How to create a business plan


A business plan is a common management tool in a market economy, the basis of individual business in relation to specific marketing, financial, logistical and personnel policies. When establishing new enterprises, it is necessary to develop a business plan to justify the effectiveness of investments in the reconstruction of existing ones.

The business plan consists of several parts:


1. Information about the enterprise.

2. Information about product (service) features.

3. Marketing plan.

4. Production plan.

5. Financial planning and risk prevention.



The resume should not exceed one page and should contain the following information:

- full name of the enterprise.

- information about products and services, to whom they are offered and their competitive advantage.

- an understanding of why the consumer needs this product or service.

- goals and objectives of the enterprise.

- forecast of trade volume, income and cash flow.

- information on how much money is needed and when it will be spent.


Business information

This section contains all the information about the company: organizational and legal form, date of establishment, purpose and characteristics of business, information about products and services, patents, licenses, etc.


Product (service) fact information.

This section provides detailed information about the business. The advantages and disadvantages of competing firms are also highlighted.


Marketing plans

The general marketing project sets certain rules for the expansion of products (services), pricing, reimbursement of expenses.


Production plan

Here we talk about the geographical location of the enterprise, the characteristics of the location of structures, the advantages and disadvantages of the current location. It also provides information about the production process, qualification requirements for workers, calendar plans.


Financial planning and risk prevention

In this section, the materials of the above sections are summarized and their value indicators are presented. To substantiate the business plan, 3 basic forecasts for 5-3 years will be prepared:

- profit and loss

- cash flow distribution project

- Loan repayment project.

Here it is important to take into account the risk of damage and take into account the risks of the project.



The last section of the business plan sets out the amount of money needed to implement the project, the type and size of collateral to be provided to investors, and provides a brief overview of the growth prospects of the investment.

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