What kind of holiday is New Year's Eve?


What kind of holiday is New Year's Eve?
Each holiday has its own history. Every event requires an interpretation according to people's attention. For such interpretations to be credible, they need to shed light on the facts through concrete evidence (facts and arguments). If so, why? How? There is no room for questions like?
But not everyone can dare to understand the reality of reality. Because there are always people who are always against the idea, who are indifferent, who try to create conspiracies.
Some people, on the other hand, do not want to delve deeper into the meaning of what they are doing. This group of people happily perform various rituals without realizing the meaning of reality. If you ask them to explain the content of what they are doing, they will confuse your mind with a blunt mind.
But there is another group of people who pay attention to the content of every action. He approaches with eloquence and ingenuity, looking for a reason. He does what he does when it is good. Otherwise avoid it. To help such people, we wrote an article about this "new year", God bless!
How did New Year's Eve come about?
The New Year was first introduced in Rome by Julius Caesar. Caesar adopted the new Julian calendar in 46 BC. According to the new calendar, the first month was called "January" after the Roman god Janus. And the first New Year celebration was held in honor of Janus.
Janus was one of the many gods of the Romans, and the Romans described him as a double-faced man. It had two faces at the head of the deity, the first facing the front and the second facing the back.
Therefore, in the early days of Christianity, the people of Jesus did not celebrate this holiday, but opposed it as a complication of polytheism.
Then this holiday gradually spread among the Roman nations and took shape as a value. It then spread to Greece, Egypt, the Middle East, and southern Europe.
Peter I brought the New Year to Russia from Europe. It was by his decree that the New Year was officially celebrated from 1700 onwards. Until then, the Russians also celebrated the New Year on March 21. The most interesting thing is that the Russians celebrated the New Year during the day.
They didn't drink, they didn't drink. Instead, festivities were organized. They held various competitions. Seedlings are planted. In the new year, people gave advice on land reclamation and farming. (Taken from M. Zadornov)
New Year's Eve was also the subject of much controversy during the Soviet era. It is known that from 1919 the Soviets switched to the Gregorian calendar. However, the New Year was not banned, but began to be celebrated according to the Gregorian calendar.
However, the new year was not officially recognized by the Soviet government. From 1930 to 1947, January 1 was a normal working day. Only in 1947, by the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, January 1 was declared a holiday.
New Year's emblems
The arch, which has become a symbol of the New Year, was included in the celebration because it is considered sacred to the peoples of the north. In fact, from ancient times the northern peoples had a tradition of worshiping the cult of the spruce, circling around it on holidays and saying their wishes. It is also a tradition in the north to decorate the arch with various fruits and toys, as there is a shortage of fruits and other products during the winter.
The images of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are also considered heroes of ancient Slavic legends. 
The first image of Santa Claus or Santa Claus was formed under the influence of the national religions of the Slavs. Santa was considered the god of winter and frost in ancient times. When the Russians converted to Christianity, it was banned as an element of polytheism and abandoned. But by the 18th century, the god, who had been sealed in the minds of the Slavs, had returned on the pretext of a New Year’s Eve as a miraculous, kind, and generous hero.
When is the New Year celebrated in Uzbekistan?
According to sources, this holiday has been celebrated among Uzbeks since the 19th century. Uzbekistan celebrates "Russian version of New Year" In the early days of the New Year with the invading Russians, the locals had a strong hatred for celebrating the New Year. For this reason, New Year's Eve was secretly celebrated among the natives of Tsarist Russia, the Russophiles, and those in the service of the Russians.
Over the years, as relations with Russia have strengthened, population integration has developed, and cultures have harmonized, the number of New Year's celebrations has also increased. Especially during the Soviet era, the public celebration of this holiday among the local population, who returned to study in Russian schools, led to the widespread popularity of the holiday.
In 1947, by the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, January 1 was declared a holiday, and the New Year was officially celebrated in Uzbekistan.
In the second half of the twentieth century, the New Year is widely celebrated in almost every home and organization.
Even after Uzbekistan declared independence in 1991, New Year's Eve remained an official holiday.
What is the difference between New Year and Christmas?
Today, few Uzbeks know that the New Year has been introduced in honor of the Roman god YANUS. On the contrary, the vast majority consider this holiday to be a Christian holiday. Pure Christians do not know that they do not officially celebrate this holiday, but are against it.
The holiday celebrated by Christians is "Christmas", which in Uzbek is called "Mawlud Day". It celebrates the birthday of Jesus. Christmas is celebrated on December 25 in the Catholics and Protestants according to the new calendar, on December 25 in the Russian, Serbian, Armenian-Gregorian and in the Eastern Catholic churches on the Julian calendar - on January 7 according to the new Gregorian calendar.
In fact, it is not permissible to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. Because Jesus himself did not command anyone to do this. It is possible that the celebration of Mawlid was established by the Christians of that time to liberate the public mind from the Day of the Sun God, which the Romans celebrated on December 25.
The conclusion is cleara
Celebrating the New Year is at everyone's discretion. If someone celebrates it, there will be no resistance. These views were written impartially for “thinkers”. Wicked people who do not feel the purity of their faith will probably criticize if they do not understand it. It is not in our power not to express our opinion by hesitation or fear of someone.
Furthermore, none of the ideas presented here are new. All arguments were collected on the basis of clear historical sources and presented concisely to the reader.
Thank you for your attention!

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