First aid in case of low blood pressure


👨‍⚕️ First aid for high blood pressure…

💁‍♂️ Hypotension - a drop in blood pressure. If the tonometer drops below 90/60, it means that the pressure has dropped.

🤷‍♀️ Reasons:
➖ vascular dystonia
➖ Dehydration and dehydration
➖ stress and hormonal disorders
➖ internal bleeding
➖ myocardial infarction, etc.…

💁‍♂️ Symptoms:
➖ Weakness and dizziness
➖ Blurred vision and hearing loss
➖ nausea and vomiting
➖ Sweating and attention deficit
➖ collapse (cold, sticky, discolored skin, rapid shallow breathing, tachycardia)

👨‍⚕️ Treatment:

⚠️ At home:
➖ Drink salt water (salt)
➖ Drink ginseng and ginger
➖ drinking coffee
➖ Wear elastic socks
➖ Enough rest

⛔️ Outpatient care:
➖ caffeine 1.0 v / m
➖ Add vitamin C 40 v / v to a 10.0% -6.0 solution of glucose
➖ 1% -1.0 mezaton v / m or subcutaneously
➖ Dissolve 1% -0.5 mezaton in 0.9% -20.0 NaCl in collapse v / v
➖ If desired, 1% -1.0 mezaton can be dissolved in 5% -250.0 glucose solution.
➖ In hypotension caused by acute heart failure, Dopamine 1.0 to 5.0 can be dissolved in 500.0 ml of NaCl or glucose solution v / v.

🚯 Warning: do not use dopamine unknowingly, use caffeine, glucose, vit c calmly in normal blood pressure drops….

Ps: Good health brothers. Eat big and drink just don't waste…

Source: Apteka_tv