Dressing the baby properly for night sleep


Dressing the baby properly for night sleep

A baby's peaceful sleep also depends on the clothes he wears. When dressing your baby for the night, you should follow one basic rule: dress your baby the same way you dress and add an extra layer of clothes or a light blanket.
Learn to feel your child’s body temperature with your hands. The fact that his hands and feet were cold indicates that the child was cold. So the child needs to be covered better. Even if the child's body is hot and sweaty, then the child is warming up, it is necessary to lighten his clothes or lower the room temperature.
If your baby is born prematurely or weighs less than 3.5 kg, then the baby needs extra warmth, he should be dressed warmer.
Most babies like the wrapped condition. Certainly not tightly wrapped, but slightly comfortable with the arms and legs together, slowly wrapped. The child's movements should not be compressed.
Most importantly, baby clothes must be made of 100% cotton fiber. In such fabrics, the air circulates well and helps the baby’s body to breathe.
It is convenient that the child's clothes do not have various dyes, it is easy for the child to sway and suffocate in the threads.
If the crib is cold, you can put a light hat on the baby for the first few months.
If your baby is not sleeping well at night and cries a lot, take a look at his clothes. Often, children's inability to sleep peacefully can be caused by overheating, cold, or uncomfortable clothing.

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