Song text

Jalaluddin Ahmadaliyev Mother's Lament (lyrics)

Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev Mother's Lament (lyrics) If I start to hold on to the walls, if I start to say the wrong things, if I start to get up early in the morning, don't frown on me, my dear, never leave me alone, my dear, if I choke on my tea My wife can't feed my bread Don't put my side to hard torture My soul Don't frown on me, my dear, don't leave me alone, my dear, My child, my child, my child, my child, my child

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Jalaluddin Ahmadaliyev Go away, I don't beg you (song text)

Jalaluddin Ahmadaliyev Go away, I won't beg you (lyrics) My sighs are not enough for you My pains, no one knows My pain is a thorn, I don't want you Go away, I won't beg You, I will love you until I die Until my promise is fulfilled Until I see you in the judgment Go away, I won't beg My heart is in pain My dreams are high Did you give pand too? Go away, I'm not begging you (2x) I'm looking behind you and I'm silent. I don't have the language to speak. I'm looking behind you and I'm silent. I don't have the strength to speak.

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Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev Good girl (lyrics)

Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev Good girl (lyrics) You are the best of all the worlds My love was not accepted, stay well, good girl What would I do, I'm in pain, I'm dying of love I'm leaving, stay well, good girl, Our address is in the desert, it's dead, it's on the way (2x) Your Prince Is On The Way Stay Well Good Girl (2x) Be The Moon In The Sky Be A Stream Of Laughter (2x) Touch Rich Be Rich

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Ozoda Nursaidova Alamlar (lyrics)

Ozada Nursaidova Alamlar (song text) It's enough, don't look anymore I'm leaving, don't follow me, I'm buried in the sands, forget the love that I had, forget the love, forget me, don't look for me, what happened to me, my heart is dead Now laugh at me, your heart is full Pains, pains, pains are crushing The stains of love left in my heart are crushing The bad, the bad are walking next to me Leave the love, my heart is tired, I'm tired of love

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Khamdam Sobirov Return to the village (lyrics)

Khamdam Sobirov Go back to the village (lyrics) You dye your hair blond, but you pluck your eyebrows without telling me Who, where are you walking, even though you are at home? The girl who walks around the city saying she's studying in the garden, the director is in a red dress. Lipsticks on her lips, a gold chain around her neck. Don't stay in Tashkent, go back to the village.

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Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev, 19 years old. Lyrics of the song

Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev, 19 years of age Lyrics of the song Fate put three dots on my heart Burned embers in my chest Take one look, take a breath, stop Will I see your eyes again, no, Stop coming back Don't give me your love. Now you're a stranger, my dear. I won't give you anything. Don't worry. Will I come to the places where you fell?

Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev, 19 years old. Lyrics of the song Read more "

Imran - There will be a wedding Lyrics

Imran - There will be a wedding Song lyrics That girl met me again My heart fell for her again You will be a mother just as you want Now you will be a mother-in-law They call it love, mother-in-law That bad girl is also cute, wow, her father is one My daughter is a man. It's like the moon in the sky. Soon there will be a wedding. My heart feels that these days are close. There will be a star for my wedding. You will pray for me.

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