About Chingiz Aytmatov's work and the novel "The Day of the Age".

About Chingiz Aytmatov's work and the novel "The Day of the Age". 1. Definition and similarities of the images of Sobitjon and Jolomon. 2. Description of Edigei Storm image. 3. Description of Naiman's image of mother. Chingiz Aitmatov began his literary career by writing short stories. In 1957-1958, Chingiz Aitmatov's short stories "Face to Face" and "Jamila" were published. Chingiz Aitmatov's works have been translated into 191 languages ​​and are among the masterpieces of world classics.

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Text about human qualities

Text about human qualities If a person has good qualities, everyone likes and respects them. First of all, the human virtue in the first place in a person starts with greeting people who are older than him, that is, respecting and caring for people who are older than him. There are many human qualities, they cannot be counted. Make your parents happy by doing what they say, when it's difficult for your loved ones

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MY-5 TV Programs / My Country Program Weekly

MY-5 TV Programs / My Country Program today

MY-5 TV Programs / Meny Yurtim program today MY YURTIM TV CHANNEL MY-5 TUESDAY 05:30 Music 06:00 Music 06:45 "Amon-Amon" show 08:00 Telenovela: "They call it life" 09:00 National series: "Kadir Khan" 10:00 "Oznymiz Gap" show 10:25 Telenovela: "Takdir bolsari" 11:25 Music 12:00 "Hudud" program 12:20 Telenovela: 13:10 Music 13:40 "School of Mothers" program 13:55 16 Movie: 00:XNUMX Hudud program

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Great TV shows today

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Favorite TV shows today

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Victory Day.

Victory Day. A gentle wind blew in the breeze, it was a time of joy. Our flag was fluttering in the wind, Victory had arrived. There was still a wound in the heart, even though it was over, the disaster. Those who sacrificed their lives for the country, brave men like you. ✍️: Islamova Mukambar

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