Constipation in children


Constipation in children

The main reasons are: not drinking enough water, not giving fruit and vegetable purees, eating constipating products, not following a diet, not being able to eat enough.

The solution is simple: eliminate the problems listed above, give fresh purees of fruits and vegetables 1-2 times a day, give water to children over 6 months, depending on the temperature, give them fiber-rich porridge, breastfeed until full.

Medicinal solution: lactulose-preserving syrups and glycerin suppositories can be used.

To know if the constipation and the abdomen are at rest - the child is felt holding the abdomen lightly and palpating, if it is hard or tight, it means that the abdomen is constipated or rested. Usually, children's stomachs are often at rest, which also interferes with the transport of faeces in the intestines and causes constipation. At this time it is necessary to give simethicone preservatives (espumizan, bobotic), dill juice. Laying the baby on his stomach is also a good benefit.

@taomlanish_ilmi (

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