Proverbs about child and infertility


Proverbs about child and infertility
When he was angry, his father defeated him.
If he jokes, he is a child.

From a fool - lightning, from a wise - a fool.

If you give one to your father,
You get a thousand from your child.

Until the baby falls out of the crib,
Let the king fall from his throne.

Bol - sweet, boldan - baby sweet.

If there is a child, they will find a crib.

If you have a child, have fun,
If it's not fun, let it be.

The heart of a child is the king.

The child is older than the khan.

The child enters the tenth, the father enters the tenth.

A child is a flower in his heart.

The child does not lie in secret at home,
No laundry at home without children.

Wife with children - flower wife,
A childless woman is a widow.

Childhood mother is not satisfied with bread,
Childhood goose - grain.

Childhood is a kingdom.
Childhood crows do not touch grain.

There is not enough garden in the children's castle.

Child's beh - maple,
Your child's waist will break.

May your child survive, even if it is bad.

The child will be rich,
No children - dry soy.

A childless woman will not be satisfied with a bag.

The property of your child is a waste,
The soul of the unbeliever.

The tall girl is a flying bird.

It's not about him, it's about the wheat.

Gung said the boy
The deaf mother understands.

Gung's mother understands the girl's language.

Your country - your parents,
Savlating is your son and daughter.

The head of state is a child.

Shoulder rain - inherited from the father,
The father's fat is inherited by the son.

An only child is another ball.

An only child is worse than a wolf.

A lonely child will cry,
A lone camel is a shout.

The lonely boy is harder than the wild,
His wife is stiff with laughter.

The only girl is licking salt.

Long live the bad.

As long as you feed the bad boy,
Roll up your heels.

Until you feed the bad girl,
Stop the doping.

A bad boy is a friend of wealth,
A good boy is a jerk.

The boy's flashlight is his daughter and son.

The bride is ugly, the granddaughter is sweet.

The bride will not be a girl,
The bridegroom is a son.

Don't pretend to be a bride,
If it works, don't melt.

If you order, melt,
Don’t look your son in the eye.

If the bride is good, blind your son,
If your son is bad, see your bride.

The bride's words sink like a ketmon,
The child's word sinks like a bat.

If your clothes are bad, use a grease,
If your child is bad, one day is worth it.

If the bridegroom chases, hold the door,
If the boy chases, go to the head of the net.

The groom will have a grandson,
He will be passed down from grandson to grandson.

Know the bridegroom as a boy and the bride as a girl.

Better a poor horse than no horse at all.

After eating the tail at the bridegroom,
Eat a fist at your son.

I burn my child,
My child burns.

Don't feed your grandchildren,
Don't hit the shot.

When the light dies, the light remains.

The fruit of man is a child.

His six sons have property on six thrones.

Mother and child - tulips with flowers.

Mother - tree, child - fruit.

The mother is kind and the father is sad.

A girl is not born like a mother,
Like a father - a son.

Mother orphan - flower orphan,
A fatherless orphan is an orphan.

Mother-in-law - qarqara,
The bride without a mother is a tasqara.

If your mother is a stepfather, your father is not yours.

If you know your mother the sun,
Know your father moon.

The mother's heart is in the child,
The child's heart is in the field.

The father does not care if his mother does not lick.

If his mother eats kimizak,
Her daughter's teeth are clenched.

Bride without a mother - gentle,
Mother-in-law - bebosh.

Father thugs - god thugs.

The father builds a throne for the child,
Happiness cannot be made.

You see in your child what you did to your father.

The judgment of a child is greater than the judgment of a king.

Money makes money,
The boy is a girl.

Salt will be water,
The girl will be adopted, chased.

The hoof remains of the tulpar,
It's too loose.

Not the account of birth, the account of nurture.

Do not rejoice when you are born, rejoice when you stand.

The first child will be born.

The housewife is a pebble.

Child's happiness - mother's throne,
The perfection of the child is the beauty of the father.

The child is the strength of the waist.

A foster father,
The mother who beat Johnny.

Farzand - dilband,
The child is a wing.

The child's spot burns,
When the time comes, it burns.

The child is a graft.

Have you seen a child, plant a seedling.

Don't give me a blanket.

My child is my honey.

My child - dilbandim,
My favorite is honey.

Your child is your state,
Fazilating - adorn.

It is difficult to feed a child,
It's hard to burn a child.

A childless person is a fruitless tree.

Wife is the flower of the house,
Bola - dilning.

Wife - germination,
To the dough - a fist.

Don't complain that my wife gave birth to a girl,
The male and female of the lion are equal.

He showed his wife well
The child in her arms.

The tree looked good
The fruit on the branch.

Passing without a wife is a mistake,
Going without a child is a pain.

The baby is dear to God.

The girl who came out is raw.

If it's good - boy,
If it's bad - bad luck.

A good child is a flower,
What's worse is the money.

A good son is six times better than a father,
A bad son will be six batmans less than a father.

A good boy calms down,
The bad boy kills.

A good boy builds a house,
The bad boy ruins the wedding.

A good son is a man of honor,
A good girl is the reputation of the house.

Thanks to a good boy,
From a bad boy - a curse.

It won't go away even if you step on your child's core.

Even if you give a child raisins, it will not stand.

If the relay is ten,
If it's forty, it's a sword.

Of a young man in his thirties
May he have a son to take firewood.

Girl with a boy - Two eyes at once.

The boy eats and goes to bed,
The girl eats and goes to the edge.

The girl lights the lamp that the boy lights.

If the son's father is brave,
The girl's father is poor.

If a son does not look like his father, his blood is unclean.

The son is the nightingale of the house,
The girl is the flower of the house.

If the boy is a winged horse,
The girl is a winged bird.

If the boy is good,
The parents are happy.

If a boy or a girl is wise,
El-u yurt is happy.

There are thirty houses for the son,
The girl has forty home remedies.

The son's house is an angel,
The red house is beautiful.

Let your son feed, let the bride milk.

When I say crow, I mean alone.
If I say don't curse, don't lick.

The girl grows up and goes to the shore,
The boy grows up and goes away.

The girl is mine, happiness is someone else's.

Girl's money - milk money.

The girl's money is salt money.

Keep a pinch of salt until the girl saves.

You saved the girl - you saved the grass.

The girl gives birth to ice,
The day she gives birth to a son.

The girl is both a maid and a thief.

The girl is a guest.

My girlfriend's husband -
My boyfriend's vinegar.

Her daughter is happy,
His son Bor has a throne.

My daughter is a girl,
A hundred people come to my daughter.

When your daughter grows up, she will come home,
When your son grows up, he will come home happy.

When your daughter grows up, go to the shore,
When your son grows up, go to bed.

The red man climbs the hill.

The red house is empty,
A house without a girl is dark.

The red house is a caravanserai.

Red house - sweet house,
A son's house is a house of music.

The red house is the house of the sword.

The Red House
The son's house is the era.

The language of the red house is broken,
The tongue of the bridegroom is sharp.

If you give a girl, give it to a man,
Let it rain like a tulip.

The girl has grown up - the enemy has hit you in the head.

Although crooked, the road is good,
Even worse - a boy.

The rabbit says he will kill the baby,
The puppy says I'm a tiger.

Better a poor horse than no horse at all.

What the bird finds, it puts in the baby's mouth.

The lamb grows,
The child is crying.

Beautiful with lamb,
Wife - with baby.

The beetle calls the baby white,
The hedgehog baby says soft.

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