What is the external debt of Central Asian countries?


What is the external debt of Central Asian countries?

- As of October 2020, 1, the total external debt of Uzbekistan amounted to 29.3 billion dollars. 46% of GDP

- Kazakhstan's external debt as of August 2020 will amount to $ 152.7 billion. 83% of GDP

- As of May 31, Kyrgyzstan's external debt amounted to $ 4.8 billion. 85.8% of GDP

- As of October 1, Tajikistan's external debt amounted to $ 3.2 billion. 40% of GDP

- Turkmen officials do not report on public debt. Public debt is expected to range from $ 9 billion to $ 11.1 billion.

@NarxiQancha - # 1 blog about prices!

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