QanchaHow much water should I drink a day?
🔸Loss of only 2% of water in the human body leads to severe thirst. A loss of 10 per cent is life-threatening, while a figure of 12 per cent can lead to irreversible processes;
🔸Drinking 6 glasses of clean water every day has been proven to be very effective for the normal functioning of the heart.
But this amount should not be taken as for all diseases;
🔸In general, the daily water norm for each person is chosen individually. Factors such as weight, movement, age, various diseases, diet, medications taken are taken into account. But there are general recommendations that apply to most people with this disease - children should drink 2-3 liters, adults 3-5 liters of water (or various forms of fluids). Compote, juices, various tinctures can also replace water and give good benefits. But it is not possible to put lipstick on carbonated drinks.
🔸Water should be consumed in small, regular, unsatisfactory amounts.