Allergic diseases


Allergy is the response of the immune system to substances that affect the body or come into contact with the body, for example, animal fur, dust or bee venom. The substance that causes an allergic reaction is called an "allergen". The concept of allergy was introduced to medicine in 1906 by the Austrian scientist Clemens von Pirke. The term "allergy" means a sharp increase or decrease in the body's sensitivity to a foreign substance. IN ALLERGIES

Another name for allergy is acne. Allergy is derived from Greek and means "other, different, foreign". Allergens are present in food, drink and environment. Most allergens are harmless, that is, in most people, these substances do not cause allergies. Allergic diseases have become widespread in recent years and have become very dangerous. That is why it remains one of the main problems of modern medicine. In particular, the increase in allergic diseases is typical for industrialized countries. Industrial waste is no longer the only source of environmental pollution. There are many other allergens that constantly affect the human body. These include, for example, widespread use of various drugs, including antibiotics, excessive use of cosmetics by women, careless vaccination of the population, and excessive vaccination. The addition of various synthetic compounds to food products also plays an important role. The substances included in some plant dust (dust allergens) have not lost their importance. It is known that a number of grasses, bushes, trees, and cotton flowers cause seasonal increase in allergic diseases. Now, due to the widespread use of various chemicals in agriculture, new substances— Allergens began to appear. The life products of parasitic worms living in the human body, in particular, in its intestine, are also considered strong allergens. Finally, a number of diseases (heel mycoses, rheumatism, leprosy, etc.) play a major role in the emergence of allergies. Of course, like any other disease, allergies are easier to prevent than to cure. For this, the general public should not only know the causes of allergic diseases and measures to prevent them, but should also have concrete understanding of how to strengthen the body's defense against the exacerbation of allergic reactions. You don't need to restrict food, take medicines, avoid plants because they contain allergens. However, in order to strengthen your health and fight against diseases, you should follow simple hygiene rules. Some factors called allergens (chemical substances, microbes and their products, food) cause allergies.

One of the common types of allergic disease is household allergens. Among them, house dust - dust from carpets, clothes, beds, molds on the walls of houses, insects such as cockroaches, houseflies, animal hair and other dirty things cause allergies. Sometimes washing powders can also cause allergies.
When fruit trees are in full bloom, excess pollen is in the air. It affects the human body through the respiratory tract, that is, allergies are suppressed. At first, it is in the form of a fever and causes a headache.
The most severe type of allergic disease is drug allergy. It will be of several types. Antibiotics and other pain-relieving drugs are not effective in the human body when they are consumed continuously and in excess, on the contrary, they pose a danger to the body and cause drug allergies.
Abu Ali ibn Sina ordered to consume mint decoction mixed with figs in the treatment of allergy. He said that it has a strong effect, especially if mountain mint is used. Allergy can be manifested in different ways. On warm spring and summer days, young people decide to relax on the banks of the river in the clean air, when the flowers bloom in the fields, the grass turns green, the trees put out their leaves, and the bushes give off their fragrance. Suddenly, one of them has an acute cold, his eyes turn red and tears start to flow, the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes are severely inflamed, his temperature rises, and he suffers from a strong cough along with shortness of breath. Why did he suddenly and quickly get such pain? The reason for this is that blooming grasses and trees release a lot of pollen during this season. Flower pollen is a plant protein, when the pollen gets on the mucous membrane of a person, it increases its sensitivity, that is, it causes an allergy. Respiratory organs are often affected

- causes allergic tracheitis, allergic flu, bronchial asthma, etc.

All allergens are conditionally divided into two main groups: allergens that enter the body from the environment (exoallergens) and allergens formed as a result of damage to the tissues of the human body (endoallergens)

Endoallergens also appear when a large part of the skin is burned, because in this the skin and subcutaneous tissues change so much that it eventually becomes a foreign tissue for the body, resulting in an allergic reaction.

Exoallergens themselves are divided into several groups: household, pollen, food, medicinal preparations, microbial allergens, allergens contained in detergents and cosmetics.

Allergic factors

Household allergens. House dust is one of the main allergens. House dust, when viewed under a microscope, often consists of small particles of clothing, pet dander, wood shavings, etc. Each of these small particles or all of them together have the property of causing allergies.

From pets, dogs, cats, rodents, fish, birds can be allergens. Because the hairs, coins, and tassels of these animals are foreign fashion for humans. Other allergens include feathers, down, various fungi (mold, mold). These can be spread by the wind and enter the human body through the respiratory tract.

Prevention of allergies in cats and dogs.

If you visit a pet owner's home, take antihistamines. Remember, it's the proteins in animal urine, saliva, and fur that cause allergies, not animals. If you do not have contact with animals, ask the owner to lock the animal in another place or move to another room.

Do not allow pets to sleep in your place. Soft toys and bedding for pets should be washed regularly at high temperatures.

Domestic animals. As much as possible, it is necessary not to keep pets, not to bring new ones, not to bring them into the bedroom. It is not recommended to breed animals with the appearance of an allergic disease in the family, because they may increase and develop sensitivity. Pets should always be washed.

Pollen allergens. In nature, in the environment that surrounds us, plant pollen allergens are very common. The wind and various insects spread their pollen over hundreds of kilometers, which allows them to spread quickly and become widespread, causing allergies to the mucous membrane of the eyes, nose, trachea and lungs.

Pollen also damages the skin: the skin becomes red, nodules, blisters and itching appear.

Symptoms of dust and dust allergy include:

  • Nasal congestion;
  • Itching of the eyes;
  • Itching in the nose;
  • Rhinitis;
  • Swelling of the eyes;
  • Aging of the eyes;
  • Cough.

Measures to eliminate contact with plant dust allergens

  • Knowing in advance information about the flowering season of the plant;
  • stay away from areas with a large amount of allergens in the air;
  • close windows and doors tightly
  • the use of a protective filter in cars
  • glasses must be worn outside.

Measures to reduce the amount of house mites


  • it is necessary to use non-allergenic fabrics to cover beds, blankets and pillows;
  • weekly (thorough) vacuuming of bed, pillow, headboard area and bedroom floor;
  • replace feather pillows and woolen blankets (covers) with synthetic fabrics, wash them weekly with water at a temperature of +60oC, remove carpets as much as possible;
  • weekly wiping of surfaces of furniture with a damp cloth, including windowsills and upper parts of cabinets;
  • hang curtains made of cotton fiber and wash them often;
  • using vacuum cleaners with disposable (disposable) paper bags and filters or with a water source. Wearing a mask during work;
  • it is better to have someone else do the cleaning;
  • use of chemicals (acaricides) to eliminate mites;
  • Special attention should be paid to cleaning upholstered furniture. The furniture should be vacuumed at least 1 times a week, including the joints of the chairs, the backrests and the headrests.

Children. During cleaning, sick children can be outside the room and enter there only after 2 hours. Children are not allowed to sleep in the bed with their soft toys. Toys should also be vacuumed, dry-cleaned, or refrigerated overnight to reduce the number of mites.


Reduce the effects of dust mites

  • Replace carpets with other, harder coverings (e.g. laminate);
  • Replace the traditional curtain with a roller blind;
  • Clean pillows, chairs and soft toys regularly. If possible, wash them at a high temperature;
  • Do not use wool or feather pillows

Allergies to food (food) have different reactions:

  • Return;
  • Swelling of the tongue;
  • Irritation in the mouth;
  • Swelling of the lips;
  • Swelling of the face;
  • Swelling of the throat;
  • Stomach cramps;
  • Respiratory disorders;
  • Rectal bleeding (children rarely);
  • Diarrhea;

Food allergies are often caused by consuming more products containing allergens. This does not mean that other food products do not cause allergies. Because any food products can cause allergies. This allergy is also caused by an immunoreaction and abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, Quincke's edema, donkey feed - eczema, skin itching are observed.

Products containing more allergens: (cow's milk, egg protein, chicken, fish, hot peppers, honey, red products, vinegar, mayonnaise, strawberries, nuts, citrus fruits, legumes) causes food allergies.

Prevention of food allergies.

  1. Before you buy and use a particular product, look at the list of ingredients on the label. Many foods can contain allergens such as milk, eggs or peanuts. Many countries legally require a clear identification of foods that contain allergens.
  2. In restaurants and cafes, clearly explain to the waiter which product you are allergic to.
  3. Keep all doors and windows in your home closed. This helps to keep dust out.
  4. Go outside less in the morning or when the dust level is high. It is better to stay at home on windy days.
  5. It is better to keep the car windows closed while driving. Make sure the air filter is cleaned regularly.
  6. If you go out, change your clothes and take a shower when you get home. Dust can collect on clothing, skin and hair.


Bacterial allergens. Bacteria get into the body or skin by eating or breathing, and often cause various inflammatory processes (angina, furunculosis), abscesses (purulent wounds).

Such disease-causing bacteria secrete special substances that cause hypersensitivity in the body. Thus, a person with purulent chronic inflammation of the throat or ear may develop bronchial asthma, hives, and eczema.

The sooner a person recovers from a chronic infection, the less likely he is to suffer from allergies.

Heredity is not important in the origin of allergies, because allergic diseases are not passed from generation to generation. However, it should be considered that allergies tend to breed.

Suppose a grandmother, father or mother suffers from allergies. Will their children be born with such a disease? No, of course. It depends on diet, living conditions, environment, humidity, sea level height, vegetation and many other conditions. But despite this, this person has a high probability of contracting the disease.

The body's sensitivity to allergens is passed from generation to generation. For example, in one family, grandmother is allergic to cow's milk, father has flu when roses bloom, mother has bronchial asthma, daughter has allergic rash when she wears a wool vest, son and was healthy. It seems that the disease does not depend on the breed, but is a consequence of the body's sensitivity to allergens.

Occupational eczema (allergy)

Symptoms of skin allergies, such as eczema:

  • Skin peeling;
  • Itching;
  • Dry skin;

A red rash on the skin

Most occupational eczema is caused by mild skin irritants. For example, if a solution of turpentine, novocaine, penicillin is applied to the skin of a healthy person, no negative reaction is observed. If these substances repeatedly come into contact with the skin over several months or years, changes will gradually occur in the nervous system.

The body becomes hypersensitive to these substances. As a result, dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) begins to appear, which later turns into real eczema.

When occupational eczema first develops, it is no different from normal eczema. Although the origin of occupational eczema occurs as a result of the harmful effects of a group of substances on the skin, in the development of the disease, one occupational harmful substance plays a key role. Usually, in allergic dermatitis, increased sensitivity to one substance, for example, chrome metal in chromium deposits, plays a major role.

If the harmful effect of a substance (chromium) or a microbe affecting the skin is not removed in time, then a condition called polyvalent sensitization (allergization) may occur. Such a patient is sensitive to several different allergens and may eventually develop occupational eczema due to exposure to household, industrial, and other allergens.

Often, worries, internal experiences, improper treatment of eczema (self-treatment), as well as other complications of the disease have a negative effect on the patient's nervous system, and in this case, the severity of eczema ir form may occur and the patient's condition may become more serious.

  • Allergens stored in cosmetics and detergents
  • Paints and varnishes used for painting nails, lipstick and pink-red lipstick, hairsprays and dyes, creams and toilet water, sprays, lotions and other cosmetics store a lot of allergens. Detergents and washing powders can also cause allergies. Often, it is very difficult to determine that one or another component of cosmetics is "guilty" of the occurrence of allergic diseases.
  • It is known from the observations of scientists that cosmetics, dyes, varnishes are in many cases the sole and main cause of serious allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma, dermatitis (skin inflammation), eczema.


Prevention of allergies to fungal spores

  • Check the roof for mold;
  • Check the water pipe in your home. Water flow creates moisture, which is the most favorable environment for mold fungi;
  • You can clean small moldy areas on your own.
  • A special service can help clean mold in hard-to-reach areas;
  • If the drywall is moldy, cut and replace it;
  • Make sure all hard surfaces are free of mold;
  • Do not lay carpets in damp areas of your home;
  • Replace molded carpets;
  • Make sure the bathroom is well ventilated;
  • Air conditioners help keep the house dry.

Allergy in children of infant age (up to 1 year) is characterized by a number of features. The body of newborns and infants, especially in the first years of life, is not yet able to fight against diseases. However, in most cases, diathesis, eczema-type allergic diseases occur in such children. In such cases, the conditions under which the fetus developed in the mother's womb, the mother's health, what diseases she suffered from, the course of childbirth, whether her organism was affected by the external environment, including occupational harmful factors, are of particular importance. Hypersensitivity of the mother's organism and the fetus to various environmental factors can appear at the same time, because the mother's and the fetus's organism are closely related to each other. Allergens overcome the placental barrier to the fetus's organism. through the blood, and into the baby's body through the skin, breath or gastrointestinal tract. The body of the fetus or child gradually becomes more sensitive to certain foreign substances (allergens) and eventually allergies occur. The main principle in the prevention of allergic diseases and reactions in children of infancy is proper nutrition of pregnant women and nursing mothers. Especially pregnant women and nursing mothers should not eat chicken eggs and too much food. It is not recommended to drink boiled cow's milk more than 0,5 l per day, because when boiling milk (for more than 10 minutes), biologically active substances that cause allergies are broken down. it is necessary not to forget that it is important. Dyspepsia, intestinal disorders, constipation, etc. create favorable conditions for the emergence of food allergies. An important way to prevent food allergies in infants is to feed them exclusively with mother's milk.

Frequent colds (not to mention infectious diseases) lead to an increase in the sensitivity of the child's body, that is, it prepares the body for allergic reactions, allergic diseases. living conditions should be given special importance. In the house where a sick child lives, there should be no unnecessary household items, especially woolen and fur things, the rooms should be kept bright and airy, extremely tidy. House dust is very dangerous, because it contains substances that increase the sensitivity of the body, such as wool, small hair, and dander. They quickly affect the child's upper respiratory tract or sensitive skin. That is why it is necessary to constantly wet the house, household appliances, furniture, floors, carpets, rugs, windowsills, and windows.

While picking them up, it is necessary to take the sick child outside to the yard and ventilate the house well. Children's toys should be wiped or washed with a damp cloth every day.

Toys made of fur, gauze, artificial, sponge and other non-washable materials should be discarded because they collect dust.

It is impossible to dress and undress in the house where the child is sleeping, because this dust can be released and pollute the air in the house. If there are pets in the house, they cannot be placed in front of the child.

If the child has an allergic skin disease (children's eczema, exudative diathesis), it is necessary to keep his skin extremely clean. In order to prevent the exacerbation of these diseases, it is necessary to protect the child's skin from feathers, fur, animal hair, wool, woven materials made of silk, artificial fibers. Such materials should be removed from furniture and toys. Feather pillows and feathers are placed in pillowcases made of thick dust-proof material. Woolen blankets are necessarily covered with threads. Blankets, sheets, volumes are made of cotton or linen fabric, and should be well washed and ironed. In order to prevent the above-mentioned materials from touching the child's skin, the child is first put on underwear made of cotton or linen, and only after that, clothes made of the above-mentioned fabrics can be put on.

The skin around the wrists, neck and other joints should be especially careful, because these areas of the skin rub more. When taking a child for a walk, taking care of it, and playing with it, it is necessary to take care not to touch the skin of the clothes of adults made of the above-mentioned fabric.

Do not use shampoo or high-quality soap when washing the child.

It is better to use special children's soap.


My ass. This is the manifestation of an allergic reaction on the skin. Its main symptom is blisters. Before the rash, the area is very itchy. When the skin is scratched, it becomes red, blisters can spread anywhere on the skin. The rash is pinkish-red in color, often round in shape - from 1 dime to 5 dimes in size or larger. The blisters get bigger and merge with each other, have different shapes, and in some people, they can reach from one to a hundred.

Swelling in loose areas of the skin (such as around the eyes and genitals) is often larger. This is called a large ass or Quincke's tumor.

There are acute, chronic relapsing, chronic nodular and pediatric urticaria. Different signs can be observed in each of them.

Acute hives often appear suddenly. The skin is very itchy, a lot of blisters appear. Although the general condition of the patient is satisfactory, the disease often begins with a febrile attack, and the temperature rises to 39-40". This is called donkey fever. Blisters cover most of the skin in acute hives. After treatment with the appropriate medication, the blisters will disappear and the hives will no longer occur. However, in some patients, the rash recurs several times.

In order to successfully treat a patient suffering from hives, first of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease (allergen). But this is not always possible. Acute urticaria often occurs as a result of the absorption of many different harmful substances into the body through the intestinal tract due to a violation of the diet. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to clean the child's intestines. For a few days, that is, until the disease passes, the patient is prescribed a diet of mainly milk and yogurt, as well as plant products. Bathing in sea water is also beneficial if treatment for urticaria does not work well. Canned foods, sweets, eggs, and citrus juices should be limited to children. Because these products can increase the sensitivity of the child's body and cause an allergic reaction. It is necessary to achieve the child's smooth bowel movement. Children with hives should be checked for worms. If worms are found, treatment should be started without delay.

Diagnosis of allergies

There are several ways to diagnose allergies. The doctor asks the patient questions about the origin of the allergy, when it occurs, the symptoms of the allergy. Other family members are also asked if they have allergies.

There are a number of tests for allergies. Here are some examples:

Blood test- Measures the level of IgE antibodies released by the immune system. This test is sometimes referred to as the radioallerger sorbent test (RAST).

A skin prick test is also known as a test before taking various antibiotics. The skin is scratched with the tip of the syringe, and a little less allergen is applied to the place. If there is a skin reaction - itching, redness and swelling may indicate the presence of an allergy.

Patch test is used in patients with dermatitis (eczema). The required amount of suspected allergen was placed on special metal discs and attached to the belt. After 48 hours, the doctor will check the reaction of the skin and determine which plant he is allergic to.


Bronchial asthma. A typical and characteristic sign of bronchial asthma is attacks of suffocation. In some patients, before suffocation, the throat is scratched, itchy nose, sneezing, coughing, especially breathing becomes difficult. Then it starts to become short of breath, especially when it becomes difficult to exhale. A dry cough attacks, or it becomes slightly phlegm, and signs of inflammation are heard in the lungs. Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease, from time to time the patient's condition worsens, only in some cases the patient feels a little lighter.

During an attack, many dry crackles are heard in the lungs. Depending on the severity of the attacks, mild, moderate and severe types of the disease are distinguished. In the first stage of bronchial asthma, suffocation attacks are milder, the disease is clearly manifested, but true bronchitis symptoms often appear as asthmatic bronchitis. In the second stage of the disease, there is constant shortness of breath, resulting in severe suffocation attacks. Even in moderate attacks, there is some shortness of breath and pale skin. Breathing is noisy, wheezing is clearly heard.

In the more severe stage of bronchial asthma, the described symptoms are expressed more sharply. The patient is forced to lean on something, because this position makes his breathing a little easier. The skin is wet and pale. Breathing accelerates first, then slows down, whistling sounds can be heard from a distance.

The general condition of the patient worsens, he takes a forced posture, his movements are restricted, the heart rhythm is disturbed, swelling appears in his legs.

Most patients with asthma have attacks at certain times of the year. This often coincides with the flowering period of plants and trees. For example, in spring, asthma occurs due to pollen allergens of flowering plants and trees, in summer, to allergens of various spiky grasses, and in autumn - to weeds. If by this time, Zach lives in humid weather conditions, it can be concluded that the effect of allergens from various mold fungi will also be added.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

At present, sanatoriums with climate treatment have been established and treatment in them is being carried out with great success.

Therapeutic gymnastics is of great importance in the treatment of bronchial asthma, and it is considered a necessary part of the treatment complex for patients of all ages. Therapeutic gymnastics helps to restore impaired respiratory function, facilitates sputum migration, prevents the development of pulmonary emphysema or improper growth of the chest and spine, improves the body's ability to resist increases, strengthens the nervous system. In addition to gymnastics, chest massage, swimming, and walking before sleep are also useful. It is not recommended to take sun baths. Swimming, skating, skiing, rowing, tourism, traveling to close distances during the absence of attacks and when the patient feels well will greatly help recovery. People prone to allergies, chemical, it is not recommended to work as a pharmacist, they work in pharmaceutical factories, bakeries, natural silk, cotton cleaning, wool weaving and other factories and enterprises. Recently, bronchial asthma has become more common in children. Usually, children suffer from asthma at the age of 2-4 years. Early symptoms of asthma in children often appear as pre-asthma, and allergic manifestations (diathesis, urticaria, etc.) are characterized by re-infection of the respiratory tract. Regardless of the form of bronchial asthma attacks in children, they usually develop gradually over several hours or days, depending on which the period of attack symptoms can be distinguished. That is, the behavior changes (excitement, hyperactivity or, on the contrary, relaxation, sleepiness), allergic-type flu, itchy nose, sneezing appear, and my face coughs, shortness of breath. it cuts. Later, the condition worsens and if it is not prevented, asthma develops in the form of suffocation attacks. During an attack, the child tries to sit in a comfortable position, there are signs of fear in his eyes and face, and his pupils are enlarged. The skin is pale gray, the area around the mouth becomes blue. Children with suffocation attacks are treated the same as adults. Prevention of bronchial asthma in children consists of reducing the body's sensitivity to various allergens and preventing respiratory diseases. It is necessary to engage in exercise and physical culture from a young age, early detection and treatment of diathesis, children's eczema, and not to eat foods containing food allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits, eggs, etc.). In cases where preventive vaccinations are prevented, non-vaccination and proper treatment of children in the early stages of asthma are the main preventive measures in the fight against this disease.

Risk factors for the development of allergies

In medicine, risk factors are understood as factors that worsen the condition of a disease or patient. This danger can come from what a person does. For example, smoking is a risk factor for lung disease.

Below are some of the risk factors associated with allergies:

  • In the familyasthma having a person with asthma - if your parents, grandparents or great-grandparents had asthma, you are also at risk of developing allergies;
  • Having a person with allergies in the family - if a close relative is allergic, you are more likely to develop an allergy.
  • Parents should notify the child’s school, kindergarten, and others about the child’s allergies and what to do in an emergency.



In the daily diet you can:

1. Lean and boiled beef, cereal and vegetable soups, butter, olive oil, boiled potatoes; 2. Porridges: rice, buckwheat, buckwheat; 3. Dairy products: one-day yogurt and cottage cheese; 4. Fresh cucumber, parsley, dill, apple, pear (not red), fruit compotes (not red); 5. Simple tea and white bread.


1. Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, pineapples), nuts (peanuts, almonds, pistachios, fish and fish products (fresh and salted, caviar, canned goods), poultry (duck, chicken, g small products, chocolate and its types, coffee and smoked products, vinegar, pepper, mayonnaise and other savory products, horseradish, radish, turnip, tomato, eggplant, mushrooms and eggs, unboiled milk, 2. Strawberries , melons, peaches, watermelons, raspberries, mulberries, honeydew products, honey, leguminous products (mushrooms, beans and peas); 3. Alcohol and alcoholic, colored drinks are strictly prohibited; 4. Horse meat and its 5. Red products, red beets, red cherries, cherries, etc.

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