How much does it cost to enter Disneyland in different parts of the world?


How much does it cost to enter Disneyland in different parts of the world?

Even someone over the age of thirty dreams of going to Disneyland at least once in their life. When you travel, for example, you feel like you are walking in a fairy tale.

There are only six wolt Disney parks in the world: two in the U.S., two in China, one in Japan and one in France. They always have to stand in line to get to a crowded and popular attraction.

Ticket prices for 3 days are as follows:
- Disney world, Florida $ 360;
- Disneyland, California $ 300;
- Disneyland Paris $ 236;
- Disneyland Hong Kong $ 180;
- Disneyland Tokyo $ 162;
- Disneyland Shanghai $ 183;

You will also need to purchase a room from the hotel for around $ 246-680 for two nights.

1-3 day tickets can be purchased from the official websites, at the entrance to Disneyland, or through the vendors ’websites.