Reducing excess milk supply


What to do to reduce the flow of excess milk….

? #Dostinex What is the purpose of drugs like Abinex and Cobergoline… ..

The 3 drugs listed above also contain 0,5 mg of cobergoline.

✅ Cobergoline inhibits prolactin secretion, ie blocks milk production.

✅ Cobergoline-containing drugs are used in any condition and disease.

✅ Prevention of postpartum physiological lactation

✅ Decreased postpartum lactation

⭕️ In the treatment of pathologies associated with hyperprolactinemia (excess prolactin in the blood):

⭕️ Amenorrhea-absence of menstruation for 6 months or more

⭕️ Oligomenorrhea-Menstruation less than two days)

⭕️ Anovulation-Absence of Ovulation

⭕️ Milk secretion independent of galactorrhea-breastfeeding

⭕️ In adenoma-pituitary benign tumors that increase prolactin secretion

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@ Dorilar1

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