About the well-known and popular Montalin


About the well-known and popular Montalin…
🤷‍♂ Montalin is a simple thing, not registered with any code in the Anatomical-Therapeutic-Chemical (ATX in Russian) classification. Not recommended as a drug.
There is no question of ATX being officially registered in Uzbekistan after it has not passed the classification.
That’s why everything you use is smuggled. And as a plus, it has to be said that counterfeiting has become very common.
It does not have a certificate.
☝️ It is used as a combination drug in joint diseases.
🧪 The composition consists of plants.
☘️ Asparagus
☘️ Phyllanthus
☘️ Mimosa
☘️ Asian syentellasi
☘️ Gliosis
👉 These include good information on Asian sentella.
It has long been used in Asian Sentella-Ayurvedic medicine. Laboratory studies have shown that rats have sedative properties due to their effect on the GABA system, as well as the development of memory, a decrease in the frequency of seizures in rats with epilepsy. And even in rats with colon cancer, a decrease in the division of cancer cells has been observed.
No clinical studies have been performed in humans on these traits.
Scientists have found that it has anti-inflammatory effects in recent years.
🙎‍♂ Urinary diuretic effects in humans In a study of 69 patients at the Department of Nephrology at the University of São Paulo, placebo (no active ingredient, only medicinal sweeteners) and the effects of gloriasis were almost indistinguishable.
🧐 There are only warm opinions in medicine about the remaining ingredients.
(That doesn't mean Montalin isn't affected at all.)
✅ But my advice is to recommend other drugs that are proven effective, officially, have the appropriate certificates and can be found at any pharmacy.
(I don't believe even a self-respecting doctor would recommend Montalin.)
❗️ (https://telegra.ph/file/2700ed86496535b0ba50b.jpg) It is illogical to use Montalin only with popular sayings. Because each person is individual (specific) and there can be hundreds of causes of “leg pain”.

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