How important is testosterone for male health?
Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men and is responsible for the development of the genitals and musculoskeletal system as in the brochure, hair loss, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, the awakening of sexual desire. In short, testosterone is the hormone that makes a man a man.
Decreased testosterone in the male body leads to metabolic disorders, decreased sexual desire, symptoms of erectile dysfunction (impotence).
Hormonal disorders are one of the causes of decreased testosterone production. Hormonal disorders also disrupt spermatogenesis (sperm formation), decrease muscle mass and sexual desire, and cause impotence. Sometimes this process leads to enlargement of the mammary glands in men, as well as a decrease in the size of the testicles and prostate gland.
Sometimes taking certain medications - prednisolone, anabolics; testosterone production may also be reduced due to damage to the testicle due to infections, injury, or surgery. In addition, prolonged depression, stress also leads to such a situation. It is important to remember that a stable sex life is also important.
Even without any analysis, one can feel that andropause is approaching. Impaired erectile function, decreased sexual desire and reproductive properties in sperm are the main symptoms of this condition.
“Interestingly, some men change beyond recognition during menopause. An angry man can suddenly become meek, and a man who is as calm as music can become angry and resentful, and urologist-andrologist Zarifjon Murodov says.
Andropause should be treated at any stage. This is necessary first and foremost for the man himself. To a lesser extent, the normalization of testosterone levels and the normalization of the production of this hormone serve to increase a man’s self-confidence. Isn't that the most important thing for a man?