Causes and treatment of foot sweating and odor


General information about foot sweating and odor

The body's ability to sweat in general performs two important functions: the removal of toxins from the body through sweat and the regulation of body temperature. The skin of the feet also has sweat glands, which increase in function when they wear closed shoes for long periods of time and when the socks are not clean. This is a favorable condition for the growth of bacteria.

Healthy human skin does not secrete enzymes that give off specific odors. In some pathological conditions, these enzymes begin to be secreted by sweat, and they serve as conditions for the proliferation of disease-causing microorganisms. Toxins released by bacteria during their life activities are released into the external environment: they emit an unpleasant odor in shoes and socks. Especially if the shoes are made of poor quality material and there is no ventilation system, the level of sweating and odor will be high. In addition, an increase in sweating is also observed during exercise, during stress, in hot conditions, when using thick blankets during sleep. So, in which case should you take serious measures against foot sweating?

If the feet are in clean socks and shoes made of quality material, and there is a lot of sweat, even if the rules of hygiene are followed, it means that it is a pathological condition.

Causes of foot sweating and odor

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is often secondary, i.e., the result of disease. This condition can be caused by:

  • Dysfunctions by the endocrine system. As a result of the acceleration, which affects the metabolism in the body, the blood vessels dilate, blood flow increases, and the skin of the feet begins to sweat a lot. For example, in diseases of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland.
  • An increase in the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood disrupts blood circulation in the lower extremities, leading to excessive sweating and constant sweating of the feet.
  • Infectious diseases can cause a lot of sweating due to viruses, bacteria. For example, when tuberculosis is infected with HIV.
  • Excessive sweating of the feet can also be a sign of oncological disease.
  • Fungal diseases of the foot, mycosis.
  • Excessive sweating, especially cold sweats, is observed in pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Neurological diseases, such as stroke, increase the overall sweating in the body, even in the legs.
  • Prolonged stress increases sweating due to an increase in the hormone adrenaline in the blood.
  • Sweating in the legs increases even if there are deficiencies by digestion.

In women, sweating of the feet is due to their physiological characteristics, ie during menstruation, the ratio of hormones changes, metabolism is disturbed, there is an unstable mood, sleep disturbances and changes in the function of internal organs. The hereditary factor also plays a role in foot sweating. In addition, long-term use of certain medications, antibiotics, and antidepressants can also increase sweating in the legs.

Some consumer products can also impair the function of the sweat glands: bitter, salty, smoked products, sweets, garlic, etc. Lack of vitamins leads to disruption of the general functioning of the body.

Determining the cause of foot sweating

To treat excessive sweating of the feet, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of it. In this case, the dermatologist may prescribe treatment or refer you to another specialist. To determine the root cause, the following is done:

  • Biomaterial laboratory examination. Fluorography, total blood, urine analysis, determination of blood sugar. In addition, an ECG, computed tomography of the brain is performed.
  • A Minor test is performed to determine the extent of the disease. Iodine is applied to the palm surface of the foot. Once it is dry, the starch is rubbed. Starch turns purple when exposed to sweat. The size of the palm surface is determined by the color change.
  • Chromatography - examination of sweat content.

Ways to eliminate foot perspiration

Special drugs and folk remedies are used to eliminate foot perspiration:

Treatment of foot sweating at home

  • In case of excessive sweating of the feet it is recommended to compress with a soda solution. To do this, take 40 g of baking soda and dissolve in 200 ml of warm water. The solution is soaked in gauze and tied to the foot. The treatment should be carried out for 2 weeks.
  • Take a bath with beer. Mix water with beer and hold the feet in it for 15 minutes, then wipe with a dry towel.
  • 9% apple cider vinegar solution. A bandage soaked in vinegar solution should be placed in the area of ​​the foot, between the toes. It is better to carry out the treatment in the morning, it will help to reduce sweating and get rid of unpleasant odors.
  • A solution made from chamomile and oak root (can be found in pharmacies) improves the function of the sweat glands, eliminating inflammation, agitation. The dried and crushed powder of these plants should be boiled in water for 15 minutes, then it should be soaked for 3 hours. It is recommended to bathe the feet by mixing the solution with water. To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, it is necessary to conduct it before bedtime.
  • Take a bath with sea salt (morskoy sol). Dissolving sea salt in warm water and bathing your feet in it for 15 minutes before bedtime will help clear the pores of the sweat glands and get rid of unpleasant odors.

Foot creams and ointments

Cosmetics can be found in pharmacies in the form of deodorants and sprays, or in the form of ointments and creams. These include:

  • Teymurov paste is an adsorbent, has antimicrobial action. Helps get rid of sweat and unpleasant odors.
  • Nosweyet spray reduces the secretion of sweat by blocking the sweat glands, allowing you to get rid of unpleasant odors.
  • Malavit is in the form of a gel or solution and contains many beneficial plant components. It is recommended to apply to the skin of the feet 2 times a day, even if it is not washed off after use.
  • Formagel has antiseptic properties, reduces sweating and eliminates odors. Apply the drug on the soles of the feet and wait for 30-40 minutes, then rinse.
  • The "5 days" cream eliminates inflammation, itching, cracks in the skin and prevents the growth of fungi.
  • Mycoseptin has an antifungal effect and eliminates unpleasant odors.
  • "Chereda" has an antiseptic effect, bathing the feet in water with cocaine. Stops the growth of various microorganisms.

The above drugs should not be used in excess. Because they block the path of sweat glands, causing blockages to form.

If the feet continue to sweat profusely, they can be treated using iontophoresis. The treatment is carried out daily until sweating is reduced. In rare cases, operative measures are applied. The operation involves the removal of nerve fibers that innervate the sweat glands. In addition, laser therapy can be performed for several months.

Measures to prevent foot sweating

It is better to prevent it than to fix it. It is especially necessary to treat chronic diseases of the internal organs, diseases of the endocrine system. It is necessary to follow the rules of daily hygiene, use prisipka (powder), choose clean socks, quality shoes, wear sports shoes only when doing physical training.

  • Sweaty feet should be washed at least 2 times a day, using household soap when washing. The feet should be washed with warm or slightly cooler water when rinsing.
  • Before wearing shoes, make sure the feet, socks and shoes are dry.
  • Shoes should be made of natural material, they must "breathe".
  • Shoes worn on sweaty feet should be cleaned once a day with antiseptic agents, such as boric acid (bornaya acid).
  • Daily leg gymnastics and leg exercises improve blood circulation in the foot.
  • It is important to avoid stress, not to give in to emotions.

There are many reasons for heavy sweating of the feet. Therefore, it is not possible to diagnose on your own and start treatment. The doctor should seek the advice of a dermatologist or endocrinologist. Because they determine the exact cause of the disease and apply specific treatment measures.

Always be healthy!

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