A set of terms and explanatory dictionaries on the education system


Morality - is a set of actions that are reflected in the relationship of people to each other, family, homeland, society. Morality reflects the character, the inner world of each person. Morality is influenced by national customs and traditions. Behaviors that are considered normal in relationships between people of some nationalities may be rejected in the ethics of other nationalities. The high level of morality has a direct impact on the development of society or vice versa. Morality is regulated by moral norms, which, unlike legal norms, are not binding.
Moral norms are formed under the influence of tradition, the power of example, public opinion. Observance of moral norms is voluntary, it depends on a conscience. Mass strikes and public humiliation are applied to his violation. Morality is provided by persuasion, explanation. As the President said, "Morality is the core of spirituality." Morality is the practice of spirituality. It is associated with such concepts as honesty and justice, faith and honesty.

Generation and ancestor - two parts of a whole. Generation - today's, tomorrow's generation. For example, the next generation. And the ancestor is the past, in a broader sense, when we say ancestor, we understand our ancestors, the past.

An'ana - is a set of formal and informal rules and regulations that have been passed down from generation to generation for a long time and have been passed down to us. For example, the marriage of a boy, the marriage of a girl and the customs of our people associated with it, such as weddings, holidays, folk festivals, gold and silver weddings.

Anjuman-Farsi-Tajik word, which refers to a wide range of meetings, gatherings, councils and assemblies.

Army- Armed forces, which are the main means of protecting the independence of the state from external aggression. The composition and number of the army are determined by the state depending on the needs and capabilities.

Association - to unite in an association, to form an alliance. Sector of the economy, the merger of enterprises, organizations and individuals, regardless of ownership, on the basis of a common interest, production.

Assalamu alaykum. It is an Arabic wish that people say to each other when they meet, which means “I wish you peace and health”. The one who receives the greeting will reply, "And peace be upon you."
The little ones greet first, the adults greet. It is the beginning of interpersonal communication and gives a special warmth and sincerity to the conversation.
Respect for the elders and compassion for the younger ones is one of the moral virtues of our people.

Forgiveness - release from serving a sentence imposed or to be imposed for a crime committed by a person, ie pardon. It takes into account the personality of each person, previous services, behavior, correctness, the nature of the crime (gravity), the damage caused and requests for apology. Through pardon, a person can also be released from serving the entire sentence. The right to declare pardon belongs only to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Article 93, paragraph 20 of the Constitution).
Amnesty also means general pardon for those who have committed crimes on important dates and holidays and those who are serving sentences for their crimes. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan issues a decree on amnesty (general amnesty). An amnesty will be announced in our country on the occasion of Independence Day, Remembrance and Honor Day, Constitution Day. It is a tool that strengthens the confidence of those who have committed crimes in the state and society. As a rule, amnesty applies to first-time offenders, women, the disabled, the elderly, and minors. The amnesty provides for release from punishment or reduction of punishment. Amnesty does not apply to those who have committed serious crimes or high-risk individuals. In each specific case, the Presidential Decree clearly states that those serving their sentences will be released through amnesty, who will have their sentences reduced, and who will not be granted amnesty.
Assimilation efforts are carried out during the process of combat education and military service, ideological work, cultural-educational and mass-sports activities.

Statement. One of the types of written and oral control of knowledge acquired by schoolchildren. In this case, they express the written or oral text in writing or orally. The statement teaches students to understand the content of the text, to express it correctly in writing or orally, develops their memory and speech culture.
The statement is basically divided into two types of control and educational statement. In the control statement, after the teacher reads the text, he explains to the students the meaning and correct spelling of the unfamiliar words, and then the students independently make a plan and write a statement based on it. In the instructional statement, after the text has been read, the students work together under the guidance of the teacher to make a plan, then the text is read a second time, and then the students begin to write.

The right to education- It is one of the constitutional rights of citizens of Uzbekistan. According to him, everyone has the right to education. General education in Uzbekistan is free, ie there is no fee for general education. Everyone with a general education has the right to receive secondary special and higher education, which is free for those who have passed the prescribed examination, and the rest may continue their education for a fee. The right to education is ensured through the activities of general schools, academic lyceums, vocational colleges, universities. It is also possible to study in postgraduate and doctoral programs. (Article 41 of the Constitution)

Buddhism - one of the most widespread religions in the world. It originated in India in the VI-V centuries BC. The founder of Buddhism was Siddhartha Gautama, who came after Bactria, the kingdom of Numon. Widespread in the territory of Tokharistan states.

burch - to perform certain actions prescribed by law and other legal acts, to refrain from performing certain actions. Violation of duty leads to various responsibilities and penalties. When duty is performed voluntarily, it has a positive effect on the development of society.
Duty is one of the main criteria of morality. It also reflects the qualities of each person, such as the full performance of their duties, the right attitude to people. It is manifested in an individual’s attitude towards society.

CourageIts clear expression is courage and initiative. The concept of courage is combined with such qualities as courage, steadfast will, courage, and is completely contrary to such concepts as hypocrisy, cowardice, depression, hypocrisy. It is important to cultivate the quality of courage and inculcate this quality in the nature of youth.
Knowledge. Accurate information about natural and social phenomena. It is a product of social labor and thought, expressing the objective, legal connections of the existing world through language.

Homeland - (Arabic "vatan" - motherland) the place, territory, social environment, country where people live, where their ancestors and descendants were born and raised. The homeland is the land where a person or a generation is born, raised and developed. It is no coincidence that our people say that the homeland begins at the threshold. The geographical environment inhabited and inhabited by generations with the same language, beliefs, customs and national qualities represents the Motherland.
Homeland is understood in the sense of a person's home, the land in which he lives, and it is used in a broad and narrow sense. This is a broad concept, given the area in which the representatives of a people live together, where their ancestors have lived for a long time. When a person is born and raised in a house, a neighborhood, a village, it is a narrow concept.

Patriotism - it is love for the motherland, love for it, respect for it. Achieving the contribution of every citizen to the development of the country.

Patriotism- to treat our people, their traditions, language and culture with love and respect and to contribute to their development, to be a true fan of our country.
Patriotism is a social and moral principle that demonstrates the attitude of people towards their country and their desire to serve the interests of the Motherland and protect it from the enemy.
Patriotism in Uzbekistan is patriotism that expresses love and devotion to the multinational Motherland. The concept of patriotism embodies the qualities of love for the Motherland and the achievements of independence, friendly attitude to fraternal peoples, social activism for the prosperity of the Motherland, its protection, opposition to national selfishness and arrogance, and internationalism. One of the most important factors in shaping patriotism is the education in the spirit of patriotism, which is aimed at strengthening the combat power of the Armed Forces and the cohesiveness of personnel.
Education in the spirit of patriotism is a system of organizational and ideological measures for the formation of patriotic and international qualities in servicemen, legal awareness, responsibility for military service. Education in the spirit of patriotism is carried out by commanders, bodies of educational work, public organizations throughout the service of the warrior.

Ministry- As in all modern democratic constitutional states, Uzbekistan is a central government body that manages a large sector of social, political and cultural development of the national economy and is responsible for the current state and future development of this sector.
Each ministry has a special set of powers and competencies. The Ministry is formed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, terminates when the situation requires and submits decrees on this issue for approval by the Oliy Majlis. The ministry is headed by a minister. He is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Currently, there are about twenty ministries in the Republic of Uzbekistan, including: Justice, Communications, Social Welfare, Interior, Defense, Culture and Sports, Agriculture and Water Management, Energy and Electrification, Emergency Situations, Labor, Ministries of Finance, Health, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Economic Relations, Higher and Secondary Special Education, Public Education, Utilities.
The Ministry is the most influential of the central government. Ministries are financed from the state budget.

Freedom of conscience- Attitudes of citizens to religion; any person can believe in a religion if he wants to, or not if he doesn’t want to. Or he believes in the religion of his choice. Not to be persecuted, not to be punished, not to be discriminated against for believing or not believing in a religion is the exercise of freedom of conscience. Forcing anyone to believe in any religion is also against freedom of conscience. Freedom of conscience stems from the principles of a secular state. (Article 31 of the Constitution).

Verbal communication - exchange of ideas (communication) by two or more persons using verbal means.

Globalization - strengthening integration and cooperation between nations and peoples, the creation of facilities for foreign investment, capital and goods, the free movement of labor, the creation of many new jobs, the speed of modern communication and information technologies, scientific advances The harmonization of different values ​​on a universal basis, the discovery of a new quality of dialogue between civilizations, the increase in opportunities for mutual assistance in the event of environmental disasters.

State symbols - Flag, coat of arms and anthem, as defined in the Constitution (Article 5). Their structure, purpose, use are confirmed by special laws. These are symbolic symbols of the country’s independence. They reflect the characteristics of the country.

National flag - is one of the symbols of the state and distinguishes it from other countries. It reflects the nature of the republic, the national and cultural identity of the people, continuing the best traditions of the flag of the most powerful kingdoms that existed in the country. The flag is approved by a special law and determines where and when it will be hoisted. The color of the flag, the characters in it have a deep meaning. The color blue on the flag of Uzbekistan has long been used in the East, a symbol of heaven and clear water, white a symbol of peace and purity, red roads a symbol of life, blood flowing in the veins, ie the color of life, green O A symbol of the beautiful nature of Uzbekistan. The crescent and the stars represent clear skies and peace. The flag is a bright symbol of the past, present and future of our country. The law "On the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted on November 1991, 18.

State coat of arms - One of the symbols of the state, the official seal of the state, is reflected in the seals, various copies of documents, currency. Its appearance is determined by a special law. The Humo bird in the center of the coat of arms of Uzbekistan is a symbol of happiness and freedom, the octagonal star is a symbol of stability and stability of our republic, the sun is always the light of our path, corn is our food, cotton is Uzbekistan The ribbon on the bowl of wheat and cotton is a symbol of friendship of our people. The Law "On the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted on July 1992, 2.

National Anthem “As a symbol of the state sovereignty of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is the patriotic duty of every citizen of the country to treat the national anthem with great respect. The anthem is represented by music and poetry and is performed during ceremonies and other events held by government agencies. The anthem is approved by a special law. This law was adopted on December 1992, 10.

State border - The line defining the vertical and water circumference of the state. The vertical level that passes over this line is the air boundary of that state.
Boundaries on land and water are established by delimitation and demarcation between the states concerned.
The state border at sea is established by the domestic legislation of the coastal states.
Measures to establish state borders between states are carried out step by step, ie, first of all, the general direction of the border is drawn and reflected on the map. After that, the state border is clearly defined on the line passing through the ground, on the ground, and the boundary markers are set. A joint commission will be set up to carry out this work.
The state border is inviolable. In order to ensure its inviolability, the neighboring states establish a certain regime, which determines the rules of its line, as well as the rules of its passage. A special border regime will also be established in the border areas and in the created border corridors.
Relations in the field of establishment, change, protection and inspection of the State Border of the Republic of Uzbekistan are regulated by the Law "On the State Border of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (August 1999, 20). According to this Law, which came into force on January 2000, 1, the establishment and change of the state border is carried out by the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with international agreements of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The movement of persons, vehicles, goods, other property and animals across the state border is carried out through designated checkpoints.
A border zone and a border zone shall be established to ensure the state border regime.
Border zone - a part of the territory adjacent to the state border, which is determined within the boundaries of the district, city, town, village, aul adjacent to the state border.
Border zone is a part of the frontier zone directly adjacent to the State Border Line, which is located directly along the state border, on its land plots or along the banks of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. will be held.
The Committee for the Protection of the State Border of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the specially authorized body for the protection and guarding of the state border. In order to resolve issues related to compliance with the state border regime, to regulate border regulations, the chairman of this committee shall appoint border representatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan to certain sections of the State Border.

The form of government - The organization of power depends on the powers of the supreme bodies and the relationship between them. The most important criterion in determining the form of government is the legal status of the head of state, how he comes to power. All countries in the world are divided into two depending on the form of government: the republic and the monarchy. In republican states, the head of state is elected. It is elected for a definite term, i.e. it varies. In many countries, the head of state is called the President. In the form of a monarchy, the government is passed down from ancestor to generation, that is, the head of state is the monarch. They are called by different names, for example, in Saudi Arabia - king, in Japan - emperor, in England - king. In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the form of government is the republic, the head of state is the President.

Democracy - means "people's power". Democracy is manifested through the formation of the people in state bodies, participation in their work, organization of the work of state bodies, ensuring human rights in the country. It defines human relations with the state. Democracy takes the form of direct democracy and representative democracy. Democracy does not mean freedom in everything you want, it is freedom based on the law. An integral part of democracy is discipline, respect for the law, and protection of the rights of others.

Debate- -discuss a specific topic, a method of discussion.

Dualism - is a direction of ideological philosophy, which recognizes the basis of the world in the opposite direction to monism, matter and consciousness in two independent beginnings.

Worldview - a system derived from the views of man on the world around him and his place in it. A set of philosophical, political, scientific, religious, intellectual and aesthetic views of people.

Jadidism - (Arabic "jadid" -new) - the common name of the proponents of modernization, a new modern school, printing house, methods of national development, ways. The second half of the nineteenth century was a political movement that fought for enlightenment among the Turkic peoples of the early twentieth century, reforming education, introducing some secular sciences into the curriculum of religious schools, and promoting innovation.
Jadidism in Turkestan was led by Munavvar Qori, Behbudi and others.
The journal is a journal of accounting and evaluation of club activities. A document for one academic year to record the work identified in the form of a booklet or set.

Faith- In a secular state, a person who recognizes the rule of law, serves the welfare of the country, does good to everyone, is hardworking, humble, modest, thoughtful, honest and conscientious is a person of faith.
Knowledge is one of the great virtues in the development of man. Because one attains honor with knowledge. It is stated in the Qur'an that knowledge is not equal to ignorance. That is, one verse says, "Only those who have knowledge fear Allah."
Discipline is the ability to exercise one's moral qualities, to achieve one's goals, to believe in one's own strength, to solve tasks without the help of others, to think independently, not to be influenced by the forces that seek to distract one from doing something. it is important in acting on the basis of their beliefs and acquiring the skills to solve their tasks.

Humanity - A system of ideas and views that reflects the struggle for the full manifestation of human dignity, freedom and abilities, the desire of people to ensure happiness, equality, justice.
Humanism, embracing a wide range of ideas, manifested itself in literature, philosophy, art, and other fields, and developed under the name of ‘humanism’. Today, the idea of ​​humanity is becoming a rule of life in all legal democracies.
The constitutional guarantee of human rights is the enshrinement of fundamental rights in the Constitution. Restrictions and deprivations of fundamental rights and freedoms are also enshrined in the Constitution. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in contrast to the constitutions of many countries, strengthens the guarantees of constitutional rights and freedoms in a separate chapter (Chapter X of the Constitution, Articles 43-46).

The legal status of a person - The system (sum) of human rights, freedoms and duties and interests recognized by the state and guaranteed by law. Rights and freedoms are human rights recognized and guaranteed by the state. Duties are to refrain from committing certain actions set by the state, which are in the interests of the majority, and certainly to perform certain actions.

Human rights - the rules necessary for a person to operate in the personal, political, economic sphere and the opportunities set out in other documents. Rights are always reflected in the documents adopted by the state (Constitution, law, decree, etc.). Some rights are called personal or natural rights, these are the rights that must exist, the state must ensure it, never restrict it (for example, the right to life, non-torture, etc.), some rights are beyond the power of the state. determines the origin. They may be limited or suspended depending on the circumstances and opportunity (e.g., forming political parties, demonstrations, rallies, obtaining supplies, etc.). Human rights are not only established, but guaranteed by the state. Violated rights will be restored. There are human rights institutions in every country.

Innovation - The process and activity of innovation, change in the industry.

Integrated - integrative - integrate.

Integration education- Education of children with mental and physical development problems in a healthy peer community. Integrated education sees the child with disabilities as a problem and involves the use of ways and means by educators to teach and nurture a particular group of children in a group, classroom setting.

Inclusive- inclusive, inclusion.

Inclusive education - State policy aimed at overcoming the barriers that separate children, their full integration into the general education process, regardless of age, gender, religious and social background, developmental delay and level of economic security . In contrast to integration, the Convention on the Rights of the Child provides for the adaptation of the educational environment to meet the needs of each child, with a view to the highest quality of education. The high quality of education is based on the active participation of the family, the teaching staff and society.
Such education recognizes that the solution to the problem lies not in the child but in the system, that children have access to education and the social appearance of disability, and that the curriculum and methodology of the education system are shared by all students, as well as each child. supports development according to needs. Co-education of all children is based on individualized education for each of them. That is, while children with developmental disabilities are educated together with all healthy children, conditions are provided for them to be armed with the knowledge, skills and competencies within their capabilities. Collaborative education of all children has dual positive qualities. If, through this process, a particular innovation - the process of bringing innovations, changes in the industry and activities.
Interactive methods are a set of ways and means used by the teacher in the learning process to achieve the goal of self-interaction of students. If children in need are provided with the opportunity to grow up in their own families and neighborhoods, they will be able to see the potential of healthy children and realize that they are not defective, but children with special needs. . That is why the idea of ​​such education is based on the motto "From inclusive schools to an inclusive society."
Interactive methods are a set of ways and means used by the teacher in the educational process to achieve the goal, aimed at self-interaction and interaction of students.

Islam is a religion - (Arabic "aslama" - submission, submission to God: hence "Muslim" - submissive, obedient) - one of the three most widespread religions in the world, namely the world religions (Buddhism, Christianity and Islam) . Of the world's more than 6 billion people, more than 1.5 billion believe in Islam. Islam, in the VI-VII centuries, served to unite the people, to unite, to meet the social demand for monotheism, instead of the tribal and clan relations and tribal gods, which were formed and disintegrated in the Arabian Peninsula.

Development- Written schedule of one-hour circle.

Convention - in the form of an international treaty, agreement, agreement: it is concluded between states on a specific issue, and the signatories assume certain rights and obligations.

Constitution - is the basic law of the state and has the highest legal force. The Constitution determines the foundations of the constitutional system, the structure of the state, the form of government, the rights, freedoms and duties of the individual, the procedure for the formation of state bodies, their powers. The most important social relations in the society are strengthened by the norms of the Constitution. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted by the Supreme Council on December 1992, 8. This day is marked as a national holiday. The Constitution consists of an introduction, 6 sections, 26 chapters and 128 articles. The preamble outlines the reasons for the adoption of the Constitution and the tasks set for our country. Our Constitution was created as a result of the study of international constitutional practices, taking into account the provisions of international instruments, taking into account the traditions of our national statehood. It meets international standards and fully meets international requirements. The Constitution has been able to reflect the spirit and morals of our people. It is a product of folk art, our legal consciousness. The norms that elevate a person to the highest level of value have enough place in it. The Constitution is a sacred document that is the pledge of our legislation.

Perfection. One of the main ideas of the ideology of national independence. The idea of ​​the perfect man and the desire to realize it are the essence of human civilization.
Historically, the most important indicator of perfection in any society is a person's attitude to goodness, social happiness, humanistic ideas and practical activities based on them. That is, the criterion of perfection, which has a positive impact on the overall development of society, human civilization, has always been to make society happy, prosperous through the development of man, the individual.
Perfection in man is, first of all, in his understanding of the freedom of thought, thinking and practical activity. In this sense, the call of the great Greek philosopher Socrates: "Understand yourself!" Is a call to understand one's own lineage, the meaning of life, one's responsibility and obligation to future generations.
The idea of ​​a perfect man is inseparable from the idea of ​​national independence. In other words, the essence of the perfect man is manifested, first of all, in the efforts to perfect society.
In Uzbekistan, social, political, economic, spiritual and organizational tasks have been identified as the most important and priority direction of state policy for the upbringing of a perfect person. After all, a harmoniously developed generation will not have the future of the people, nation and state without concern for the future.
Irrigation of all the deeds of a perfect man with pure faith, striving for the Truth, being closer to the truth, to the light, are also the hallmarks of perfect human beings - very honest, pure, faithful, knowledgeable, truth-seeking, they are generous, resilient, and sincere.

Multiparty system - Presence of two or more parties in the country. This is a characteristic of a democratic state. The presence of several parties in the country ensures diversity of opinion. Multiparty system is based on the Constitution. The organization, registration and liquidation of parties are regulated by special laws. Joining and leaving the party is voluntary. Parties cannot be formed or act illegally. It is prohibited to form a party that aims to fight against the constitutional order, human rights and freedoms (Article 57 of the Constitution).

Lip reading - Perception of oral speech through the perception of visible movements of the speech organs. Partially fills in the gaps in perception by hearing speech.

Speech therapists children - Greek logos - derived from the words word, speech and pathos - disease, and applies to all children who die with speech disorders not related to hearing and mental development.

Speech therapy - A branch of correctional pedagogy, which deals with the education and upbringing of people with speech problems.
Special psychology is a science that studies the features of mental (mental) development of people with mental and physical development problems, ways to correct abnormal development. Special psychology includes deaf psychology (psychology of children with hearing problems). Typhopsychology (psychology of children with visual problems), oligophrenopsychology (psychology of children with mental development problems), logopsychology (psychology of children with speech problems).

Method - Derived from the Greek word methodos, which means way, morality, method.

Methodology - A set of methods, ways of carrying out work in accordance with the purpose. It consists of separate methods. Correctional pedagogy studies the educational laws of each discipline. For example: "Methods of teaching mathematics in schools for children with disabilities", "Methods of teaching mother tongue in schools for deaf children", etc.

Mimika (gesture) - the expression of various feelings and emotions through facial muscle movements.

Motosensory approach - to work on the development of children with mental and physical development problems based on the activities of a healthy analyzer.

Complex disorders- the combination of two or more problems (for example: hearing-sight, hearing-sight-mind, sight-mind, hearing-support-movement deviations from the norm). Such disorders affect the mental development of the child in a special way: it requires a special corrective effect. The growth of children with complex disorders depends on the existing deficiencies. in its own way.

Culture-(Arabic "culture" - Medinan, urban; education) - the material and spiritual wealth created by people in the process of assimilation and transformation of nature and existence, as well as ways to restore and create these riches and a set of styles. The word "culture" comes from the name of the place where Muslims are revered, the city of Madinah, because the first Muslims were educated mainly in Medina. Culture covers a wide range of issues related to material and spiritual production, social and interpersonal relations, politics, family, ethics, behavior, education, upbringing, creativity, science, service, lifestyle, etc. is an event. It therefore develops along with society, reflecting the level of development of society.
There is no culture outside of society. Culture is both a product of human activity and an indicator of quality. Just as the cultural environment is shaped, so is man. In every field, the creator of culture is first and foremost the people.

Materialism - to prioritize and absolute matter (matter) and its properties in matters of creation of the universe and man, features of existence and development of being, existence and non-existence.

Ideology(Arabic - a set of ideas) - a system of ideological and theoretical views and their implementation, expressing the interests, aspirations and goals of a particular social group, class, nation, society, state. It reflects the past, present and future of the forces and strata whose interests are represented. Ideology is a system of ideas that expresses the goals and aspirations of a particular social group, nation, people, organizes and mobilizes them, and forms the basis of worldviews and beliefs.
There have been various ideologies in the history of mankind. Ideological leaders, thinkers and leaders of different nations and social forces, based on their interests and goals, have developed ideological doctrines and programs. Ideologies are created on the basis of certain religious, philosophical doctrines, based on certain scientific views and moral principles. Ideologies, by their nature and power of influence, can unite society or divide it into opposing parties, increase or decrease the prestige and position of the state in the world, elevate nations or bring them into decline. Ideas based on lofty goals and creative ideas promote socio-economic development, raise spirituality, and mobilize people for great deeds. Ideologies based on the ideas of freedom, liberty, independence, peace and cooperation, which serve noble purposes, have a creative character.
Ideologies based on destructive ideas hinder the development of society and complicate nations and peoples. Such ideologies, in their essence, manifest themselves in the forms of domination, tyranny, aggression, aggression, extremism, fanaticism.

School- an educational institution under the guidance of a teacher, where the younger generation is informed and educational work is carried out.

Enlightenment (from the Arabic word "ar'afa", to know) - an activity aimed at developing people's consciousness, knowledge and culture on the basis of a set of educational, economic, political, philosophical and religious ideas. Enlightenment means giving people knowledge, skills and competencies. The concept of "enlightenment" is closely connected with the concepts of "spirituality" and "culture"; the history of enlightenment is an integral part of the style of society.
Since independence, great attention has been paid to science and enlightenment. The Ministries of Public Education, Higher and Secondary Special Education are operating on a large scale. At present, our children are taught in new types of lyceums, gymnasiums and schools in new and modern ways.

Spirituality (Arabic - a set of meanings) - a set of philosophical, legal, scientific, artistic, moral, religious ideas and concepts of people. President I.Karimov in his book “High spirituality is an invincible force” explains it as follows: “Spirituality is a spiritual purification, a call to the growth of the soul, a person's inner world, strong will, integrity of faith, conscience. The incomparable power that awakens is the criterion of all his views. ”
Spirituality serves to expand and strengthen the mind, intellect, and intellect to add strength to one’s life throughout one’s life. Spirituality and spiritual riches are a priceless treasure of the state, the nation, the individual, and a source of progress.
Thanks to independence, the study of the centuries-old rich historical, scientific, cultural and religious heritage of the Uzbek people has opened a wide way to use it as a common and invaluable property of the people. From Avesto to Farobi, Navoi, Babur, Furkat, Behbudi, Fitrat, Cholpon and Avloni to fully demonstrate the antiquity, depth and diversity of our spirituality, the limitless potential of today. a holistic view of the present is being created.
Independence also paved the way for the development of the national language and culture, which is an integral part of spirituality, the growth and strengthening of national self-awareness, national feelings, pride and patriotism. It should be noted. The development of independent Uzbekistan depends on the spiritual maturity of the members of society, each individual, and especially the youth, the deeper penetration of the ideas of independence into the minds of people, into everyday life.
It is an integral part of national spirituality and consciousness that every citizen who is actively involved in building a great Uzbekistan of the future understands that he is an integral part of his country, people and nation.

Hymn praise, tariff. A work of art dedicated to the praise of a person, event or thing. Poems of poets about the Motherland are also hymns.

National Mentality (Latin "mens" - intellect, perception, intellect, intellect) - the historically formed level of thinking, spiritual potential, way of life and thinking of the nation, the ability and spiritual strength that matured in certain social conditions. This concept also includes national traditions, rituals, customs, religious beliefs. In turn, it determines to some extent the lifestyle, thinking, worldview of a person of a particular nationality, and sometimes is the basis for its evaluation.
The ideology of national independence is nourished by the spirituality, customs, traditions and values ​​of the citizens of our country formed over the centuries. In this process, one of the main conditions for the formation of a modern mentality in the minds and hearts of our compatriots is the development of the Motherland, peace, prosperity of the people, a perfect man, social cooperation, interethnic harmony, interreligious tolerance.

National idea - a form of social idea that embodies the past, present and future of the nation, expresses its fundamental interests and goals and serves development.
The national idea, by its very nature, reflects the tasks and goals that affect the fate of the people, the nation, and must be addressed in the short or long term. In our time (1941-1945) in Nazi-occupied France, the idea of ​​"resistance" rose to the level of a national idea and lost its significance with the liberation of France. .
The emergence of this or that idea as a national idea is directly related to the past, the current state of the nation. It is only on the basis of these two principles that it can accurately express the goals and objectives that the nation must achieve in the short or long term.
The national idea is a set of social ideas that unites our people, all political forces in our country, non-governmental organizations around a single, common goal and unites them.
Our greatest idea today is that Uzbekistan has only one way: to strengthen its independence, to raise our country in all respects, to move forward towards a bright and free life. The word "national idea" refers not only to one nation, but also to all nations and peoples living in our sacred land - Uzbekistan, who call it their Motherland.

National pride - 1) a person, a material group formed on the basis of national self-consciousness of a social group, the material and spiritual heritage left by their ancestors, the contribution of their people to world civilization, dignity, prestige in the eyes of other nations - a concept that expresses a sense of pride in attention. This feeling is manifested in the following forms: pride in the achievements of the nation, its prestige, indifference to its problems; to be passionate about one's nation; to preserve the material and spiritual heritage of their nation; respect, enrich and improve the customs, traditions and values ​​of the people; to show his love for his nation in practical activities.
National pride is a nation as a people, a nation as a nation. Thanks to the independence of Uzbekistan, the sense of national pride of the Uzbek people has risen around the world. Uzbekistan has become equal among the peoples of the world. Now the whole world recognizes the Uzbek people, whose land is fertile, generous, hardworking and famous. The life, freedom, honor and dignity of the citizens of Uzbekistan are considered sacred and are protected by the state.

Nationality - a set of features that are specific to a particular nation, distinguishing it from others.
Nationality is clearly reflected in the history, values, traditions, culture, way of life of the nation. To know and understand nationalism, it is also necessary to study the differences and distinctions between nations. But this requires not only the absoluteization of differences between nations, but also attention to the aspects that bring them closer. Studying the achievements and positive experiences of other nations, assimilating them will enrich and develop nationalism.
Spiritual development in our country has become based on the priority of humanity and the harmony of the principles of devotion to national values. In this regard, the implementation of the Uzbek model of development, a unique and appropriate path of national development, founded by President Islam Karimov, plays an important role.

Method - Derived from the Greek word "metodos", which means way, morality, method.

Methodology - A set of methods, ways of carrying out work in accordance with the purpose. It consists of separate methods. Correctional pedagogy studies the educational laws of each discipline. For example: "Methods of teaching mathematics in schools for children with disabilities", "Methods of teaching mother tongue in schools for deaf children", etc.

Oral speech - external speech that is pronounced and perceived (perceived) by hearing. Oral speech is divided into dialogic and monologue types.

Etiquette - is a process that leads a person to spiritual maturity. Etiquette is formed in childhood. As a person grows older, his level of manners expands. It is the process that defines a person’s activities and protects him from mistakes. As a result, a person's moral beauty increases.

Parlament - The original meaning of this word is "place of discussion", ie in French "parla" - word, debate, "ment" - place, place. Name of the highest representative and legislative body in democracies. Parliament was first established in England in the thirteenth century. The highest representative bodies in several countries, including England, France, Italy, Canada, and Belgium, are directly called parliaments. In the United States and Latin American countries it is called the Congress, in Russia the Federal Assembly, in Lithuania, Latvia, in Poland the Sejm. In Uzbekistan, it is the Oliy Majlis. The order of formation of the parliament, the term of office, the scope of powers vary from country to country, and they are determined by the Constitution and laws.

Rehabilitation is the restoration of impaired body functions and working capacity of patients or people with developmental problems.
compensation. Rehabilitation is provided on the basis of a set of medical, psychological, pedagogical, social measures and provides for the adaptation of the individual to social conditions, social life and ability to work, depending on the mental and physical capabilities.

Reflection - reflection (reflection - reflection or retrospective) - is one of the structures of intellectual activity, which is aimed at thinking and reasoning, or communication and analysis based on previous experiences. Reflection, by law, takes place within clearly defined boundaries. Its success depends in many ways on the clear and concise purpose.

Election - a means of organizing state bodies and other structures by voting. The election may be attended by the population or their representatives. For example, the President, the people participate in the election of deputies, the Speaker of the Oliy Majlis, his deputies, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Economic Court. Elections may be held by open and secret ballot.
Political parties are organizations of citizens of different classes and groups with the same views and goals, formed for political purposes. Political parties participate in the activities of public authorities by participating in elections and transferring their representatives to the relevant bodies. The Republic of Uzbekistan is based on multiparty system.

Senate - It is the upper chamber of the Oliy Majlis. The Constitutional Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan clearly define the powers of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis. Accordingly, the upper house - the Senate and the lower house - have the joint powers of the Legislative Chamber, including the adoption, amendment and amendments to the Constitution; adoption of various laws; determination of the main directions of domestic and foreign policy; determination of the powers of the legislative, executive and judicial bodies; regulation of customs, currency and credit affairs; introduction of taxes; solving a number of administrative-territorial issues; establishment of awards and titles; These include powers such as approving the prime ministerial nominee. Matters within the joint competence of the chambers are, as a rule, considered first in the Legislative Chamber and then in the Senate.
Among the exclusive powers of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis are, in particular, the election of the Chairman of the Senate and his deputies; It includes the election of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme and Supreme Economic Courts, the approval of a number of decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on appointments, and other similar powers. However, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis and its members do not have the right to initiate legislation.

Political culture - an important type of general culture; members of society, nation, social groups and strata, and the ability of every citizen to understand the domestic and foreign policies of the state, the level of analysis and the culture of independently defining and implementing their actions depending on the political situation. The ability to foresee, to change the direction of action, to determine theoretical and practical directions, to find supporters, to influence the speed of social processes are among the aspects of political culture.

Healthy ideology - A system of noble and constructive ideas based on the principle of the primacy of humanity, ensuring social development. In contrast to unhealthy forms of ideology, such as fascism, communism, religious extremism, which have a negative impact on the development of society, usually leading to its decline and destruction, a healthy ideology accelerates human development, the welfare of the people, the homeland. allows for development.
A healthy ideology corresponds to the conditions of property pluralism, diversity of opinion, multiparty system in society. It represents not the doctrine of the state, but the general principles that ensure the life and development of a particular society. In such circumstances, the state legally guarantees the observance of these principles by all citizens.
The need for a healthy ideology has become a historical necessity today. After all, without such an ideology, a society cannot develop effectively.

Historical memory - an integral part of human spirituality, the result of knowing the past, appreciating it, learning from it. In this regard, the work of President Islam Karimov "Without historical memory - there is no future" is of great importance. It focuses on an objective approach to the past and its appreciation. After all, history lessons teach a person to be vigilant, strengthen his will, take them to heart and encourage them to follow the path of creativity and creation.
The richer and more meaningful the historical memory, the more organized, united and able the people will be able to do great things. Another characteristic of historical memory is a sense of pride in one's past.

mysticism - It appeared on the basis of Islam in VII-VIII centuries. It embodies philosophical and moral, socio-political views and ideas. The teachings of Sufism are widespread in the Muslim East. This doctrine reflects the mind, thinking, spiritual life, wisdom of the people. The teachings of Sufism created different directions and rules, revealed a system of methods and techniques.
Sufism is to love Allah and His Prophet, to dedicate one's whole being to them, to strive for the Truth, and to live a pure and honest life. It is the observance of the Shari'ah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with sincerity, purity and sincerity.

Terror, terrorism (Latin "terror" - fear, terror) - a policy of intimidation, the suppression of political opponents by violent means.
Terrorism is a crime against public safety that threatens the lives of people, causes great damage to property, and has dangerous consequences in order to disturb the peace of the people, intimidate or influence the decisions taken by the authorities. committing an explosion, arson, or other malicious act, as well as intimidation with the intent to commit the above acts.

Methodical recommendation - A guide to the development of curricula and effective training of club leaders.

Freedom of thought - is one of the most basic personal human rights, which means, first of all, that a person is free from any ideological oppression, and that everyone independently chooses a system of spiritual values ​​that he does not want for himself. Freedom of thought encompasses all aspects of a person’s intellectual and spiritual life. Freedom of thought is an absolute human right, according to Article 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, everyone has the right to freedom of thought, and freedom of thought and expression may be restricted by law only if it relates to state secrets and other secrets.

Addiction of thought, slavery of thinking - The notion that certain ideas dominate the minds of people, that a person is deprived of the opportunity to independently assess what is happening.
Man's intellectual dependence on a particular ideology and policy is the most vicious form of colonial policy. Because addiction to thought deprives a person of self-awareness, extinguishes his sense of social responsibility, and increases his indifference to political reality. At the same time, fanatics, who do not take into account other views, create the basis for the emergence of manatees. Freeing oneself from the bondage of thinking, achieving diversity of opinion and pluralism allows one to choose a rational path of development.
Therefore, from the very beginning of the reforms, the awakening of people's thinking, initiative, political activism was placed at the center of spiritual change.

Belief (Arabic-belief, faith, certainty) - knowledge, idea, understood through the mind, feelings and will, which serves as a spiritual basis, guidance and goal for human activity and a concept that is a cross-sectional expression.
Belief is formed in the process of adulthood. A person sets a clear goal before starting a business. This is done in relation to the needs, interests and experience, and the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge in practice is also assessed. In this way, a certain belief is formed in the process of realizing the need to act on the basis of accumulated knowledge, needs and interests, life experience. It makes human activity consistent, meaningful, logical, purposeful.
Socially, belief also represents a person’s attitude toward activity (a state of connection). Knowledge and ideas become beliefs only when they are mastered by both the mind and the heart. In terms of understanding the world, faith is both a necessary element of consciousness and an important state of human activity. It is based on people's strong belief in various events and processes, ideas and goals, feelings and emotions. Everyone can have their own beliefs. It also has a huge impact on his level of education, lifestyle and living conditions, worldview and social status.
Hesitation, indifference, indifference, and indifference to the events of life are indications of the emptiness or even disbelief of one’s faith. Such people often live by following or imitating others. They do not have clear value criteria and goals. Depending on the circumstances, they sometimes turn in this direction. There is a lack of logic and consistency in their activities. It is inevitable that the flaw of religious emptiness will hinder the path of development. Therefore, it remains an urgent task to instill in people confidence in social values, a great future, development, a free and prosperous homeland, a free and prosperous life.

The people of Uzbekistan - If we say that the main people living in the country are the people of Uzbekistan, the absolute majority of them are the people of Uzbekistan. The people of Uzbekistan, in turn, are citizens of Uzbekistan, regardless of nationality. Thus, in determining a nation, its citizenship, not its nationality, is the decisive factor (Article 8 of the Constitution).

Curriculum A set of curricula for the specified hours with the help of manuals, instructions, knowledge of the leader of the circle, textbooks in their field.

Curriculum The main document, which includes the list and size of subjects, developed in accordance with the type of education, the sequence of their passage and the forms of control.

Training - a specially organized, goal-oriented and managed process based on the interaction of teacher and students based on educational goals. As a result, in accordance with the set goals, students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, their worldviews, mental abilities and capabilities are formed.

Teaching methods - a set of ways and means used by the teacher to achieve the goal in the process of special education.

Technical means of teaching - Technical tools and equipment to improve the pedagogical process, increase the efficiency and quality of teaching.

Curriculum - A document developed in accordance with the curriculum, which defines the content and scope of knowledge, skills and competencies to be acquired by students in each subject.

Training - a specially organized, goal-oriented and managed process based on the interaction of teacher and students based on educational goals. As a result, in accordance with the set goals, students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, their worldview, mental abilities, capabilities are formed.

Teaching methods - a set of ways and means used by the teacher to achieve the goal in the process of special education.

Technical means of teaching- technical tools and equipment to improve the pedagogical process, to maintain the effectiveness and quality of teaching.

Curriculum - The main document, which includes a list and size of subjects developed in accordance with the type of education, the sequence of their passage and the forms of control.

The law - a document of the highest legal force in the country. The law in Uzbekistan is adopted by the highest representative body of the country - the Oliy Majlis and approved by the Senate. Laws are adopted in the form of constitutional and ordinary laws to regulate important social relations through a referendum. Its clear process and procedures are defined.

tradition - is an Arabic word, translated into Uzbek, which means "story", "message", "report", "narration". The words, deeds, instructions and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) are called hadeeth.

Law - The word has several meanings, first of all, it is a set of rules of conduct, actions that are mandatory for the state. Second, if the concept of law is taken in relation to citizens, it is an opportunity given to them. The right is divided into constitutional or ordinary rights. Constitutional rights are determined by constitutional norms, ordinary rights by ordinary laws: constitutional law, administrative law, civil law, etc .; they are backed up by separate documents.
Law has several meanings, first of all, it is a set of rules of conduct, actions that are obligatory for the state. Second, if the concept of law is taken in relation to citizens, it is an opportunity given to them. The right is divided into constitutional or ordinary rights. Constitutional rights are determined by constitutional norms, ordinary rights by ordinary laws: constitutional law, administrative law, civil law, etc .; they are backed up by separate documents.

Legal culture - A criterion for the maturity and awareness of citizens. The concept of legal culture consists of such elements as the level of development of law, the public's understanding of law, the state of the law, the level of organization of law enforcement, the prestige of law. Legal culture is influenced by the level of development of the science of law, how the promotion of law is organized, the general level of culture. Legal culture is the practice of legal consciousness, that is, the application of law, the application of practice. No matter how much legal knowledge a person has, if he does not follow the law and other rules, it is a great harm to society. This is a lack of legal culture.

Legal liability - non-compliance with legal norms, resulting in their blatant violation. Liability for any violation of the law arises. For example, administrative liability for violation of administrative law, criminal liability for violation of criminal law, property liability for violation of civil law, and so on.

Legal norms - norms determining the law, regulating legal relations. They appear in different appearances and shapes. Legal norms are set out in the Constitution, laws and other normative documents.

The idea - a strong, deep thought that arises in the human mind, has a social character, has a strong effect on the psyche, motivates society and people to action, leads to the goal.
As a product of the human mind, ideas are expressed through concepts and thoughts. But no thought or opinion can be an idea. Ideas, although they appear in the mind, penetrate into the psyche of man and society, even into the subconscious. The idea has such a power that it penetrates into the inner world of a person and becomes a spiritual force that moves him and leads him to the goal.
At the heart of various religious beliefs, philosophical teachings, scientific views, works of art are certain ideas. The goals of socio-political movements are also reflected in the ideas. Ideas are the core of people's faith, worldview, the meaning of life. They live as a good idea, they even sacrifice their lives for it. The great people who have left their mark in history with their courage, bravery and heroism, of course, had high ideals. Ideas have a very ancient history. In a sense, the history of mankind can be interpreted as a history of ideas.
There are many types of ideas. Only ideas that are highly attractive and close to the truth are widespread in society.

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