How does rheumatism occur?


❓How does rheumatism occur?

? Rheumatism or acute rheumatic fever is a complex disease that affects the heart, joints, skin and nervous system. Occurs after a sore throat caused by a group A streptococcal infection.

? The disease most often affects children over 3 years of age and those under 21 years of age who have not been treated with antibiotics or have a high risk of contracting acute rheumatic fever.

? Cardit. Carditis is an inflammation of the heart, the most common complication of rheumatism. In this case, first the valves, heart muscle and outer membrane - the pericardium are damaged.

? Polyarthritis. The joints become inflamed with rheumatic fever, they become swollen, red and sore. It usually affects the knees, elbows, ankles, and wrists. The pain occurs in one bone joint and then in the other.

? A common feature of acute rheumatic fever is that it never affects the spine and rarely affects the shoulder or finger joints.

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