Business Idea: A plan for selling smoked meat products


Business Idea: A plan for selling smoked meat products

Our next business idea is to make a profit by smoking meat products in the backyard.
It is possible to start this business at almost no cost. Because it doesn't take much to get started.

Our finished products are sold with a profit of 70-80%. This is until the product is ready
It does not cost much, just sawdust (crushed form of wood and timber).

• equipment - $ 3;
• packaging equipment - $ 1;
• advertising - $ 500;

For monthly expenses:
• product - $ 500-1000;

Smoking equipment can also be made by hand.

Smoking time averages 12-24 hours, depending on the type and size of the product. For example, if you smoke fish, the time is up to 12 hours.