Buy Apple phones for a fixed fee


How much do Apple phones cost when you buy them for a fixed fee?

Demand for Apple products is always high, but because of their price, customers often prefer to pay in installments.

Prices in online stores are as follows (Total price):
- iPhone 13 Pro Max RM / A 6 / 512GB in Elmakon, Sierra Blue price 20 499 000 soums on credit 2 soums / 536 months (000 soums);
- iPhone 13 Pro Max 256GB Alpine Green at CreditAsia 22 449 500 soums, the initial amount is 7 088 295 soums, then 1 378 280 soums per month / 12 months;
- iPhone 13 Pro Max 256 GB Sierra Blue at Texnomart 18 574 000 soums, on credit 2 290 750 soums / 12 (27 489 000 soums)
- Apple iPhone 12 PRO MAX 256GB 1 / 678 months (000 soums) on Glotruz

If you want to get a loan, you will have to pay an additional 20% to 50% per month depending on the price of the phone.

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