Savior Prayers (full)


Savior prayers
A prayer for healing 
A person who is afflicted with an illness should seek the advice of a specialist doctor, follow his advice, and at the same time use prayer, in order to get rid of the disease in no time. These prayers can be recited by the patient himself or by someone to him.
In ablution, first Surat al-Fatihah is recited, then healing verses from the Qur'an.
Bismillahir rahmanir rahiym. And I am a believer of the people of Yashfi Sudura, and I am a slave of the floating Goyza.
"Allah will heal the breasts of the believers and remove the pain in their hearts." (Repentance, 14-15).
Ya ayyuhan-nasu qod jaatkum mavizotun min Robbikum and shifaun lima fis-suduri and hudan and rahmatan lil-mu'minin.
“O people! There has come to you an admonition from your Lord, a healing for what is in the hearts, and guidance and mercy for the believers. (Yunus, 57).
And nunazzilu minal Qur'an ma huva shifaun and rahmatun lil-muminiyn.
"We send down in the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers." (Al-Isra, 82).
Kul huva lil-laziyna amanu hudan and shifaun
Say, "It is a guidance and a healing for the believers."
After reciting these verses, the following prayer is made: "Allahumma Robban-nasi azhibil-basa, ishfi Antash-shafi la shifaa illa shifauka, shifaan la yugodiru saqaman."
“O Allah, the Lord of mankind, the destroyer of disease! Give healing that does not leave the disease behind. Only You are the Healer. There is no one who can heal you. (Abu Dawud. Janoiz, Hadith 3107).
Allahumma ishfi 'abdaka yankalaka' aduvvan av yamshi laka ila solatin.
"O Allah, heal this servant so that he may harm one of Your enemies or go to prayer to gain Your approval."
Bismillahi arqika min kulli shayin yuzika min sharri kulli nafsin av 'aynu hasidiyn. Allahumma yashfiyka, bismillahi arqika.
“In the name of Allah, I seek healing from everything that afflicts you, from every jealous soul or eye. In the name of Allah, I seek healing for you. " (Tirmidhi. Janoiz, hadith 972). 
A prayer to be recited on the wedding night 
After praying two rak'ahs and asking Allah to be pleased with him, he said, "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."
"Our Lord, grant us from our wives and our offspring the joy of the eye, and guide us to the righteous." (Surat al-Furqan, 74) Before reciting the verse and being with his wife, he said, “Bismillahir rah-manir rahim. Allahumma jannibnash-satan and jannibish-shaytana ma rozaqtana.
"O Allah, keep Satan away from us and the child you have given us." (Bukhari. "Marriage", 66) recites his prayer. 
A prayer recited by a pregnant woman 
It is permissible for a pregnant woman to recite Surat al-Ayatal and Surat al-Sharh, and then recite this du'aa ', after undergoing medical treatment and performing religious duties and finding opportunities.
"Allahumma atina sihhatan wa 'afiyatan wa avladan solihan wa rizqan wasi'an wa du'aan makbulan."
“O God, give us health and well-being. Donate good children. Give me plenty of food and accept my prayer. " 
A prayer to be recited in tears 
At this time, the woman's relatives recite the "Ayatal Kursi" next to her or in the next room, and then verse 54 of Surat al-A'raf:
«Inna robbakumullaziy holaqos-samavati val-arzo fiy sittati ayyamin summas-tava 'alal-'arshi, yugshil-laylan-naharo yatlubuhu hasisan vash-shamsa val-qomaro van-nujuma musaxxorotin bi amrih, ala lahul-xolqu val-amru tabarokallohu Robbul-'alamiyn ».
“Verily, your Lord created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He established Himself on the Throne, covering the night with the day, and hastening it, the sun, the moon and the stars. It is Allah. Be aware that creation and command belong to Him. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
After this verse, Surahs Ikhlas, Falaq, Nas and Fatiha are recited. A good child is blessed to be given.
The prayer of a righteous child
An Islamic person does not humiliate or hurt his parents when they grow old. He prays for their rights as follows:
Robbir-hamhuma kama robbayani sagiyro.
"Lord, bless my parents as they brought me up with grace." (Tahrim, 8). 
When entering the mosque… 
Allahumma-aftah li abvaba rohmatik.
"God, thank me for opening your doors."
 When leaving the mosque… 
Allahumma inni asaluka min-fazlik.
"O Allah, I ask for Your grace and bounty." 
A prayer recited during a visit to the grave 
Assalamu 'alaykum ya ahlal-qubur. Yagfirullahu lana wa lakum, antum salafuna and nahnu bil-isri.
“Peace be upon you, O people of the grave. May Allah forgive us and you. You are the ones who came before us, and we will follow you. '
Before going to the toilet… 
Allahumma inniy a'uzu bika minar-rijsil-hobisil-muhbisi minash-shaytanir-rajiym.
"O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of the devil, who is cast out with filth and evil." 
When going out of the toilet… 
Alhamdulillahillazi azhaba anniy ma-yuzini and amsa-ka 'alayya ma yanfauni subhanaka gufronaka robbana and ilaykal-masiyr.
“Praise be to Allah, Who has removed from me what has afflicted me and left what is good. O Allah, I glorify Your name and ask Your forgiveness. Our Lord, to You is our return. 
When leaving the house… 
Bismillahi tawakaltu 'alallahi, wa la havla wa la quwwata illa billah.
"In the name of Allah, in the trust of Allah… Power and might belong only to Allah" (Abu Dawud. Adab, hadith 5094).
When entering the house… 
Allahumma inniy asaluka khoyrol-mawlaji wa khoyrol-mahroji bismillahi wa lijna wa bismillahi khorojna wa 'alallahi Rabbana tawakkalna.
“O Allah, I ask You for the best of the places I enter and leave. We entered in the name of Allah. We went out in the name of Allah. In God we have put our trust. ' 
The prayer of one who is afraid in his sleep
A'uzu bi-kalimatillahit-taammati min-gazabihi and sharri 'ibadihi and min hamazatish-shayatiyni and an yaxzurun.
"From the wrath of Allah, from the evil of His servants, from all the evil of the devils, I am burdened with all the words of Allah." (Abu Dawud. "Medicine", hadith 3893).
Table prayer
Alhamdulillahillazi at'amana wa saqana vaja'alana minal-muslimin.
"Praise be to Allah, Who fed us and made us Muslims."
Prayer for a child
Robbi la tazarni fardav va anta khoyrul varisiyn.
«Parvardigorim! Do not leave me alone. (Even if you do not give an heir) You are the best of heirs. (Anbiyo, 89).
A prayer to be recited in anger
Allahummagfir liy zanbiy wa azhab goyzo qolbi va ajirni minash-shaytanir-rajiym.
O Allah, forgive my sins, remove the anger (fury, flame) of my heart and save me from the evil of the devil.
Even then, if he is not angry, he should perform ablution and pray two rak'ahs, recite Surah Alam Nashrah Laka, and repeat the above prayer.
A prayer to be recited after buying a house and settling down
He performed ablution and prayed two rak'ahs and said, 'Alhamdulillahi rabbil' alamiyn. Vas-solatu vas-salamu 'ala ra-sulina Muhammadin wa' ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmaiyin. A'uzu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajiym. Bismillahir rahmanir rahiym. La in shakartum la aziydannakum and lain kafartum inna azabi lashadiyd », then it is said:
O Allah, You have given me a place to live with my family, thank You. Make me and my family happy in this house. Save us from all kinds of calamities and calamities. God, we are helpless slaves. Let this house be a place where good and beautiful deeds are spoken of and good deeds performed, not sins. Lord, save me from harming my neighbors. Good luck neighbors. Praise be to You, O Allah, and peace and blessings be upon your beloved Prophet.
A prayer to be recited against eye contact
The following verses are recited after Surat al-Fatihah and the Ayatal Kursi:
Bismillahir rahmanir rahiym. And in yakadullaziyna kafaru layuzliqunaka bi absorihim lamma sami'uzzikro and yaquluna innahu lamajnun. And ma huva illa zikrul-lil-'alamiyn.
And when those who disbelieve hear the Remembrance, they cast their eyes upon you and say: Lo! He is mad. But it is a reminder to the worlds. (Qalam, 51–52).
When giving alms…
Robbana taqobbal minna innaka antas-sami'ul 'aliym.
"Our Lord, accept it from us, for You are the Hearer, the Knower."
A prayer for the sneezing person
The one who sneezes says, "Alhamdulillah," whether he has someone with him or not. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) advised the sneezing person to say, “Yarhamukallah” (may Allaah have mercy on him). The one who strikes the aqsa is "Yarhamukallahu wa iyakum wa yagfiru lana wa lakum" (may Allaah have mercy on us and you, may He forgive us and you) or "Yahdina wa yahdiykumullah" (may Allaah guide us and you) he says.
When the crescent (new moon) appears…
It is narrated on the authority of Talha ibn Ubaydullah that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw the new moon, he recited the following du'aa ': Allaahumma ahillahu' alayna bil-yumni wa'l-iymani wa-salamati wa'l-Islam, Rabbi wa Rabbukallah.
O Allah, make this month a blessed and blessed month for us. Let him come out on nights full of faith, health and Islam. O crescent! God is your Lord and my Lord (Tirmidhi, Da'wah, Hadith 3677).
A prayer to be recited while riding a horse
After reciting the Ayatal Kursi, he said, “Subhanallazi sahxoro lana haza wa ma kunna lahu muqriniyn. And inna ila robbina lamun-qalibun. Bismillahi majroha and mursoha. Inna rabbiye la Ghafurur-Rahim.
It is also possible to say the following prayer: O God, I am setting out in your name. I thank you for giving me health and an honest profession. Protect me and the passengers on my journey from calamities, from all kinds of dangers, and do not withhold your help from us, O Lord. Forgive us no matter how sinful we may be. Get to your destination safely. Do not leave our children orphans, Lord. Please see our family without grief when we return. You are omnipotent, O Allah. 
The prayer of the angels to the believers 
The angels who carry the Throne and those around it pray for the believers as follows: Rabbana wasi'ta kulla shay'in rahmatan wa 'ilman faghfir lillaziyna tabu vattaba'u sabiylaka waqiim azabal-jahiym. Rabbana wa adhil-hum jannati 'adninillatiy and adtahum and man solaha min abaihim and azvajihim and zurriyatihim innaka antal azizul hakim. Waqihimus-sayyati, and man taqis-sayyati, yavmaizin faqod rohimtah and zalika huval favzul 'azim.
“Lord, You are generous in all things in terms of mercy and knowledge. So forgive those who repent and follow your path, and save them from the punishment of Hell. Lord, admit them and the righteous among their forefathers, their wives, and their offspring into the everlasting paradise that You have promised them. Surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise. (Surat al-Muminun, 7-9) 
When opening a shop or office…
Allahumma ya mufattihal-abvab, iftah lana xoyril-bab. Allahummarzuqna rizqan halalan toyiban, and rizqan vasian birohmatika ya Arhamar-Rahimiin, and Anta khoyrur-Roziqiin.
O Allah who opens the doors! Open the doors of goodness to us. God! Give us halal and pure sustenance, expand our sustenance, O Blessed One of the Blessed! You are the best of providers!
A prayer for deliverance from poverty
Bismillahi 'ala nafsi and mali and religion. Allahumma rozzini bi qazoika va barik li fima quddiro li hatta la uhibba tajila ma axxarta va la tahira ma ajjalta.
In the name of Allah (I ask) regarding myself, my wealth and my religion. O Allah, please me with your fate and judgment, and bless me with what You have ordained for me. Let me not ask you what you have postponed now, what you will give now (Al-Azkar, p. 116).
A prayer to be recited while preparing a lesson or entering an exam
(It is better to prepare a lesson in ablution. Prayers are recited after Bismillah.)
The Lord is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Rabbishrah li sodri wa yassir li amri wahlul 'uqdatan min lisani yafqohu qawli ya Hafiz, ya Raqib, ya Nasir, ya Allah. Robbi yassir and la tuassir. My Lord knows best.
Lord! Gain my knowledge and intellect and make me one of Your righteous servants.
Lord! Open my chest, make my work easy, and untie the knot of my tongue, so that they may understand my words. O Hafiz, O Raqib, O Nasir, O Allah.
Lord! Make it easy, don’t make it hard. Lord, finish (my work) with goodness.
(Ayatal course is recited three, five or seven times before taking the exam.)
Safar prayer
Allahumma ilayka tavajjahtu wa bika itasomtu. Allahumma akfini ma ahammani va ma la ahtamtu lahu.
Allahumma zavvidnit-taqwa, wagfirli zanbi and wajjihni lil-hayri ayna ma tavajjahtu.
God, I longed for You. I'm pregnant with you. O Allah, suffice me in that which worries me or does not worry me. Feed me with piety, O Allah! Forgive my sins, and wherever I go, always lead me to goodness, O Lord. (The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to recite this supplication every time he set out.) (Al-Azkar, p. 195).
Bismillahir rahmanir rahiym. Subhanallaziy saxxora lana haza and ma kunna lahu muqriniyn. Va inna ila Robbina la munqolibun.
“Blessed is Allah who has given these animals to our service. He is free from all faults. Otherwise, we would not have been able to do it. ”After saying“ Alhamdulillah ”three times and“ Allahu Akbar ”three times:
Subhanaka inni zolamtu nafsi fag'firli, innahu la yagfiruz-zunuba illa Anta.
I remember Allah cleansing myself from guilt, I have wronged myself. God! Forgive me. For there is no forgiveness except You (Az-azkor, p. 145).
A prayer to be recited when hearing the news of death
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi roji'un. Allahummaktubhu fil-muhsiniyna vaj'al kitabahu fiy illiyyin. Vaxlufhu 'ala' aqobihi fil-g'obirin. Allahumma la tuharrimna ajrohu vala taftinna ba'dahu wagfir lana wa lah.
Allah has brought us, to Him we will return, and to our Lord we will be reunited. God! Write him down among the righteous among you, and make his book one of the virtuous. Guarantee what is left behind.
God! Do not deprive us of his reward. After that, do not lead us into sedition, forgive us and him.

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