Daily conflicts and problems are actually… 20+


We analyze the causes of family conflicts and divorces that are common in our daily lives and are easy to tolerate as follows:

"I called my daughter-in-law my daughter," "My mother-in-law's mother." These are superficial opinions. First of all, if a mother does not easily accept what she says while reprimanding her daughter, she will not look for another girl instead. Girls, too, get annoyed when they hear something and don’t look for another home or parent;

Pair selection error. Everyone has their own views on taste, as does the choice of spouse. For some, a stubborn, opinionated person is acceptable, while for others, a humble and submissive spouse is appropriate. If their views are different, the couple will start blaming each other. As the golden rule says: "We actually call those who disagree with us and those who oppose us bad."

- Family disputes and divorces "Learning of the ear." "So-and-so was disobeyed by his wife, so he drove her away and married someone else," "the bride was tortured by her family, so she packed up her things and won't come back!" Words like these are ingrained in people’s minds as a normal situation, not a tragedy;

- Great preparation for the wedding, not for the family. Engagement, blessing wedding, bride and groom sarpo, wedding. Booker proves that he wasted his time only after it passed like deceptive sensations. Everyone has a dream, but isn't the main goal of this dream a happy family life? If the worries of the wedding are to reform their minds while repairing the house, to learn a new profession instead of new clothes, to learn the science of compromise, which has no household secrets, we can do it with the concepts of family conflict and divorce. we did not multiply until.

prepared by psychologist Gulbahor Yusupova


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