Diet for pregnant women


A diet for all expectant mothers who understand how strong the impact of diet before and during pregnancy is on the health of the baby.
The most important nutrients for the fetus are: folic acid, iron, ions, zinc and essential fatty acids. These elements must be provided in the right amounts in the composition of meals. Dietary errors in pregnant and lactating women result from the incorrect intake of these essential elements.

Know what to consume

Women who intend to have children should know the principles of proper nutrition.
Here are some helpful tips to help you avoid the negative effects of diet and adapt to your requirements:• A variety of dishes. There is not a single product that contains the necessary nutrients (there are an average of 60 types). The more different foods we eat, the better for our health.

• Only black bread. Rye wheat is 3-5 times more rich in minerals than white bread, and also has more vitamins and dietary fiber.

• Double the amount of iron in your diet. To do this, a pregnant woman should eat meat, poultry or smoked meat twice a day (lean meat is recommended). and it is recommended to consume fruits.

• Consumption of fish products is mandatory - they are a valuable source of protein.

• Vegetable oil prepared for salads from fresh vegetables you should consume at least one tablespoon per day. She gets the unsaturated fatty acids she needs for pregnancy.

• Increase consumption of milk and dairy products. They are very important for mother and child, calcium, B2, B12 rich in vitamins and high in protein. Low fat products help maintain a healthy weight.

• At least daily 1kg of fruits and vegetables should be consumed because they are very rich in vitamins and minerals.

• Alcohol is prohibited, strong coffee you should reduce drinking and stop smoking. Drugs generally prohibited. They can cause miscarriage and damage the development of the fetus.

Variety of dishes

Increasing the variety of foods and consuming a variety of products reduces the risk of nutrient deficiencies.
In this process, the demand for vitamins and minerals increases significantly, even by 50-100%. But the amount of foods rich in these calories should only increase by 300kcal.

Most women try to pay attention to their figure, follow different weight loss diets, which are usually not well balanced and can lead to a decrease in some nutrients.The pregnant woman can meet not only her nutritional needs but also the needs of the developing embryo in her womb. need Therefore, you should not forget to eat a variety of foods, rich in natural products, that is, products that are low in simulants. For the health of yourself and your child.

milk porridge, two black buns, two thin hams, tomatoes, onion with olive oil snack, lemon tea
Steamed salmon, carrots, boiled potato salad, fresh grapefruit juice
fruit salad, orange jam and black bread, yogurt, lemon tea

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