Character identification based on a person’s nose shape 10+


1. Long, flat nose. The side wing is almost straight and the tip is facing down. Often people with long noses are very curious, optimistic. They are always ready to help others. It is also of interest to those around long-nosed people. Another piece of information about them: masters of finding a solution to any problem.
2.Grekcha nose. The shape is thin, long and straight. The Greeks don’t always want to be the center of attention. They are very frugal and loyal to their loved ones. Owners of such noses find it difficult to talk about their feelings, so such people look humane.
3. A crooked nose. This type of nose is similar to most bird beaks. The side wing of the nose is bent and the tip is facing down. Rotary nose owners are people who are revengeful and dedicated to creating innovation. They are ready to defend their principles with passion. They are not afraid to take risks to achieve their goals.
4.Arkali nose. It looks very similar to a crooked nose, but the tip is more angular. Owners of such noses are excellent entrepreneurs. They always approach their work with honesty and responsibility and always reach the necessary heights.
5.Button nose. Very small and graceful nose. The most common type of nose. Button noses make all the decisions themselves. They don’t even try to turn on those around them. They have a very strong character. They are more interested in what is done than in what is said. They almost always get what they want.
6. Straight nose. The nose looks very straight, the tip is slightly rounded, and the holes are large. Such people are strong, tough and serious in character, yet very passionate and enthusiastic. Their anger stands on the tip of their noses. But they also know how to get out of their pits quickly.
7. Bulging nose. There is a small bulge in the upper part of the nose, and such nose holders can be found among many of us. It is easy to offend this category of people who are generous and have a strong desire to solve the problems of others.
8. Curved nose. Despite the unpleasant name, the owners of this nose are soft-spoken, and their hearts are full of love. The upper part of the nose is curved and the tip is rounded. They are very attentive to everything they do. The best interlocutors, friends and partners are people with crooked noses.
Prepared on the basis of Internet sources

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