How dangerous is chewing gum?


How dangerous is chewing gum?

✍️ Ahadjon Abdukhalilov, promoter of healthy living

🔻Swallowing gum is wrong. But if you swallow a single, small volume of gum, the gum will naturally leave the body within a few days without being digested. The acidic environment in the stomach serves a good protective function for the body, in rare cases it can lead to intestinal obstruction.

🔷 It is useful to chew gum after a meal for 7-10 minutes until the fragrant nutrients in it are broken down. It is best not to give chewing gum to children 6-7 years of age who may realize that swallowing chewing gum is the wrong thing to do, as chewing gum in young children can cause allergic reactions and blockage of the throat and respiratory tract.

❗️If discomfort occurs after swallowing gum, try to wash the stomach with plenty of clean water and artificial vomiting, consult a doctor immediately.

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