Babies born by caesarean section


Interesting fact - babies born by caesarean section
What makes babies born by caesarean section different from babies born on their own?

A caesarean section is a baby born by caesarean section, not by itself. Sunni birth is the second name of keserva. such births are planned or unexpected. In most cases, caesarean section is used when there is a risk to the mother or child.

In some cases, keserva is the basis for a healthy birth of a single fetus. There are women who are asked to cut themselves for fear of pain.

Children born by caesarean section
Children born by caesarean section

Children born by caesarean section
Hyperactive - very stubborn and do what they say. Of course, a good upbringing can change that.
Mental problems
Children born by caesarean section are immediately examined by a pediatrician and a neurologist. However, this is not a cause for concern. This is a general process, and it is only to prevent the danger that is coming.

Physical underdevelopment
Keserva is not involved in this process. Causes of malnutrition include high water intake, late first breath, and post-anesthesia complications. Complications of caesarean section may be due to emergency caesarean section. In this case, the mother's body does not have time to prepare for childbirth.

Excessive crying
High stress, labor, activate various hormones and affect the child's nervous system.

Lack of milk
The brains of those born by caesarean section return to normal on the ninth day after birth. And for some as a baby gets older, he or she will outgrow this. Breast milk can be avoided by antibiotics.

You will need to see a qualified doctor to prevent these problems. Milk can often come shortly after stress. Risk is present in all operations.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for these operations and take care of yourself. Two things guarantee a child's health: proper care and the help of a qualified doctor.

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