How can men who are experiencing impotence help themselves?


How can men who are experiencing impotence help themselves?

If the failures in the bed are repeated, it means that the man's desires have exceeded his capabilities. In addition to the above factors, chronic drinking alcohol, while relieving severe fatigue, pay special attention to the following:

• Allow sexual intercourse only if you are committed to it.
• First of all you are a human being, not a machine. Your feelings and potential may not always be the same. Sometimes you are ready for sex, sometimes you expect extra encouragement. So don’t hesitate to have a heart-to-heart with your wife about it.
• Stay away from random encounters. Then confidence in yourself and your sexual partner will also increase your sexual potency.
• Never discuss the look you are naturally given. Because even without sex, couples can satisfy each other. But keep in mind that the pleasure that comes from sexual intimacy happens outside of your mind.
• If sexual intercourse does not occur at or before the time of intercourse, never regret it. Simply explain to your wife, “I’m so tired today (or‘ I drank a lot, I guess ’), everything will be fine tomorrow,” and never feel guilty. At the same time, do not blame the woman for this failure. Think about connecting your hearts to each other even without sexual intimacy.
• It is not superfluous to fantasize about intimate games. Changing circumstances is also one of the measures that strengthen sexual intimacy.
• There are also special exercises for sexually free and confident behavior that can be done in consultation with a specialist.

@andrology_uz 🚑

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