Hidden meanings of states.


Hidden meanings of states.
China's red flag represents the communist revolution. Gold stars reflect the primary system of communism. The four small stars indicate that there are different social strata in the country.
This flag consists of a black center, two white stripes, and a bright blue stripe at the top and bottom. Black and white symbolize harmony, while blue signifies the country’s dependence on water.
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
The UAE flag was founded in 1971, with white symbolizing peace and honesty, black to intimidate enemies, red symbolizing courage and bravery, and green symbolizing hope and optimism.
The 27 stars on the Brazilian flag represent the states of the country, and are arranged in exactly the same pattern as the stars in the night sky. The green represents the forest, the yellow represents the country’s diamond reserves.
The color of the Indian flag signifies the diversity of the Indian religion. Fire is a symbol of courage and is an important color for Hindus and Buddhists. White is a symbol of purity and green is a symbol of faith and fertility. The circle in the center is a symbol of the ancient Ashoka Chakra, also known as the Wheel of Law.
The Lebanese flag has two red stripes at the top and bottom, which represent the blood shed for freedom. The white color symbolizes peace and snow on the mountain tops, and the green cedar tree symbolizes eternal life.
North Korea
The red color and star on the North Korean flag represent the state ideology. White stripes symbolize purity, while blue stripes symbolize peace.
When the national flag was created in Australia in 1901, Union Jack was added to signify that the country would become part of the British Empire. The blue background is a common theme of the flags of the colonial peoples. The hexagonal stars represent six states in Australia.
South Africa
After the establishment of democracy in the country in 1994, it was decided to create a flag that symbolizes the unity and diversity of the new state. The flag itself features a Union Jack hybrid with African National Congress colors (yellow, green and black).
Buyuk britaniya
The Union Flag, also known as the Union Jack, embodies three flags - the St. George’s Cross of England, the St. Andrew’s Cross of Scotland and the St. Patrick’s Cross of Ireland.
The state flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted on November 1991, 18 and is the symbol of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international relations. The dark blue color of the flag is a symbol of eternal heaven and life, which means goodness, wisdom, honesty, glory and devotion. The color of the flag of Amir Temur's state was also blue.
White is a symbol of sacred peace, a symbol of purity, innocence, purity, the pursuit of inner beauty.
Green is a symbol of nature's renewal.
The red lines are the blood of the ancestors flowing in our veins - a symbol of vitality, stability and endurance.
The image of the young crescent is associated with our historical traditions and is a symbol of our gained independence.
The image of 12 stars on the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan is also directly related to our historical traditions, our ancient annals. Attention to the twelve stars is explained by the development of "science of astrology" in the scientific thinking of the ancient states on the borders of our country.

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