DTM site says "This phone number is already registered"?


📌my.dtm.uz What to do if it says "This phone number has already been registered" when registering through the site?

My.dtm.uz I can't remember my password to access the site. What can I do?

✅ Answer to the questions: In both cases, it is necessary to follow the instructions.

🌐 My.dtm.uz The site has a "Password recovery" function, applicants who have forgotten their password to access the site and applicants who have received a warning saying "This phone number has already been registered" can use this option to update their passwords.

👨‍💻 For this "Password Reset" A special code will be sent to the applicant's phone number when the telephone number and the value of the arithmetic expression are entered in the section and the "Reset password" button is clicked. After entering the special code into the system, the applicant creates a new password for himself.

🖥 After that, with a new password my.dtm.uz it will be possible to enter the site and use it.

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