Baby skin care routine.


📍Baby skin care routine.

🔹Because babies have sensitive skin and need care, their pediatrician recommends bathing them with tinctures made from natural herbs.

The most common of these herbs are chamomile and chamomile.
Learn more about how these two plants affect children's skin👇

🌿RAMASHKA GULI (chamomile tincture)

🔸Decreases muscle tone
🔸 Calms the nervous system
🔸 Eliminates inflammation
🔸Opens the appetite
🔸Prevents itching and redness.

🌿Babies bathed in chamomile drops have been shown to improve appetite, eat well and sleep peacefully.

🍃CHEREDA (sachratqi) herb drops.

🔹Treats skin rashes
🔹Reduces redness and itching.
🔹Soothes the nervous system
🔹Good benefit in diathesis and dermatitis.

Do not use too much damage, it can dry out the baby's skin…