Abdulmo'min ibn Abdullah Khan


Abdulmo'min ibn Abdullah Khan
Governor of Balkh and Badakhshan (1582-1598). He was the Khan of Bukhara in 1598-99. From 1589, his relationship with his father Abdullah Khan II deteriorated sharply. Because after Abdullah Khan II regained Herat from the Safavids, he left it alone and gave it to Qulbaba Kokaldosh. On top of that, he sent a written decree to his viceroys in Khurasan - Qulbaba Kokaldosh, Dinmuhammad Sultan, and others, ordering them not to obey Abdulmomin and even use any convenient opportunity to destroy him physically. He also supported Nisa, Obivard and Durun Governor Nurmuhammad Khan and encouraged him to go to war against Abdulmomin. In the autumn of 1597, Abd al-Mo'min, who was enraged by this, rebelled against his father and came to the Amudarya River with the army of Balkh and Badakhshan. Abdullah Khan II's army is located around Nasaf (Karshi). The regional governors - for example, the governor of Akhsi and Andijan, the Uzbek sultan sent his troops to help Abdullah Khan. With the intervention of the scholars of Bukhara and Balkh, the disputes between Abdulmomin and Abdullah Khan II were temporarily put an end to. After the death of his father Abdullah Khan II, Abdulmomin returned to Bukhara and occupied the throne. After his accession to the throne, his father's close relatives and all his Shayban relatives in Ferghana and Tashkent were brutally executed, which led to a rebellion in the country. He continued to fight for Khorasan with the Safavids of Iran. Six months after Abdulmomin's accession to the throne, one of his father's amirs, Abdulvose', shot and killed him when he was traveling from Zamin to Samarkand.
Abdulmomin rebuilt the Balkh fortress destroyed by the Mongols, built a luxurious palace in the tomb of Khoja Abu Nasr Porso in Balkh.

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