compounds that make up organic carbonic acids.
amino acids are organic acids in the molecular molecule of hydrogen peroxide.
amino groupNH2
often NH2
hydrogen adjacent to the carboxyl group (COOH)
amino acids are arranged in a homogeneous scheme. Amino acids are common
properties — amino acids
as well as the aminocarbon groups in it
Depending on the location.Plants and most microorganisms
amino acids themselves from ordinary compounds (CO2)
, water, ammonia)
As mentioned above, the amino acids in the protein are 20 different.
10tasies are interchangeable amino acids.
Amino acids enter the body only in the form of nutrients. Lack of amino acids
to various diseases in humans, to a decrease in productivity in animals, to growth
may cause slowing of development, disruption of protein biosynthesis.
irreplaceable in time
amino acids by genetic engineering and biotechnology methods
being taken.
2) Existing species of animals and plants
gene pool, relative to the gene pool of primary species
It is natural to have fewer
Achievements are mainly due to the genetic diversity of the primary groups of plants or animals.
related.New of plants
Search for useful features of wildlife in the creation of new species and animals
It is important to identify it
In order to study the diversity and geographical distribution of cultivated plants.
russian geneticvaseleksionerolim
NIVavilov in 1920–1940 in a number of foreign countries
He organized expeditions
plant resources are very important for learned and seed production
collected.These are in subsequent selections, new
used in the creation of varieties.NIVavilovekspeditsiyanatijalariasosidaseleksiyanazoriyasi
It is important to draw general conclusions
centers are scattered around the world.
1.SouthOsiotropicCenter.TropicalIndia, Indo-China, South China, South-East
Asian Islands (50%)
cultivated plants, including rice, sugar cane and vegetables).
Japan, Taiwan, Korea (from 20% of buyers)
of overgrown plants, including shade
3. South-West Asia Center. Asia Minor, Central Asia
Asia, Iran-Afghanistan, North-West India
(14% of cultivated plants, including wheat, oats, legumes, flax, carrots, etc.
crops homeland).
4. Mediterranean Center. On the shores of the Mediterranean
countries (11% of crops, cabbage, sugar
beets, alfalfa, olive trees).
5. The center of Abyssinia (Ethiopia).
baked (corn,
barley, bananas, wild peas, coffee trees).
6. Central America. Southern Mexico (pumpkin, beans,
corn, pepper, cotton, cocoa tree).
7.Center of South America (Andes) .SouthAmerica
some of the Andes mountains along the west coast
self-contained (potatoes, pineapple, tobacco).
Currently, the number of centers has been increased to 12.
Subtropical plants of N.Vavilov collection belong to this category
Most of them are currently at the Uzbek Institute of Botany
is also preserved and used to create new ones.
The collection preserved in Russia contains more than 320 specimens, 1041
These are plant species, descendants of cultivated plants, ancient local
Varieties are included.
genetic sources can be selected.
These include productivity, early ripening, diseases and pests, drought and more
example of impact resistance signs
Modern genetics, plants
Opportunity to achieve unprecedented success in selection
For example, “Tashkent” varieties based on wild oats are valuable.
time-resistant to disease
well calculated.
3) AvaT11 * 2 = 22
GvaS7 * 3 = 21
22 + 21 = 43.
27-ticket biology
1) The structure of proteins. They are the most complex proteins in organic matter. They are polymers.
consisting of a long chain, which is more ordinary than a chain
monomers are repeated several times
the polymer structure over time is as follows
AAAA-… Atasvirlashmumkin.
In addition to proteins in nature, there are many other polymers,
for example, cellulose, starch, rubber.
consisting of monomers.
Protein monomers are amino acids. A protein molecule is made up of only amino acids.
and bumonomers are not identical, differing in their protein molecules.
2) The main task of selection is to meet the food, aesthetic and technical needs of people.
satisfactory high-yielding animal
It consists of the creation of strains, strains, plant species and microorganisms.
(cleansing) by man
population of artificially created organisms.
These are stable and valuable biological and economic properties
and the bukhossas are passed down from generation to generation.Harbirzotvanav
to a characteristic, that is, to a reaction rate. For example,
The hens lay white eggs. Living conditions and food supply
If it improves, it will lay eggs
ammouningmassasiamaldaoshmaydi.Phenotype (including,
productivity) also depends on certain conditions, due to which the climatic conditions are agro-technical
methods and management
It is necessary to create a compatible zygote cinema for the existing areas.
28-ticket biology
1) Simple and complex proteins. Everything in the cell
proteins are divided into two major groups: simple and complex proteins
consists of amino acids. Dissolution of simple proteins in water or other solutions.
It differs from each other depending on its properties. It is soluble in pure distilled water
Proteins are broken down into albumins. Egg whites, wheat
Proteins are albumins.
Proteins in the blood
Most plant proteins are globulins. Only in the cells of living organisms.
alcohols also contain dissolved sodium oxides in weakly soluble solutions.
Depending on the nature of other non-protein compounds in complex proteins,
nucleoprotein, chromoprotein, lipoprotein
chromoproteins are colorless, living proteins
Hemoglobin in the blood belongs to the protein chromoproin, its
Nucleoproteins are formed from the combination of silicon and nucleic acids.
These are complex compounds that occur in all living organisms
and is an integral part of the cytoplasm.
2) Nowadays, the activity of microorganisms is widespread in various technological processes
The use of enzymes that are the product of the life activity of cellular eukaryotes
It is growing from year to year in various sectors of the economy. In baking, beer, wine, variety
microorganisms, fungi and in the manufacture of products
the enzymatic activity of bacteria is used. In this respect, the industry
microbiology is evolving and there are a lot of substances that are necessary for humans
selection of new strains of microorganisms
growing.Such strains of antibiotics, enzymavitamins
It is also important in the production of drugs and dietary proteins
For example, in the production of vitamins B2 and B12 from microorganisms
yeast that grows in wood chips or paraffin
Fungi are extracted from fungi. Fungi contain up to 60% protein.
In addition to the use of protein-rich preparations in animal husbandry
Up to one million tons of meat can be grown.
non-amino acids
The lack of such substances in the diet is also important
acute growth of organisms
slows down Irreplaceable in the composition of traditional animal feed
One ton of microbiologically obtained lysine amino acid
If added to the feed, tens of tons of animals can be fed.
Biotechnology is the technology of extracting products from living cells
Biotechnology is one of the fastest growing sciences.
Over the next 30 years, it will be based on the use of various bacteria and fungi.
a series of innovations
Microorganisms also "operate" in the field of metallurgy.
In the extraction of metals from ores
The usual technologies used are complex
I can't use the existing ones;
As a result of recycling, a lot of waste is generated and released into the atmosphere as toxic gases.
turns out.
In the biotechnology of metals, sulfide bacteria are the most common color due to the oxidation of minerals.
metals and elements
It is one of the largest in the world
How many thousands of tons can be extracted?
It is 2-3 times cheaper than copper.
gold and silver
removes and neutralizes harmful elements.
Scientists have identified genes known to the bacterial cell, including
They have also developed methods for inserting human genes
The bacterium is a living cell (foreign).
Synthesizes large amounts of proteins on the basis of existing viruses.
Interferon protein, an insulin that controls blood glucose levels
It is favorable for the development of microbiology in our country
Due to the availability of conditions, a number of industries: food,
canned food, dairy products, antibiotics and vitamins
manufacturing industries are booming.
Our scientists AMMuzaffarov, MIMavloniy, S.Askarova,
A.Kholmurodov and others made a great contribution to the development of microbiology.
A. Muzaffarov and his students learned about the productivity of livestock from algae
from cleaning water basins polluted by algae
have been widely used.
M. Mavloniy studied a number of red mushrooms and studied them
bakery, animal husbandry and other industries
created training technologies.
29-ticket biology
1) Proteins perform various functions in the cell.
Structural function - proteins, cells and organelles
membrane and membraneless organelles
is an integral part of the protein membrane.
One of the important properties inherent in proteins is the catalytic function.Cell
catalysts are usually enzymes
The enzymes in the process of metabolism in the cell provide the enzymes.
All enzymes are synthesized by nature and synthesized in the cell itself.
Each cell in the cell can process hundreds of thousands of reactions at the same time
a separate enzyme for the reaction
that is, each enzyme has a specific effect
display feature.
Signal function - its tertiary structure on the surface of the cell membrane
under the influence of external environments
radopsin molecules are located in the body. Receiving signals from the environment
and the transfer of information to the cell takes place through changes in the structure.
The function of movement is the cells of higher animals
the vibrations of the eyelashes in simple animals,
the movement of the hivchins
due to the activity of contractile proteins.
Transport function - the chemical elements of these proteins or the biological substances
attachment and variety
Delivery to tissues and organs
hemoglobin oxyoxide transports oxygen to all non-tissue organs
carbon dioxide formed as a result of its activity.
Protective function - living particles in the body, foreign
proteins or microorganisms that produce antitans and antitoxins from leukocytes
They are immune to antibodies and antitoxins.
Reserve function — some proteins, milk, eggs, plants
The embryo, which is stored in the grain, is a nutrient
Energy function - proteins are an important source of energy
1 kJ when completely decomposed under the influence of oxygen
energy is released.
Proteins also act as hormones. For example, insulin
Hormone is a protein that controls the amount of glucose in the blood.
all that is peculiar to organisms
The tasks are performed by molecules.
2) Our compatriotsAbuRayhonBeruniy, AbuAliibnSino,
Zahiriddin Muhammad Boburkabibuyuk Our great scientists have their own medicine and ecology
views in the field of biology
contributed to the development of science.
Nowadays, in various fields of biology
The contributions of Uzbek scholars should be taken into account.
Our academicians K.Zokirov, A.Muzaffarov - botany, T.Zoxi dov, A.Muhammadiyev,
J.Azimovs - zoology, Yo.Kh. Turakulov,
B.Tashmuhammedovbiochemical and endocrinology, J.Khamidov
cell and cell engineering, K. Zufarov chemical cell
In terms of composition, S. Mirakhmedov, N. Nazirov, O. Jalilov in the field of selection, J. Musayev,
A.Abdukarimov in the field of genetics, academician
I.Abdurahmonov, professors R.Muhammedov, O.Odilova genetic engineering and biotechnology,
Academician K. SH. Tojiboyev
Advanced research in the field of flora of Uzbekistan
They are also working with their students. Also, OT AllanazorovaUzbekistan and CIS
states plants
scientific in the field of geobotanical mapping, based on the laws of coverage
research and development
the major contributors are also contributing.
Grain, fruit and vegetable growing, cotton selection after the independence of our country
to animal breeding
Special attention is paid to the selection of grain crops in Uzbekistan
pest resistant, low water
The required types have been created. In particular, our country
"Ulugbek-600" and "Sanzor" varieties deserve special attention.
to the wheat grains being created
physicochemical composition and technological features.
Uzbekistan occupies one of the leading positions in the world in its selection.
For this reason, great importance is attached to the creation of cotton in our country.
Academician J.A. Musaev in the creation of a cotton collection
The services of students are great. Our scientists are the best in the world.
created.to these
“Tashkent-1”, “Tashkent-2”, created by academician SodiqMirahmedov
Varieties "Tashkent-3", academicians
AN-402, Samarkand-3 and Yulduz cabins are well-known.
Cotton selection in the republic in recent years
They have made a lot of progress in the field and created many new ones.
Boxes: "Bukhara-9", "Bukhara-12", "Namangan-39", "Luck"
possible.AcademicianIbrohim Abdurahmonov genetic engineering
new opportunities for the use of biotechnology
opened and navigated "Bright."
3) The effect of amylase on starch
29 §.4-laboratory work
The purpose of the study. To study the effect of amylase on starch.
Necessary equipment. Test tube, water, iodine, ice cream.
Amylase enzyme breaks down starch into sugars.
It contains a lot of leftovers
Therefore, from the enzymes (sumalaknieslang) or
It can be prepared from saliva
Let's rinse your mouth with a little water, then
A sip of water is ingested for 2-3 minutes
The saline solution prepared by rinsing can be fermented.
1% lyerite of 0,5% livacarch is prepared.
The starch solution burns well
It is mixed. On top of that, 1 drop is added
3. In the second solution by fermentation of 1–2 mlamylase
Pour in 1–2 ml of starch solution and after 5 minutes
1tomchiyodtomizildi.Bundaprobirkadako'krangemas, may
reddish or yellowish-brown.
will give.
30-ticket biology
1) The DNA molecule is double-stranded because it is a double helix.
The chains are complementary to each other, ie
one complements the other.synthesis of DNA molecules
to the separation of the primary double chain into two separate chains
and the creation of a chain of mosquitoes in the structure of each
A separate enzyme that separates DNA chains from each other
is present in the buffer DNA molecule and is weak between the nucleotides.
hydrogen bonds.Other
during the movement of fermentesaharbiralohidazanjir
The sketch chain captures the nucleotides when they are complementary to the nucleotides.
Hence, the newly synthesized DNA is a double-stranded molecule
and one of them is new, and the other is new
birkinzirdagiadeninAqarshisidaikkinchizanjirdatiminT, guaninG
In contrast, cytosine, on the other hand, is located in the DNA molecule
is called DNA replication.
2) Asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction Plants in nature
Widespread among animals
from one or more groups of autosomal cells in the body
new organisms develop.Most single-celled organisms
Reproduces asexually. Divides into single-celled organisms
multiplication can be divided into the following types: 1. Division into two; 2. Schizogony - into many parts
division.; 3. Survival reproduction; Spore formation and reproduction,; Asexual in multicellular
whether there are methods of reproduction
can be divided into:
1. Vegetative propagation; 2. Survival reproduction; 3. Divisional reproduction; 4. Spore propagation.
3) All will be well.

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