Aloe is a symbol of beauty


Originating in Africa, this plant came to our country several centuries ago. Now in our country there are many different types of aloe. It is grown in homes as an ornamental and medicinal plant.
About 180 species of this plant are known. Aloe leaf extract is used as a dried syrup, and canned juice is used in the treatment of various wounds, burnt skin, gastritis and colitis.
In folk medicine, aloe leaf and its juice are used in the treatment of various diseases: gastric and duodenal ulcers, pulmonary tuberculosis, and others. Contains a substance that prevents the growth of bacteria. That is why when a bee stings from its leaf, cuts the skin with a knife or something else, the aloe leaf is cut lengthwise in the middle and placed in a sore spot so that it does not rot. It also removes bee venom.
For use in medicine, the juice is extracted from freshly collected leaves of aloe and canned with alcohol. Syrup has bactericidal properties and is used in the treatment of burns, infectious and other wounds, as well as some diseases of the stomach and intestines (colitis, gastritis, etc.). Aqueous extract of aloe has immunostimulatory properties and protects the body from various diseases.
Aloe emulsion is also prepared by adding cannabis oil and equivalent essential oil from aloe leaves rich in biogenic stimulants. These drugs increase the body's ability to fight disease. Therefore, a stimulant liquid extract made from aloe leaf is widely used in the treatment of eye diseases (conjunctivitis, glaucoma, etc.), chronic arthritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Aloe emulsion is used to correct skin diseases (dry and wet epidermis) as well as 2-3 degree burns as a result of light treatment.
In gynecological diseases, too, aloe leaf juice is usually used to treat uterine erosion. It is not only a medicinal plant but also an appetizer.
The aloe plant is said to be a symbol of beauty. Its useful properties were discovered three thousand years ago.
Gentle cocaine Its leaves have long been used in medicine. The benefits of aloe vera ointment are great, especially in the treatment of eye diseases and skin wounds. Translated from Arabic, “aloe” means “bitter, kakra”. The Arabs value this plant as a symbol of endurance, contentment for its drought tolerance. Since aloe is a place-loving plant, it is very simple and convenient to grow it at home. Aloe juice is obtained from the same home-grown type of plant. Aloe juice has the ability to quickly repair the damaged area and is also an antimicrobial agent. Aloe is also effective in treating conjunctivitis and other inflammations. Aloe juice and ointment treat acute and chronic diseases of the skin. Eliminates wounds, bruises and burns and restores skin to its previous state. Aloe is also an invaluable find for our ladies who prefer external beauty. If you increase your face in the morning and evening with its leaves, your face will become clearer and more open. Aloe juice against wrinkles Are you upset by the increase in wrinkles that stare at your face in the mirror in the morning and cast a shadow on your face? Then aloe juice will help you. To do this, take 2-3 aloe leaves, put it in a liter of boiling chilled water and boil for 5 minutes. Then pass it through a sieve, drain and cool. You can use the prepared lotion by storing it in the refrigerator. As the air cools, many women’s lips crack. In this case, if you apply aloe juice on your lips, it will quickly return to its former gentle and beautiful appearance.
Frozen aloe Did you know that an ice pack made from aloe juice is the perfect makeup tool? To do this, boil the pearl barley plant along with 2-3 tablespoons of aloe juice. Mix it well, bring it to a certain appearance and put it in the fridge. Do not hesitate to wipe your face morning and evening with this piece of ice. This ointment will rid your face of rashes and clarify. Special masks from aloe Mix a tablespoon of sour cream with a tablespoon of aloe juice. Add the beetroot and honey to the mixture. Apply the prepared mask on your face and after 12-15 minutes, wash your face alternately in hot and cold water. This mask rejuvenates your face and smoothes wrinkles. Mix 2 tablespoons fresh aloe juice with 1 egg white and rub on face for 15 minutes. The mask is effective in removing small rashes on the skin. Mix 2 tablespoons aloe juice with 1 tablespoon chamomile tincture, the same amount of honey. The mask tightens the face and eliminates inflammation.
The gift of nature Aloe is native to South America. By the 30s of the twentieth century, aloe began to be widely used in medicine. These were mainly drugs that strengthen the immune system. Aloe juice is an antiseptic gift of nature, it contains salicylic acid, phenol, sulfur and plant balm - lupeol. These elements are an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

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