Health benefits of reading the Qur'an


Scientists have found that a person who reads the Qur'an regularly is highly protected from mental discomfort.
 - A person who reads the Qur'an finds peace and tranquility;
 - Reading the Qur'an strengthens immunity;
 - A person who reads the Qur'an will be mentally and physically healthy;
 - Heart disease is foreign to a person who reads the Qur'an;
 - Reading the Qur'an according to the Mushaf makes the eye brighter;
 - strengthens memory, develops brain activity;
 - develops a person's ability to think, expands his worldview;
 - Increases self-confidence;
 - develops the ability to make the right decisions;
 - Protects against material diseases caused by greed, greed, envy, gossip;
 - Reading the Qur'an in accordance with the rules of tajweed develops speech, makes a person fluent;
 - Reading the Qur'an is a cure for sore throat;
 - A person who reads the Qur'an avoids temptation, fear, and vain worry;
 - Reading effectively treats headaches…
From the book "The Qur'an is the Healing of Hearts"

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