Development of a lesson in mathematics


Mathematics teacher Mahmudova Surayya's lesson development for 5th graders
Technological map of the lesson
 Add and subtract decimals
Goals and objectives
1. Educational purpose of the lesson: To teach students the properties of adding and subtracting decimals and to develop understanding and skills about the connections between them
    2. Educational purpose of the lesson: Educating students in the spirit of love for the motherland, loyalty to the country, kindness to parents and hard work.
    3. Developmental purpose of the lesson: To create an understanding of the subject in each student, to be able to express their personal opinion freely and to further increase their interest in science
Content of the educational process
Steps for solving examples using a new topic: Purpose and setting of an example, solving examples, obtaining results and analyzing them
Technology of implementation of educational process
Style: mixed
Format: Work in teams and small groups
Tool: textbook, exhibition, handouts, quick questions and answers.
Method: visual, oral, written, test
Expected results
Connecting students' knowledge of previous topics to the topic of decimal fractions, providing complete information about the topic, teaching them to solve examples related to this topic
Future plans
Based on the analysis of the teacher's own activities or on the basis of the analysis of the lessons of colleagues, changes are made to the keying lessons and planned.
Organizational part
5 min.
Reinforcement of the past topic
10 min.
New topic statement
15 min.
Reinforcement of the subject
10 min.
Assessment and homework
5 min.
Course type:  a new knowledge provider
Course method: unconventional lesson
Course style: formation of knowledge, skills, qualifications
Classroom: textbooks, reading materials, visual aids, television
 Course Outline:
  1. Organizational part: greeting, checking attendance, checking homework.
Teacher: The duty officer's information is heard and the important news of the day is told by the students. Then students' homework is checked.
Students will be divided into 2 groups and our lesson will be conducted in the form of a competition. In this case, the group that passed each stage with good results will advance one step towards the school. Competition conditions:
  1. Domino game. (Students answer the domino questions in the review phase of the previous topic and must identify the sequence correctly) 2.Zucco team condition (where students work on examples on the board)
3.An interesting question-and-answer condition
  1. Number puzzle game
  2. The condition is to solve the puzzle in the picture.
Students' participation during the lesson is evaluated using cards.
  1. Repeating the previous topic: Repeating the previous topic  domino game is held in the style of Students who answer all questions completely will be evaluated
  2. rename the share.
  3. Express 1 cm in meters.
  4. What does the numerator and denominator of a fraction mean?
  5. How do we compare fractions with the same denominator?
5. How do we determine which of the two fractions is larger in the light of numbers?
  1. is the fraction large or fractional?
  2. What is the quotient of 18?
  3. Name two correct and two incorrect fractions with a denominator of 8.
  4. how many kilograms are in a ton?
  5. What number is called a mixed number?
  6. How to add fractions with the same denominator?
  7. How do you convert an improper fraction to a mixed number?
13. State the rule for comparing decimals.
14. What numbers can be written in decimal form?
III. New topic statement
To add (subtract) decimals
  • First, the number of digits after the comma is equalized by adding zeros
  • Then they are written as a "column" so that the comma falls under the comma
  • Addition (subtraction) is performed without paying attention to the comma
  • A comma is added to the resulting number so that the top decimal point falls under the comma.
That said, decimals can be added and subtracted without having to equalize their decimal places with zeros. In this case, without writing zeros, they are considered to be empty spaces.
Example 1. Let's add the decimals 4,5 and 1,451.
First, we simplify the number of their numbers after the comma. For this, we put two zeros to the right of the first one: 4,5=4,500.
Then we write it in the form of a mixed number and add:
4,500=4, 1,451=1
4,5+1,451=4 + 1= 5
So the sum of 4,5 and 1,451 decimal places is 5,951. This result can also be produced by adding the decimals in "column" form.
0,658=0,6+0,05+0,008 This entry is called the spread of the number 0,658 over the units of the room or the sum over the adders of the room.
Thus, the number 0,658 represents the first 6 decimal places after the decimal point - the number of tenths, the second 5 - the number of hundredths and the third 8 - the number of thousandths.
After the comma in the decimal notation of the fraction:
  • The first room is the room of tithes;
  • The second room is a room of one hundred;
  • The third room is called the thousandth room.
Addition laws for decimals
As with natural numbers, the laws of addition, permutation and grouping apply to decimal fractions.
Addition and permutation law for decimals: a+b=b+a
Addition grouping rule for decimals: (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
Calculate: 6,33+4,57+5,67
Using the permutation law of addition for decimals, we can replace the last two addends:
Using the grouping rule for decimals, we group the addends as follows and perform the operations:
  1. Reinforcement of the subject
"Smart team" condition. The team that solves examples and problems without mistakes will go up one more step.
Example 819.
On the first day, 2,14 tons were unloaded, and on the second day, 3,65 tons. How much cargo was unloaded in the warehouse in these two days?
Solution: 2,14+3,65=5,79 tons
Example 820. (Oral)
a)3,8+6,1=9,9                          b)0,02+0,01=0,03              d)1,23+9,77=11
e)0,003+0,006=0,009           f)1,02+0,99=2,01               g)24,2+0,8=25
Example 821.
a)8,23+2,18=10,41                  b)11,35+6,47=17,82          d)82,12+54,42=136,54
e)4,22+10,82=15,04                f)10,32+10,01=20,33         g)0,321+0,346=0,667
Example 822.
a)6,83+5,1=11,93                    b)1,3+6,47=7,77                d)82,1+5,42=87,52
e)4,20+0,8=5                           f)10,52+10=20,52             g)1,3+0,346=1,646
h)67,9+2,99=70,89                  i)4,259+22,64=26,899
Example 823. (spoken)
a)9,5-6,1=3,4                           b)12,23-9,12=3,11              d)8,9-3,6=5,3
e)24,7-0,3=24,4                       f)0,06-0,02=0,04                 g)0,008-0,001=0,007
h)1,01-0,99=0,02                     i)42,53-2,53=40
"Logical question-and-answer" condition
1. Find such a number that multiplying it by 7 and subtracting 1 from the resulting number will result in 90? (13)
2. How many times should you cut a 12 m long piece of wood into 4 pieces? (3 times)
3. There are 5 sons in the family, each of them has one sister. How many children are there in the family? (6)
  1. After 3 years, Bakhtiyar will be 14 years old. How old was Bakhtiyar 5 years ago? (age 6)
5. At 5 o'clock it started to rain and after 6 hours the rain stopped and the clouds dispersed, but the sun did not rise. What is the reason for this? (night time stated)
6. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (1 piece)
7. Three friends found 3 coins on their way to the market. If one of the friends went to the market by himself, how many coins would he have earned? (3)
  1. I thought for a while. If I divide it by 7, then add 7 and multiply by 7, the number 77 appeared. What number was I thinking? (28)
  2. The seller sold 36 m of 3 m of fabric to each customer. How many times did the seller cut? (11 times)
  3. The first poplar had 9 apples, and the second had 5 more apples. How many apples are there on both trees? (apples do not ripen in poplar)
Number puzzle game. In this, students must correctly fill in the empty cells in the number pyramid.
The condition is to solve the puzzle in the picture
At the end of the lesson, the team that reaches the school the fastest after crossing the stairs is declared the winner.
  1. Student assessment (2-3 minutes)
  2. Homework assignment (2-3 minutes) (example 834-836)

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