Computers and Health


Computers and Health

💻 Computers have become an integral part of work, education and leisure. But it is no secret that prolonged and improper use of it is harmful not only to the eyes, but also to overall health.

These losses include:
• Dry eye syndrome and decreased vision;
• Scoliosis as a result of not holding the body upright;
• Weight gain as a result of inactivity, muscle weakness;
• Weakness, headache under the influence of prolonged computer radiation.

❗️There are a few simple tips to follow to avoid these annoyances.

For the eyes:

👀 Get in the habit of opening and closing your eyes often. This keeps the mucous membrane of the eye moist;
💦 Drink more clean water (not sweet, carbonated drinks). It maintains a normal water-salt balance in the body;
👨‍💻 Eye and monitor distance should not be less than 60-70 centimeters;
💊 If your activity is directly related to the computer, eye drops can be used in consultation with your doctor.

⏱ Perform eye exercises every 25-30 minutes while using the computer:

1. Blink frequently for 2 minutes;
2. Perform rotation and up-and-down movements with the eyelids;
3. Come to the window and grab an object that is at maximum distance from the street and try to stare at it;
4. Imagine that you close your eyes and watch the pleasant colors for 5-6 minutes in a quiet state.
👓 Use goggles (read more about such goggles (

For general health:

🚶Do not forget about physical activity while diving into work. After every 1-2 hours of work, get up and do light exercise. If possible, take a walk in the fresh air for 1-2 minutes.
🙎🏻‍♂️Keep your body straight. This is important for breathing rhythm and spinal position (how to hold it correctly is shown in the picture attached to the bottom of the post).
🥗 Enrichment of the diet with products rich in vitamins A, B, C (oily fish varieties, liver, butter, seafood, carrots, red bell peppers, tomatoes, parsley, dates, citrus fruits) necessary for general health.
✅ Announce a computer-free day once a week.

📝 Source: @soglomhayotuz