


(Greek word "anti" - against, "bios" - life) is often obtained naturally, and by humans in a syntactic manner.

❗️❓Antibiotics affect a number of susceptible microbes, reducing their development and biochemical activity.

The effects of antibiotics on microbes can vary.

⭕️The same antibiotics affect microbes and prevent them from multiplying, such an effect is called a bacteriostatic effect.

⭕️ Antibiotics have a strong effect on microbes and can even kill them, such an effect is called bactericidal effect.

⭕️ Some antibiotics can also dissolve the microbe, such an effect is called a bacteriolytic effect.

⭕️There are antibiotics that act on gram-positive bacteria as well as antibiotics that act on gram-negative bacteria.

👨‍⚕Ps Antibiotics have no effect against viruses ❗️

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