Changes in blood pressure during pregnancy


It is advisable to measure blood pressure regularly during pregnancy - for nine months.
The numbers on the tonometer window reflect information about the versatile mother and her fetus.
During the first month of pregnancy, a decrease in arterial blood pressure (AQB, i.e. AD) due to changes in the hormonal function of the body causes hypotension to occur. As a result, the "pregnant woman" experiences weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, noise under the ears, shortness of breath when walking.
Doctors are looking for the causes of sudden, unexplained loss of consciousness in women of childbearing age and find out that she is pregnant. Probably because of this, it is accepted as a natural state of pregnancy and excessive panic and anxiety are not allowed.
However, the emergence of a new organism in a woman's body cannot take place without any changes, that is, without both mental and physical changes.
Hunger for bitter and salty foods, vomiting as a result of exposure to pungent odors - are nothing but symptoms of early toxicosis.
Worst of all, blood pressure can drop further as a woman goes through these processes. While this causes a number of inconveniences for the mother, it is extremely dangerous for the fetus!
The drop in blood pressure during pregnancy causes some defects in the fetal circulatory system (placental insufficiency), resulting in a deficiency of nutrients and oxygen needed by the fetus.
Naturally, this causes the fetus to "starve" and "suffocate".
That is why it is important to measure blood pressure from the first month of pregnancy.
Blood pressure should be less than 100/60 and not higher than 140/90 (individual characteristics in some individuals should be taken into account). If this happens, contact your doctor immediately!
Changes in blood pressure during pregnancy
Changes in blood pressure during pregnancy
Increased blood pressure during pregnancy
In the second half of pregnancy there is a slight tendency to a slight increase in blood pressure. The reason for these changes is related to the physiological condition.
Simply put, another circulatory system has emerged in the body of the expectant mother. As a result, the total blood volume increases by half a liter at 19–20 weeks of gestation, and by exactly one liter at 32–36 weeks.
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As a result, there is a slight strain on the heart, which increases the volume of blood flowing to the arteries by 40-50%, and the number of contractions of the heart and ventricles increases slightly. At rest, the pulse rate increases to 80-90 beats, and the norm is 70-75 beats. This figure can easily rise to 100 times when a pregnant woman is excited and active.
However, do not worry, just as it is not dangerous to change the pressure between 5–15 mm between the numbers of the tonometer, it is normal to have a heart rate of 100 beats. If the difference is large (above the norm), there is reason to worry, in short, it means that urgent action is needed…
For example, in the second half of pregnancy, body fluids "accumulate" between the tissues, which in turn leads to the formation of "tumors" in the body and legs. The higher the pressure in the blood vessels, the more fluid will try to get out. He tries to normalize the pressure in this way, but still the interstitial fluid accumulates between the tissues and the tumors do not disappear when they do. Normalizing it is like carrying water in a sieve! This ultimately poses a great risk to the health of the pregnant woman and appropriate treatment should be carried out immediately.
Important aspects of blood pressure control…
Blood pressure in pregnant women included in the risk group should be monitored frequently.
This group includes: women who have had a miscarriage (abortion) in previous pregnancies or experienced a complicated birth, as well as patients who are overweight, suffer from hormonal disorders, complain of kidney and other internal organ function .
If something similar happens to the above, that pregnant woman should be under the constant supervision of a doctor (especially if blood pressure is measured frequently).
In the early, middle and last stages of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes treatment to the patient, depending on what indicators of blood pressure in the body of the pregnant woman. After all, it is multifaceted that the mother's blood pressure is normal during childbirth.
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What are the symptoms of low blood pressure during pregnancy?
This condition can often occur at night. A pregnant woman sleeps peacefully without being disturbed by anything, and her blood pressure drops due to physiological processes and as a result the fetus cannot breathe.
Of course, disturbing a woman who sleeps peacefully, no one measures her blood pressure at the wrong time. Therefore, during a schedule-based medical examination, doctors may prescribe medications to prevent fluctuations in blood pressure.
Blood pressure exceeded normal ..?
It is important to calculate how many hours it will take for the blood pressure to change and return to normal. If the condition is under the influence of physical activity, excitement, sadness, or good news, there is no need for hypotensive therapy. The body quickly recovers from its previous normal state. A significant increase in blood pressure (assuming a small difference) can be expressed in tonometer numbers after the following cases:
  • if you eat a bar of chocolate after drinking coffee or bitter tea, or if you are stuck in a smoking area;
  • if you have consumed ointments containing herbs that increase blood pressure (limonnik, ginseng) or applied such ointments on your body;
  • if you are nervous, anxious about a disturbing game, or if someone's "action" is bothering you (for example, if you have been waiting in line for hours for a doctor's appointment);
  • if you are walking fast, climbing stairs faster, or carrying a heavy bag or a pacifier in your hand;
  • if you are excited when you see a doctor, psychologists call it “white coat syndrome”.
A significant decrease in blood pressure (assuming a small difference) can be expressed in tonometer numbers after the following cases:
  • if you have tightened your underwear (wearing a net) - it has reached a level that impedes blood circulation;
  • due to the fact that the cuff of the blood pressure monitor is not connected at the level of complete occlusion of the brachial artery;
  • due to the very rapid release of air from the cuff;
  • if the cuff of a certain standard is tied to a thin, slender hand;
  • if you are lying down, not sitting as usual when measuring blood pressure.
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High blood pressure…
You can perform the following simple exercises when high blood pressure occurs. It is recommended that you perform this exercise depending on whether you like it or not (depending on your mental and physical condition) while performing the exercises, more specifically when making recommendations.
  • With the soft part of your thumb, press into the groove where the spine joins the skull, count to ten inside, and then release. You can repeat this procedure twice;
  • Divide the back of your neck into 3 horizontal pieces. Then find a conditional point from a pair on the side of each of the three parts. With the tip of the thumb of both hands, press down on the same conditional points, counting three times to 10, increasing the order;
  • Determine the conditional point (above the sternum) on the line where the abdomen connects with the chest and press it with your index finger and apply it 10 times. Repeat the treatment 10 times;
  • Squeeze the index finger of your left hand with your right hand, then pull. Raise the turn to your left hand;
  • Are you excited? Then remember the antidepressant point under the chin and massage it 9–10 times counterclockwise.
Low blood pressure…
  • Bring your fingers to the “claw” position and massage the top point into the hole between the nose and upper lip, the bottom point into the space between the lower lip and the jawbone, alternating fingertips.
Important: if you notice changes in your blood pressure during pregnancy, perform any treatment according to the procedure prescribed by your treating physician and qualified professionals.

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