Dry eye detection

Diagnosing dry eye This is determined by the Schirmer test (named after the German ophthalmologist Otto Schirmer 1864-1918). ? The filter paper is placed on the lower eyelid, the eyes are closed for 5 minutes, after which the test result is considered normal if the humidity exceeds 15mm. If it's less than 15mm, it's dry... Read More

September Seven Syndrome

Seventh of September syndrome (in some cases it is also referred to as "first of September syndrome") This syndrome is a psychological disease that is mainly applied to elementary school students, and after a long holiday in school students ( 1- and 4th grade) is characterized by a difficult course of adaptation to school. The disease is expressed as follows: 1. After returning to school, the incidence of viral diseases increases in children. 2. Life... Read More

If the minus "-" in the eyes is too low, it is not possible to perform "LASER" surgery

What to do if the minus "-" in the eyes is too low and it is not possible to perform "LASER" surgery❓ If there are -10.0 -15.0 -20.0 diopters in the eyes, it is not possible to laser correct these eyes . But now our ophthalmologists have found a solution for this?? An ICL (implant collamer lens) operation is performed — in which an additional gem is inserted into the eye. The refraction of this artificial gem is +10.0 +15.0 +20 diopters... Read More

What do we know about claustrophobia?

What do we know about claustrophobia? Claustrophobia is a disease of fear of being stuck in closed places, windowless, narrow places (elevator, coffin) and similar places. This term comes from the Latin "claustrum" - closed space and "phobos" - fear. Comedian Woody Allen, actress Uma Thurman, Dave Grohl, member of Nirvana group, actor Ryan Reynolds, Canadian pop... Read More

Irregular shape of the pupil is called COLOBOMA

Irregular shape of the pupil is called COLOBOMA. It is mainly CONGENITAL (genetic predisposition or if the parents are related to each other) or occurs when the mother has worked a lot with various chemicals during pregnancy. ?️ Coloboma does not harm itself, it will look like this until the end of its life, it does not affect its vision, only ... Read More