Fire rose


Sergey Aksakov

Once upon a time, there was a rich merchant in ancient times. She has three daughters, all of whom are beautiful, especially the youngest, who is unparalleled in beauty. The father loved his daughters very much. He loves the youngest more than the older ones, and the girl is very kind to her father.

One day the merchant was going on a long voyage, across the sea, and called his daughters and said:
- I go to distant lands for trade, I do not know how long I will return. If you behave well in my absence, I will bring you whatever you want as a gift. You have three days to think it over and then tell you.
The sisters thought for three nights and three days and finally came to their father.
The eldest daughter bowed to her father and said:
- Otajon! Bring me a piece of silver, not a piece of cloth or jewels, so that the light of the precious stones in it will be like the moon and the sun, and will illuminate the dark night.
The merchant thought for a moment, then replied:
"All right, sweetheart, I'll bring it." As you said, there is a princess on the other side of the sea. It is hidden in a stone barn. The warehouse is on a high cliff, has three iron gates and three locks. An acquaintance can take it. No matter how hard I try, I will work for you.
The average girl bows to her father:
- Otajon! I don't need rags, expensive furs, jewelry, or glitter. Bring a mirror made of oriental crystal so that you can look at the whole world. As I look at her, I will grow younger every day without getting older, and my beauty will grow.
The merchant thought long and hard after these words. Finally he said:
"I see which mirror you're talking about, girl." I have an acquaintance in a faraway land, he will find out. The mirror is called the mirror world, the daughter of the king of Iran. He was hiding in a stone hut on a high hill. The seven-story iron door is fastened with seven locks.
The turn came to the youngest daughter. He also bowed to his father and said:
"Father, don't bring me beautiful clothes, jewelry, jewelry, or a glass world." Bring such a fiery flower that it will not be more beautiful in seven climates.
Dad thought more than ever. Finally he hugged his daughter and said:
"Yes, you have given me a harder task than your sisters." If you know what you are looking for, you will find it, but what do you not know, what have you not heard, where will you find it? If there are many red flowers .. How can you know that she is more beautiful than all the flowers in the world. All right, girl, I'll try.
So the father set out on a journey. He bought the goods cheap and sold them expensive. He bought gold for the benefit of what he saw, loaded it on a ship, and sent it home. As he traveled through many countries, he found a jewel adorned with precious stones, which his eldest daughter had appointed, which illuminated the dark night like day.
For the average girl, too, she has found a mirror that shows the whole world, and the beauty of the girl is even greater than hers. Only the youngest daughter could ever find the fire flower she had mentioned. True, in the palaces of kings, kings, and sultans, the beauty of which is indescribable, the fire saw many flowers. But no one can guarantee that there is no more beautiful world.
The merchant and his servants started their caravan and went through the deserts and forests. The Coalition was attacked by a gang of robbers in his caravan. The merchant also abandoned the caravan full of goods and fled into the woods. He walks through the thick forest, and when I walk, he walks in abundance. At one point he saw an open space, as if the trees themselves had been pushed aside. In the middle of that meadow, from the glittering ornaments of the great tower, even the sun dazzled with the beauty of the nests. All the windows of the palace are wide open, and there is a wonderful melody.
The merchant passed through the open gate and entered the wide courtyard of the castle. There are large and small fountains on either side of the hallway made of white marble, and a red carpeted staircase leads into the first room, where no one is present. The second, third and tenth rooms are also empty. But they are so beautifully decorated… All made of gold and silver, crystal and ivory.
The merchant's astonishment grew. There is so much luxury, so much wealth, but no owner, no servants. The music plays again and again.
"Yes, everything is fine, but there is nothing to eat," he said, and an open table appeared in front of him. The delicious food and sweets in it were beautifully floated only on gold and silver plates. The merchant sat down and enjoyed himself. Finally, there is no one else to say thank you for the non-salt.
The tablecloth suddenly disappeared. Surprised by such a miracle, the merchant began to walk around the rooms again. He fell asleep from exhaustion. Before he could think, "I wish you could take a nap," he saw a patterned bed in front of him. The beds are white, and the pillows with swan feathers are soft. As the merchant, who was reclining on the bed, pulled the blanket over him, he felt that it was made of silk. The room darkened, and he fell asleep, thinking, "I wish I could see my daughters in my dreams."
When he awoke, it was morning and the sun had risen. He saw his daughters in a dream. The two eldest daughters are happy, but the youngest is sad. The older ones want to marry rich grooms without waiting for their father's blessing, and the younger ones don't even want to hear about the song hunt until their father returns. This afternoon the merchant was astonished.
He gets up: water for washing, clothes to wear. Tea, coffee, sugar on the table. His amazement grew, and he began to look at the rooms in the palace again.
It's more beautiful than yesterday. He wanted to walk in the yard and garden. As he walks around, he gestures as if to say, "Cut me off." The flowers are all around, dizzy with fragrance. Paradise birds sing say
So, the trader's mouth is open. Suddenly he saw a flower opening on a green hill. It is impossible to describe its beauty. The merchant who approached the flower was surprised and said to himself:
"That's the flower my youngest daughter told me to be!" He said.
Even his limbs trembled. Conditionally cut the flower. Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roar of thunder. Even the ground beneath his feet shook. An animal, not an animal, not a human being, an ugly and frightening creature appeared from the ground and shouted in a wild voice:
- What have you done? How dare you tear up my favorite flower? I would keep him like the apple of my eye, I would look at him and comfort him. You made me lose my favorite thing. I am the master of this castle, this garden. I received you as a dear guest, fed you, rested you. Is this the good you did in return? You know, you are only sentenced to death for this crime?
The merchant fell at the feet of the creature:
"Forgive me a spoonful of my blood, Your Majesty!" Do not order death for a sin I have committed unknowingly! If you hear me say two words. I have three daughters. I promised to bring them a present! My eldest daughter has a shiny earring, the middle one has a glass world, and the youngest one has the most beautiful fire flower in the world. I found the gift they told my older daughters — I couldn’t find the one I loved the most for my youngest daughter. I saw this flower in your garden, I came to the conclusion that it is the most beautiful of all the flowers in the world. Then I thought again that a rich, powerful master like you must not be jealous of him. I'll pay whatever you want instead, just let me go to my favorite girls, please. Forgive me for the sin I committed unknowingly.
"I don't need anything from you." May I have a fire flower as a gift? I have only one condition. In return you promise to send one of your daughters to me. I will not upset him at all, as you can see, he lives in this castle as much as he wants. I'm tired of loneliness, I need a partner.
When the merchant heard these words, he lay down at the feet of the creature and begged. After all, how could he like his beautiful daughters to such an ugly face? With tears in his eyes, he said in a sad voice:
"O king of forests and seas!" What if my daughters don’t come to you voluntarily? Then he doesn't know how to come. I myself arrived in two years and lost my way.
The creature said again:
"No, I don't need a captive girl." If he respects you, let your daughter come with her consent. If they don't want to, you can come again. Then I order you to be executed. It's not hard to find me. Take this ring, the one who wears it in the silence of your right hand will appear wherever he wants in the blink of an eye. So you have three nights and three days!
The merchant wept and decided that it would be better to see my daughters once and give them a white blessing. If they don't agree to save me from death, I'll come back myself. So, as soon as the creature put the ring on his right ear, he was instantly in the courtyard of his house. At the same time, a caravan of gold and silver goods arrived. The servants unloaded the luggage. The girls greeted the father happily. When they look, the father is in a bad mood. The older girls asked him: what happened, did you lose your property. The youngest daughter said, "I am not interested in wealth, tell me the pain in your heart, father." Then the merchant looked at his beloved daughters and said:
- No, I did not lose wealth, on the contrary, I gained 3-4 times more. There’s another reason I’m upset, I’ll tell you tomorrow. Let us rejoice today.
So he ordered the iron chests to be brought. The father gave his eldest daughter a gift - a fire-resistant, water-resistant stainless steel. He also presented an oriental crystal mirror to the middle one. The fire flower as he asked his younger brother. The adults, their eyes gleaming with joy, took the presents into their rooms and watched them to their heart's content. Only the little girl cried when she saw the fiery flower, trembling as if something had pierced her heart. Father:
"Yes, my daughter?" Didn't like the gift? As you said, the seven are not in the climate, the most beautiful flower, - said the girl, took the flower and kissed her father's hands and thanked him, but was saddened.
So the family spent the first day with great joy. The next morning the merchant called his eldest daughter to him. He told her what had happened from the beginning and asked her, "Would you agree to save me from death?" The older girl seriously refused to go to the creature:
"Let the one who brought the red flower save him," he said.
Then a similar conversation took place with the average girl. She responded like a sister. Finally the merchant called his youngest daughter. He told her the adventures he had gone through. Before he could finish speaking, the little girl crouched down next to her father.
"Give me a white blessing, father, and I'll go and live in that creature's house." After all, you brought the flower for me, and I must save you from death.
The merchant said with tears in his eyes:
"I'm hot, man." May God bless you for rescuing me from the clutches of death and going to the terrible creature of your own free will. You will live in his palace. But no one knows where the tower is. No horseman, no pedestrian, no running bird can reach it. We can't talk to you anymore. How can I spend the rest of my life without seeing your beautiful face and hearing your gentle voice, honey? I will say goodbye for life as if I had buried myself alive.
The younger girl looked at her father:
"Don't be upset, father." I'm not afraid of the creature, if I serve him conscientiously, if he let go. Maybe we'll see. '
Dad was sad anyway. Her sisters were also watching her little sister crying. He did not cry. He put the red flower in a beautiful jug of golden water and set off in an unknown direction, intending to take it with him. Three nights and three days passed. The merchant was wearing a ring given to the girl by the creature, and she immediately disappeared.
A moment later the girl came to herself and saw that in a magnificent palace, on an embroidered bed, she was lying on a bed. It was as if he had lived here all his life — he lay down a little to rest. The girl stands up. There was a fire flower in a jug by the fire, and all the things were neatly laid out on beautiful tables and shelves. He toured the castle: each room was more beautifully decorated than the previous one. He took the red flower in his hand and went out to look at the garden. Nightingales sang in the garden, trees and flowers bowed to him, and the water in the fountains gushed. The girl found the hill her father had told her about, and was about to replant the flower in the same place where she had grown it. it landed in its place, and opened and flourished more beautifully than before.
The girl was stunned by such a miracle. He gazed eagerly at another flower and entered the palace, where a table was set in one of the rooms.
Now, thinking, "I think my master has received me well," a sign appeared on the white marble wall in front of him:
I am not your master, I am your common servant. My lord, I will give you whatever you want.
As soon as the girl read, the fiery words on the wall disappeared. Now he himself wanted to send a letter to his father and sisters, and at once a piece of paper, a gold pen, and a pen appeared in front of him, and he sat down and wrote the following letter:
“Don’t worry about me. I live like a princess in a creature’s castle. I haven't seen him yet, I haven't even heard his voice. Only white marble writes such grassy lines on the wall… It immediately senses the intention that comes to my mind and instantly fulfills my wish. If I want to call him a master, he doesn’t want to. On the contrary, she calls me her mistress. ”
The letter had now been written, but it had disappeared. The table is decorated with various sweets. The dishes are also made of gold. He ate and drank to his heart's content. As he began to relax, the sound of music dimmed.
The girl fell asleep and walked through the gardens again. The flowers bow to him, and the apples and peaches fall into his mouth. When it was late, that white marble wall returned to the room. An inscription appeared on the wall:
Is Ms. Mislzis satisfied with these conditions, hospitality and service?
The merchant's daughter said happily:
- Don't call me crazy. Instead, be a sweet and caring-loving pilgrim to me. I've never seen such beautiful rooms and gardens as you. How can I not be satisfied?
Days have passed like this. The beautiful girl lived quietly in the palace. Fresh, expensive dresses, royal banquets. As he walked through the forest, the trees gave way to him.
The girl began to embroider. She sent gifts of gold jewelry to her father and sisters. He presented the most beautiful to his loving master. Those walls became more and more frequent in a room decorated with white marble. He would compose the most resonant words and speak to his master, but he would only read the answer in writing.
Over time, he became accustomed to such a life. Slaves are ready to serve him, providing whatever he wants in an instant. The girl felt that she had fallen in love with the owner of this tower. He felt that he was not indifferent either, for it was not difficult to understand from the grassy verses written on the wall. Now he wants to have a conversation by hearing his master's voice. The master, however, refuses the girl's request, fearing to frighten his mistress with his rude voice. After the girl licked a lot, her master finally got used to talking to her, and the words were written on the marble wall:
Come to the green garden tonight, sit on the porch surrounded by your favorite flowers, and say, "My faithful servant, speak to me."
The girl ran to the place, her heart pounding like a bird in a cage. He began:
"My dear lord, do not sit down to frighten me with your voice." After all the care you have given me, I am not even afraid of the roar of a terrible beast.
Then a wild muffled voice came from behind the porch, still in a low, low voice. The merchant's daughter trembled at first, but restrained herself and tried not to express her fear. Although the creature's voice is harsh, how pleasant its words are. From then on, the girl would come here every day and listen to her master for hours.
"Dear Master, are you here?" As soon as he asked, he heard the same answer:
"I'm here, beautiful lady." Your faithful servant, your inseparable friend is here.
The girl was not afraid of the creature's terrible voice, she listened to her sweet words without melting.
Sooner or later he wanted to see the creature himself. He begged a lot about it. At first the creature did not agree, and the ugly face was frightened to frighten him:
"Don't ask me to show you, sweetheart." You have become accustomed to my voice, our friendly relationship continues. You also understood my fiery love for you. If you see my ugly and ugly face, you will hate me and I will be unhappy. If you drive me away, I will not be able to bear the emigration.
The girl does not want to hear these words, she repeatedly asks the creature to show her face. He begged her not to be afraid even if she saw the most horrible thing in the world and not to give up her love for her master.
"If you're old, be my grandfather, and if you're middle-aged, be my uncle." If you are young, call me your brother, and be my faithful friend until I die.
For a long time the creature has been ignoring these pleas. But in the end he could not bear the girl's tears:
"I love you more than I love myself anyway." I know that when you see me, you will reject my love and I will be fulfilled in your sorrow. But even so, I will fulfill your request. Come to the green garden when it gets dark.
When the sun hides behind the forest:
"Say, 'Faithful friend, show yourself.' What if you don't want to live in this castle when you see me? I can't stop forcing you. I can't stand you being a captive.
You will find my gold ring in your own bed, under your pillow. All you have to do is put it in the silence of your right hand, you will be with your father and you will hear nothing else about me.
The girl was not afraid. Without a moment's hesitation, he made his way to the green garden. As the sun went down behind the forest, he said:
"Show yourself, my faithful friend!"
At that moment, a huge creature appeared in the distance. He just crossed the aisle and disappeared into the thick bushes. The girl who caught his eye sighed, screamed, and fell unconscious. The creature was very ugly: its hands were crooked, its claws were like those of a beast, its legs were as rough as a horse's, and its camels were as fat as camels, its whole body was covered with wool, and its fangs protruded from its mouth. his nose was like an eagle's, and his eyes were like an owl's.
More or less he came to his senses. He was ashamed that he could not overcome his fear of not being able to keep his word. He also said:
"My dear master, I am no longer afraid and I will not leave you." Can you forget your goodness? The first time I was a little scared.
The creature appeared again. Only he did not dare to approach the girl. At midnight they had a conversation together. The next day again and again… Always together, walking in the deer forests, enjoying time with lively conversations.
One day the girl had a dream that her father was sick. She cried in frustration. The creature saw him in this condition and asked why he was upset. The girl told him and asked him to allow her to see her father and sisters.
"Why do you ask me for permission? Go, it's up to you," said the creature. "My gold ring is under your pillow." When you dance, you will be with your father. Just remember one thing: if you don't come back after exactly three nights and three days, I'm going to die. Because I love you more than myself. I can't bear to be separated from her any more. I can't live without you, I will die.
The girl promised him to come back at the same time he told her. As he put the ring to silence, he was immediately in his father's yard. Her sisters envied her royal attire. The father was really sick, remembering his beloved youngest daughter. He was glad to see her. The girl recounted her life in the creature's palace. As for the father, he would be amazed at how he had learned that ugly creature. After all, if he remembers, he will still be drawn to his heart. The more he heard about his sister's rich life, the more jealous he became.
The first day passed about an hour, the second about a minute. On the third day, the girl's sisters tried to persuade her not to go back: "What will you do if she dies?" they said.
The younger girl was angry:
"If I don't appreciate your kindness, I deserve to die," he said.
His father liked the words of his wise daughter. Her sisters were burning with envy. He thought of a misfortune. Just before the girl's departure, they put all the clocks in the house back an hour. Neither the father nor the servants knew about it.
As time approached, the girl's heart began to pound. He looked at the clock, he looked at the time. Her sisters would talk to her and delay. Finally, his patience ran out. He said goodbye to his father and sisters. A minute before the appointed time, he put a gold ring on his right arm. He immediately saw himself in the white-walled palace of the creature. However, no matter how much you call, there is no master.
Finally he shouted:
"Where are you, my dear master, my faithful friend?" Why can't you wait for me? I arrived an hour earlier than scheduled.
More silence, silence. Not even the birds in the garden are singing, no water is being poured from the fountains, no music is playing. The girl's heart felt an unpleasant incident, and she went out in search of all the rooms and gardens. Eventually, that fire went to where the flower was growing. On the hill lay a lifeless creature clutching a flower. The girl at first tried to wake him up, thinking he was fast asleep. You never woke up. Then he took the woolly hand of the creature and knew that it was dead.
The girl's eyes darkened and her legs became confused.
He sighed as he fell to his knees and hugged the creature's ugly head.
"Wake up, my real friend." I love you as much as I love myself.
He had just said these words when suddenly a thunder rumbled. A great thunderbolt struck and shook the earth. The girl fainted. When he came to himself, he was sitting on a magnificent throne adorned with precious stones. Next to him was a crowned prince in a drummer's robe, a young barno, and his father and sisters were bowing down, and there were countless servants. The handsome prince looked at him and said:
"You loved me for my open heart, even though I looked like an ugly creature." Now love in my human form as well. Be my bride, please. Once upon a time, a wealthy king had bewitched my father and enchanted me by employing an old witch. He had kidnapped me and turned me into an ugly creature. I had to walk like that until a beautiful girl fell in love with me and agreed to touch me on the ground in that look. When that happened, I was enchanted to return to my senses. So I lived for exactly thirty years. Behold, you have loved me for my goodness, for my boundless love for you. Now, my dear, you will be the raffle of the mighty king, the faithful princess.
The merchant gave a white blessing to the youngest daughter and the prince. Everyone congratulated the bride and groom. It was a lavish wedding for three nights and three days. I was at that wedding too.

Translator. M. Zohidova

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