About the symptoms of liver cirrhosis


? About the symptoms of liver cirrhosis

? The word "cirrhosis" is a Greek word meaning "redness, yellowing." As a result of liver scars, it acquires this color. Scars are called fibrosis. When scars increase, it turns into cirrhosis and the liver stops performing its basic functions.

? Affected liver does not filter blood from various toxins, is not involved in bile production or is unable to produce important blood elements. In severe cases, cirrhosis can be fatal.

? In the early stages of liver cirrhosis, the following symptoms are observed:
? vulnerability;
? rapid fatigue;
loss of appetite;
Weight loss without cause
? nausea;
? Mild pain in the upper right abdomen, below the ribs;

? ‍⚕️If these symptoms are observed, consult a therapist or gastroentrologist.

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