Causes of hand sweating


Hand sweating often makes men uncomfortable. This, of course, has a negative effect on the psyche of the stronger sex. Factors such as constant stress, low self-esteem, and low self-esteem can also hinder the success of men who are heads of families. Such people avoid shaking hands with others. This will prevent meetings with others on business and other issues in a spirit of sincerity, trust and business acumen.
At the same time, some people try not to greet another once they see a person with a sweaty hand. So what should those who walk with their palms constantly wet in such a situation do? What are the causes and how can the consequences be overcome?
general information
First of all, it should be noted that there are about 2-5 million sweat glands in the human body, the largest part of which is located in the palms of the hands and feet (heel). The process of sweating is very important for the body. In particular, this process removes excess heat energy and harmful substances from the body. However, in some people, the norm of sweating is violated, which causes them many problems.
In medicine, excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis can be generalized or localized. Generalized hyperhidrosis is common to be observed in intense stress, exercise, and hot conditions. Hyperhidrosis also occurs when the body is weakened and suffers from various diseases. Localized hyperhidrosis, on the other hand, is mainly seen in sweating of the palms of the hands and feet.
Causes of hand sweating
The reason for this may be primarily due to physiological factors. Most often it is the result of vascular dystonia, intensive functioning of the adrenal glands and dysfunction of the thyroid gland. For this reason, those with severe palmar sweating should immediately see a therapist, neuropathologist, or endocrinologist to determine the cause of hyperhidrosis and take appropriate action.
Sweating of the palms while the body is healthy is mainly due to various stress, the production of large amounts of adrenaline in the body in a nervous state.
Treatment measures
Psychotherapists note that treatment of hand sweating is difficult to carry out by external means. This requires, first of all, the treatment of the human psyche. If a person is able to control his fears and emotions in time, he can get rid of sweaty palms.
Doctors, on the other hand, recommend a variety of medications to treat palmar sweating… For example, they may prescribe medications such as formalin or tannin solution, aluminum hexachloride, or glutaraldehyde. However, it should be borne in mind that such means temporarily stop hand sweating, partially reducing it. It also causes various allergic complications on the palms when adversely affected.
Recently, hospitals have been conducting surgeries against this problem. For example, there is the practice of sympathectomy or cutting the sympathetic nerve fibers leading to the sweat glands. In 95 percent of cases, this gives a positive effect. However, in some patients, it is also possible that other parts of the body will increase sweating.
Also, in some countries, palm sweating is being treated with Botox. This drug, which is injected into the body, disrupts the order of nerve impulses to the sweat glands in the skin of the palm. As a result, sweating stops. A single botox injection can have an effect for up to six months. After that, palm sweating continues again.
Folk medicine
In folk medicine there are also various measures against hand sweating. For example, washing your hands twice a day with a vinegar solution or rubbing lemon juice is helpful. It is also possible to use tinctures of oak bark, sage, calendula, chistotel and other medicinal herbs. Apple cider vinegar, bitters, salicylic acid, or camphor alcohol also help with hand sweating.
Some helpful tips
Wash your hands often and wipe thoroughly with a towel. Always carry alcohol-based hand sanitizers, wipes and dry wipes with you. Do not carry items that cause sweating in your hands, do not use airtight gloves on the skin of the palms, etc. unnecessarily. Calm your nerves before important meetings. To do this, think about the fact that hand sweating is the main cause of nervousness, close your eyes and take three or four deep breaths.

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