Factors affecting the brain


In modern life, it is not uncommon for a person to be confused. Therefore, the head should be protected. To do this, you need to avoid factors that negatively affect the brain.
Sleep deprivation. This situation is becoming a global problem. According to the World Health Organization, people have slept an average of 100% less in the last 20 years. As a result of insomnia, various parts of the brain go into a state of sluggish sleep. At this point, the person freezes at one point and becomes paralyzed, making it difficult to move clearly. As a result of regular sleep deprivation, brain cells begin to die.
Don't have breakfast. Not having breakfast in the morning has a negative effect on a person's efficiency and alertness during the day. This is not only the result of not consuming the necessary energy, but also the result of low blood sugar due to not eating breakfast. This reduces and makes it harder for nutrients to enter the brain.
Excess sugar. We mentioned that sweet, bitter chocolate is necessary for the brain to work effectively. However, too much sugar can cause problems with protein and nutrient uptake. The same changes that take place in the body when the sugar level is low, the same changes that occur when the sugar level is too high. That is, nutrients do not pass to the brain.
Mental stress. Strong mental and emotional stress leads to disruption of communication between neurons, making it difficult to understand the sequence of events, the cause-and-effect relationship. That's why strong nervous tension makes you feel like you're not doing anything. Accumulated stress worsens memory and reduces mental capacity.
Smoking. When we talk about the negative effects of smoking on the body, the first thing that comes to mind is the image of blackened lungs and ugly teeth. However, little is known about the effects of smoking on the brain: nicotine narrows the arteries. This increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease several times along with the lack of nutrients in the brain.
The sun. Lack of sunlight has a direct effect on a person's ability to learn. First, ultraviolet light from sunlight regulated blood circulation (oxygen and nutrient uptake). Second, sunlight promotes the release of serotonin, a mood-boosting hormone.
Water. Lack of water reduces the size of the brain. This greatly reduces its performance function, making it very difficult to remember information. It is recommended to drink an average of 2 liters of water a day.
Antidepressants and sleeping pills. Hunger for potent drugs is a pressing issue in developing countries. Because it is much easier to find medicines there. Some sleeping pills and popular antidepressants can worsen memory and cause mental weakness.
Plenty of information. The amount of information that a person learns is growing rapidly every year. It seems to harden the brain and keep it active. In fact, the brain responds with resistance. As a result, the brain stops receiving information, and memory interruptions can occur.
Multitasking. Another negative effect of the information world is that a person receives several streams of information at once. As a result, none of them are sufficiently accepted, and the mind becomes accustomed to this way of working. Information is perceived superficially, making it difficult to do a single job superficially.

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