Calcium deficiency in children.


⚡️Calcium deficiency in children.
Calcium is extremely important for children's bodies. Without it, cell division and protein synthesis do not take place, which means that the baby stops growing. Due to calcium deficiency, all metabolic processes are disrupted, the formation of bones and teeth is delayed. How strong a person's bones are throughout his life is directly related to the amount of calcium he received in childhood.
This element is involved in almost all processes in the body, in addition to growth it is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, nerve and muscle tissue, it is involved in the production of enzymes, as well as plays an important role in blood clotting. Because of this, calcium deficiency is especially common in children.
Unfortunately, young parents are often unable to know in time whether or not their baby is getting enough calcium. However, the first symptoms of this micronutrient deficiency are the rapid fragility and dryness of the skin, nails and hair. Children also develop bad habits such as scratching their nails and scratching their head. They become unable to sit in one place for long, involuntarily tapping their fingers. Arouses a passion for unique flavors.
They often want to chew chalk or dyes, and often come to eat milk or cheese.
Calcium deficiency in the blood (hypocalcemia) delays the growth of the small neck, adversely affects the formation of bones and teeth, worsens the work of the heart muscle, leads to high levels of neuromuscular sensitivity and even vasoconstriction. The eyeball loses its transparency, holes and marks appear on tooth enamel.
Therefore, it would be good to think more seriously about calcium deficiency when the baby's body is still delicate and many problems can be easily solved. It is easy to find products that contain calcium, the complexity is that the body needs to help it absorb it. This is because calcium is one of the most difficult minerals to absorb. The fact is that complete calcium is absorbed only in the presence of vitamin D3, and this vitamin is either formed under the influence of ultraviolet light, or passes into the body with food. In addition, the amount of calcium is slightly reduced during cooking, for example, when cooking vegetables, 25% of calcium is released into the water, so it is better to eat all kinds of cabbage, especially broccoli in the form of soup or broth. Legumes, almonds, sesame, and usually discarded root crops are rich in calcium.
The absorption of calcium is resisted by oat acid, which is found in oats, spinach, beets; the caffeine in coffee, Coca-Cola causes the rapid excretion of calcium from the body. Sugarcane, cocoa and chocolate also prevent the body from being saturated with calcium.
The main sources of calcium in the diet are dairy products - ie milk, yogurt, sweet yogurt, cottage cheese, low-fat varieties of cheese. Calcium is very well absorbed by the baby through breast milk, but after six months, when his arrival is not enough, it is necessary to switch to feeding with porridge rich in this trace element.

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