How are telegram channels stolen?


How are telegram channels stolen?
I had no intention of writing on this topic, but I wrote this topic after reading a survey conducted today on the Mahalla Charitable Public Foundation channel. I’m far from convinced that the fund channel was attacked by hackers, but I just want to point out that there are various ways to break the channels. For example, this method:
You are the owner of a channel, someone wants to buy you that channel and offers you an irrevocable amount. You agree and he asks you to call, through which he will know your phone number.
Then, after the nonsense, he asks you to prove that you really are an admin and asks you to show your phone screen via a video call.
When you show your screen, the malicious person will start connecting to the telegram with your number and when you arrive at the place to send the code to connect, the sent code will be viewed from your phone screen via video call.
That's it, the channel is asleep, and so is your data.
This is just one way to steal channels. No violations were committed here, only your carelessness.
When the Telegram was created, large sums were offered to break it, and thus its safety was thoroughly checked, so that any breach could now be caused by the user of this oil.
☝️I would like to believe that the survey organized by the Public Fund also came out due to some carelessness, which was a big minus for the foundation. My position is that if this request came out with some technical error, I am against many channels making such a request and leading the trend. This technical condition can occur with any channel.
These are just my IMHOs. @planetait

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