Gel manufacturing business.


Gel manufacturing business.

- Such business is mainly engaged in general, ie large enterprises. There is a shortage in retail. It is best done in any situation.

- Equipment - $ 1000 - around $ 3500,
- Containers - $ 100,
- Seyro (gel liquid) - $ 300,
- Labels and labels - $ 250,
- Registration of the enterprise - $ 50,
- Other costs - $ 100.

- If you produce an average of 100 - 200 grams of gel per day - 1 million soums (thick gel),
- 15 pieces of 4,2-liter gel - 150 soums (liquid gel),
- If 70% of the production costs, you will get 30% profit, ie 345 soums, if you try, you can produce even more.

- In addition, you can expand your business, open other and new branches.

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