Benefits and harms of watermelon


Benefits and harms of watermelon
✅ Benefits
Watermelon is almost 90% water and quenches your thirst very well. It does not contain proteins and fats, but is rich in carbohydrates that are quickly digested and provide energy. This fruit is especially useful for physically active people. During exercise, a small amount of watermelon juice or a piece of water satisfies the body's need for water and saturates it with glucose. Watermelon contains a lot of red pigment - lycopene. Lycopene in the body is not converted to vitamin A like other carotenoids. The pigment has strong antioxidant properties. Numerous studies show that high levels of lycopene in food reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Some studies even claim that it reduces the risk of prostate and bowel cancer.
Watermelon contains vitamins in low concentrations, but is very rich in vitamins C and A. Watermelon is especially rich in minerals. It contains a lot of magnesium, which is necessary for muscles. Magnesium helps absorb calcium, without which bones become brittle.
The seeds are saturated with large amounts of nutrients: folic acid, vitamin RR, as well as phosphorus and magnesium. It is recommended to consume watermelon seeds dried or roasted.
❌ Losses
There is a misconception that watermelon can be consumed in unlimited quantities because it is almost water and low in calories. Watermelon is rich in simple carbohydrates and is on the list of products with a high glycemic index. It takes a lot of water to get the sugar out of the body, which puts an overload on the kidneys. In addition, this amount of water also washes away the necessary minerals.
Watermelon is a good diuretic. Therefore, people with urolithiasis are not recommended to consume it, as it can move the stones. It is not recommended to give watermelon to children under 3 years of age, not because of its allergenicity, but because of the harmful effects of fertilizers, nitrates and others used in the industrial cultivation of watermelon. For this reason, it is not recommended for adults to eat watermelon until it peels, because this layer contains harmful substances.
🔬 Use of watermelon in medicine In official medicine, only seeds of watermelon are used. Fat extract is used for kidney disease. Due to its diuretic effect and increased excretion of uric acid, the kidneys are cleared of sand. This tool can be used according to the doctor's instructions.
Doctors say that watermelon relieves swelling, heart and kidney disease, hypertension and constipation.

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