A lesson in literature


A lesson in literature
  Class: 5 Subject: literature           The lesson is sacred
Studying the excerpt from Otkir Hashimov's short story "World Affairs".
Purpose and
The goal:
1.Educational: Studying the stories of Otkir Hashimov's short story "Works of the World", working on the text of the stories.
  2.Educational: to draw the students' attention to the feeling of love for the mother, to teach to protect a person. Educating students in the spirit of love for artistic creativity;
3.Developer: development of oral and written communication, acting skills and the best human qualities.
Duties: arousing students' interest in the subject, forming their knowledge and skills based on the subject. encouraging them to work independently.
To control the extent to which the assignments related to the subject have been completed and to evaluate their knowledge.
Competencies to be formed: competences of communicative, working with information, general cultural, literary knowledge in practice
Content of the educational process
Studying and analyzing the stories given by Otkir Hashimov from the book "Works of the World".
Technology of implementation of educational process
Type of lesson: creator of knowledge, skills, competence and ability
Lesson style: mix
Lesson method: non-traditional: "Charm", "Role-playing games", "Mystery chest", "Assisiment"
Lesson form: work individually and in small groups.
Lesson store: textbook, electronic textbook, video projector, computer, screen, disk with slides, audio texts, incentive cards, author's photo and works.
Control: oral control and question-and-answer.
Evaluation: Based on a 5-point system.
To be expected
the result
The topic is mastered by all students in a short period of time. It increases student activity. It arouses interest in science. In one lesson, all students are evaluated. Encourages students to study the topic independently, to memorize it. Teaches how to solve problems.
Acquires new knowledge quickly. Learns independent creative work and develops speech. He controls himself. Works on questions. He will have a lot of information in a short time.
In the future
Adopts pedagogical technologies, implements new methods and methods. Encourages to work on oneself. Improves pedagogical skills.
Collects additional information on the topic. He tries to express his opinion fluently. The ability to draw conclusions increases. He tries to read the full text of the work.
                                           Block diagram of the lesson:
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Course stages
Organizational part: "Spirituality" minute
45 minutes
          Review of previous topics:
Working with "Tilsim".
New topic statement:
a) slide show;
b) "Role-playing games" (stage)
c) "Think, search, find!" (working with a dictionary)
a) "Mysterious chest" (questions and answers)
b) "Ingenuity debate"
d) "Respect for mother"
End of lesson: assessment and homework
Course Outline:
I. Organizational part: greeting, presence detection.
Teacher:  (From the book "Inscriptions on the border of the notebook" by O`. Hashimov)
     Why does a person plant flowers in his backyard? If you sow turnips, it will fall into the pot!
    Why does a person cry when his beloved hero dies while reading a book? He knows that the writer made it out of him!
    Why does a person cry at night when he goes to other countries and gains countless wealth, and dreams of the hut where he spent his childhood? After all, he lives in a royal palace!
    Why does a person say Allah at the beginning of his child? Does the baby not sleep if he doesn't hear it?
    The fact is that there is a line that separates Man from animals. This is the name of the border  Spirituality  called!
  Dear students! I will start today's lesson by wishing you to be the owner of such a high spirituality!
Lesson motto:   Mother is one! Homeland is the only one!    (Otkir Hashimov)
Students of the class are divided into 3 groups and the XNUMXst group "Love" Group II "Muruvvat", Group III "consequence" is called Pupils' participation during the lesson is evaluated with the help of "Ofarin", "Barakalla", "Inspiring" cards.
  1. Repeat the previous topic.
  Repeating the previous topic  "The Spell" is carried out through the exhibition.
   Teacher: "TILSIM" exhibition fulfills the purpose of literature education defined by the requirements of general secondary education. Every literary creation in the world of literature is an example of magic. In order to open the magic of this spell, you need to have complete information about this writer, to know his famous works.
     Dear readers!  At the bottom of our exhibition, there are archive-cells, in which the leaflets showing the year of birth, place, first work, career, works, awards, most famous work, date of death of several poets and writers are mixed. You will have to take the information about the work of our favorite artist that you are studying from the archives and place it in the main part of the exhibition.
After the groups are evaluated, the teacher announces a new topic.
III. Subject Process:
   Students will be shown a slide prepared for studying the life and work of O'tkir Hoshimov, the short story "Works of the World".
 (Classical music plays through the tape recorder)
The teacher explains the topic based on the information obtained from the Internet:
       In 1982, O'tkir Hoshimov was awarded the Oybek Prize of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan for his beautiful work. "Works of the World" created his story and continued the debate about spirituality.
    The story "Works of the World" tells about the best, most sincere feelings, about the most honorable breed - mother. A mother gives life to a person, washes, combs and educates. The most important thing for a mother is her child, whether it is a son or a daughter. This work of Otkir Hashimov is composed of stories with independent subjects. It includes "Carpet Sock", "Dream", "Alla", "Golden Baldaq", "Oris Boy's Moon", "White Marble, Black Marble", "Iltijo". stories like these do not leave anyone indifferent, they praise the mother who embodies the Eastern morals and is ready to sacrifice her life for her son. without silence. For this reason, it is read with great interest and excitement. This story reads like an epic, as the Hero of Uzbekistan Said Ahmed said. After reading it, we will think of our mothers..."
In our last lesson, we assigned the task of reading and acting out the stories from the short story. Today we will talk with you about the stories "Alla", "Debt", "Carpet Socks", "Iltijo".
     In the work "God" The chapter called is very impressive and makes you feel calm. Alla is the first song that a human child listens to in life, it is absorbed into our body with mother's milk and is unforgettable for life. The writer describes this beautiful song as a melody that has divine power and melts the heart. It is difficult to read this chapter without excitement and longing.
  Through the projector, the song "Alla" and a video about Alla will be brought to the attention of the students.
   After that, the story of "Carpet Stocking". audio text will be broadcast.
 "Role-playing games" based on the method, group I will stage the stories "Debt", group II "Carpet socks", and group III "Iltijo".
After the students have performed the scene, they explain the content of the scene.
  I group: "Debt" In the story, the human virtue of Hakima Aya, the main character of the story, is written. Last year he brought them shoes, this year he will give them a three-legged bicycle and a shirt. He makes an excuse to his sons, saying, "I took a loan, I'm paying off my debt." At the end of the story, the son understands why his mother did this and does not think deeply.
Group II"Carpet Socks" in the story, the mother is even ready to give her life to save her liver from the danger of the disease as soon as possible. The mother said to her son, who had a severe cold, "Oh, what am I going to do now! Alas, my child will die!” The doctor runs to Haji's grandmother's house with a threatening cry. After the child gets a little relief from the pain, it turns out that he put his health in danger - he got cold feet. For this reason, the son gives his mother carpet socks every year.
Group III: Tell me  "plea" In the chapter, it is very impressively expressed that a person's filial duty to his mother is a debt that can never be repaid. Because the place of our mothers in life is incomparable. They bring us into the world, feed us with white milk, rock our cradle for long nights, fly around us, take care of us and bring us to adulthood. The writer, who deeply understood this, was able to describe his feelings of indebtedness to his mother and her incomparable love very sincerely.
"Think, search, find!" to students' literature notebooks through the method  vocabulary words from the textbook are written. Students will have to write the meanings of these words. After that, the meanings of the vocabulary words are displayed on the electronic board and the students check based on their own assessment.
Work with the dictionary:
Tancha —        sandal
Kavshandoz —        the entrance to the house where you take off your shoes
Kuchala                - poplar, willow ball flower
We are                    - a drink made from horse milk
Felt —         palos printed from wool, felt
  1. Strengthen
Regarding the questions in the literature textbook to strengthen the topic "Mystery Chest" a game is held. Two participants from each group take turns, take a question from the box and answer it.
If the student cannot answer, he can get help from his group. 
  1. What is the mother's dedication to her child in the story "Carpet Stocking"?
2. What do you mean by request?             
3. At the end of the chapter "Debt", why did the candies fall out of the writer's hand during the conversation with the neighbor's girl Nilufar?
4. In the "Swan" story, how were the incompetent brothers punished?
5. Explain why Mother Allah in the chapter "Alla" is understandable for everyone.
6. What similarities do we see between the image of the mother depicted in the work and our mothers?
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Given sentences
The name of the story
Do not panic, posha, the god who gave you the pain will also give you the cure.
"Carpet Socks"
...Mothers want their children to always be together.
A three-legged bicycle for a prize, a shirt for happiness...
For some reason, with this tone, peace seemed to enter my heart, and my eyes began to close on their own.
It rained in the morning.
Our next exercise  "Resourcefulness disputeis called In this case, students will determine which story the following sentences on the screen belong to.  
      Final stage "RESPECT TO MOTHER" is called
Teacher: A mother is ready to do anything for her child, even to sacrifice her life. That is probably why countless poems, epics, and large works have been written about mother. From small proverbs to our holy hadiths, mother is praised and honored.
At this stage, the members of each group will make a presentation on the topic "Respect for Mother". Group 1 reads a poem about mother, group 2 recites proverbs and sayings, and group 3 writes a text about mother.
Group 1: "Mother" poem  (Madina Kholikova)
I looked for kindness from the world,
I didn't find any good news from you.
Mom, I looked for it, but I couldn't find it.
He is greater than you, greater than you...
I don't need anything
You are my happiness, my existence, my mother.
He didn't even hurt an ant,
Under the feet of my heavenly mother!
Group 2: Proverbs
  • Mother and child with flowers     (proverb) 
  • It is under the feet of mothers
Ravzai paradise is a demonic garden.
If you want to see the window,
Be the mother's feet...     (A. Navoi) 
Group 3: MOTHER'S LOVE   (Text)
     Mother. A mother whose kindness is equal to the sun. The mother who gave the child a heart and love with her compassion and light! His gracious heart and love were first of all directed towards the mother herself, and the child loved and honored her...
    Mother is a coach. He looks to the future with great confidence. A mother has a steel will: she overcomes all difficulties in the way of her child. His hymn is always in tunes.
(The members of the group compose the text and read the sentences in sequence. Through this task, the competences of students to apply communicative and literary knowledge in practice are formed).
   Teacher: In fact, when reading the story "Works of the World", two warm feelings fill our hearts - if it is one, the feeling of love for our own mother and for mothers in general. Because, as the writer himself admitted, the work is not about his own mother. "...in general, about Uzbek women and mothers in general". There are many interesting events in the story. Therefore, I advise you to read this work in its entirety.
     Ywith the initiatives of our president    2016 -  "Year of healthy mother and child" it was announced. Every mother thinks from her heart about the happiness and perfection of her dear child and always lives with noble dreams and aspirations. Our president says: "Life has appeared on earth, and mankind always bows before the venerable mother figure. The most important thing is that if the mother and child are healthy, the family is happy, and if the family is happy, the society is strong.". There is no limit to the opportunities and conditions created for mothers and children in our society. Our mothers are our happiness. Let's honor them not only with our language, but with our heart. Let's walk boldly towards the destination of happiness, following Purman's teachings. Let us make our mothers happy with our good deeds, successes, excellent studies and exemplary behavior. After all, this is our true filial duty.
Bpopulation participation of students in the lesson is taken into account and the score of each group and participant is announced.
Homework:  Studying the content of stories in the short story "Works of the World" by O'tkir Hashimov. Writing a creative work on the topic "My mother is better than everyone."

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