At what age is it best to have your ears pierced?


❓At what age is it best to have your ears pierced?

In medicine, the exact age of ear piercing is not specified.

🟢Positive aspects of ear piercing under 3 years of age:

• at this age the child does not feel strong pain;

• the likelihood of fear and related stress is low;

• the finishing process is fast;

• No scars on the perforated area.

Salbiy Disadvantages of ear piercings under 3 years of age:

• the child continues to grow intensively and the ear canal may not be in the middle of the left;

• It is difficult to explain to the child that it is impossible to touch his ears, as a result of which the risk of infection increases during the healing process;

• The child may get caught in something while playing or the child may swallow it when it is removed.

❌ When is it best to postpone ear piercing?

• when there are neurological problems;

• in blood diseases;

• If the child has allergies

• If you have recently been vaccinated against a disease.

Source: Rambler Weekend